Question: if Obamacare was doing well, would so many liberals be calling for a public option?
(CNS News) “How concerned are you that ObamaCare could implode?” Chuck Todd, host of NBC’s “Meet the Press,” asked former Obama campaign manager and senior adviser David Plouffe on Sunday.
Plouffe said while “almost all” of Obamacare is working, he believes it’s time to consider a “public option” — a government-run health care plan.
“So I think what will happen after this election, though, is obviously you’ll have the space to say OK, what is working well? And I think almost all of it is. What needs to be strengthened? I think you’ll see a lot of Republican governors now finally accept Medicaid funding.”
If Ocare was working so well only the fringe would be calling for a public option, for morphing Ocare into single payer. If it was working so well they’d be screaming about its successes from the belfry.
Do you know who else wants a public option (well, for Everyone Else, because, like in many countries, the elites find ways around it to get quality care without waiting in long lines)?
“So you know, I think — but at the end of the day, the president spoke of that. And he thinks that’s part of the solution going forward.”
Obama does
Writing in the Journal of the American Medical Association last month, President Obama discussed “next steps” for the Affordable Care Act.
“Some parts of the country have struggled with limited insurance market competition for many years, which is one reason that, in the original debate over health reform, Congress considered and I supported including a Medicare-like public plan. Public programs like Medicare often deliver care more cost-effectively by curtailing administrative overhead and securing better prices from providers.
Doctors and medical practices are dropping out of the system or refusing to accept new patients, due to massive problems in getting reimbursed, and those reimbursals often being break even or losing money. As far as administrative overhead, Ocare added tons of that.
“The public plan did not make it into the final legislation. Now, based on experience with the ACA, I think Congress should revisit a public plan to compete alongside private insurers in areas of the country where competition is limited. Adding a public plan in such areas would strengthen the Marketplace approach, giving consumers more affordable options while also creating savings for the federal government.”
So, now that Ocare is floundering, now that insurance providers are fleeing the system, now that co-ops are crashing, now that doctors are saying “nope, get it away”, now that premiums are spiking, etc and so on, Obama wants a public option. The next step would be to fully implement single payer, a full government run system. Except for those elites like Plouffe and Obama. Of course, it would be tougher, since so many elites from countries with single payer come to the U.S. for that quality care.

Teach MOST American are sattisfied with their healthcare that would be 2 out of 3 The highest disapproval rating comes from those who are still uninsured.
Americans that have signed up for ACA are more satisfied than those who are on private/employer plans
Most Americans want single payer
Your views on healthcare are as far away from the norm as they are on immigration (deport them all) and abortion (abortion is murder)
These type of extremist views have destroyed the GOP
HB2 is one reason that NC has turned Blue
Teach most Americans want the single payer. And yes it is coming.
Yes Teach elites DO come here for care IF they can afford it. But far far more Americans are forced to go to other countries where they can afford care. Many Many Americans must travel to Mexico Canada for affordable treatment than those “wealthy elites” that can come here. Should our country’s healthcare be judged by what the richest can afford? Or by what the pooreset receive in healthcare.
Should the poor have a RIGHT to healthcare? Should kids expect quality care?
Most Americans were satisfied with their healthcare before Obamacare. Again, you’re running a country by “poll” with 2 out of 3. That’s two wolves and a sheep deciding what’s for dinner. That still means 1/3 don’t like it. Could you run a successful business if 1/3 of your customers didn’t like your product? The answer is no for you leftists that don’t understand business.
No they are not or they would switch.
Most Americans want no such thing. Stop running everybodys life on Gallup polls. Even if every single American wanted single payer except one that one still should have the right not to.
What oes immigration and abortion have to do with it? What do “extremist views” or HB2 have to do with healthcare? Is it possible for you to keep on topic?
Everything after “yes Teach” is incorrect, conflated and irrelevant to whether you have a right to force someone to buy what you want not what he wants.
Neither. It should be judged on the overall quality of the healthcare it delivers. Should a restaurant be judged on whether the rich or the poor eat there or how good its food is?
A RIGHT john is something to which you have a JUST CLAIM. Nobody has a just claim to the wealth or the labor of another. The former is theft and the latter is slavery. Hospitals, staff, doctors, nurses ect, etc, all cost money and must be paid for. Doctors, nurses and staff are humman beings, john, and they are not your slaves to be told to work because “you have a RIGHT to healthcare”. As a typical leftist you seem to think you have a RIGHT to other peoples things. You don’t.
“Should kids expect quality healthcare?” Should kids expect quality food, housing, clothing, education, parenting? That all depends on what their parents provide for them. Perhaps instead of constantly trying to steal your neighbor’s property you should concentrate on creating an environment that fosters good parenting and responsible child care. You’d be doing the victims of your theft, enslavement and exploitation a favor as well as “the kids”.
Liberals preferred a public option, or better yet, single payer. The PPACA was the best they could get under the circumstances.
The Tea Party dominated Repubs oppose any and all gov’t involvement in healthcare, and would turn Medicare into a privately run voucher system if they could.
The argument that single-payer healthcare is tyranny seems tepid. We go to wars with money paid by every American, many of whom do not support the wars. Are their god-given rights being trampled? I was forced to pay for the Vietnam and Iraq incursions even though I opposed them.
They will never admit the idea is a failure
only its execution is a failure.
But you knew that, right?
And, yes, they would have gotten away with it, if those meddling teabaggers hadn’t obstructed it with their negative mindthoughts.
The ACA is the best that could have been obtained under the circumstances. That is the stupidest statement that I have ever read. The Dems had total control of all branches of the government and that is what they produced. NOTE, when Gruber was saying that he sold the ACA as Americans are stupid, he was not addressing the conservatives who saw what was going on, he was referencing the liberal who are currently commenting.
Okay, so the only thing not working with obummercare is the price.
What else is there???????
We already had the best healthcare in the world. This has always been about someone else paying for someone else’s healthcare.
Note to Jeffery, I willingly pay my taxes to protect my country and way of living, not to pay for healthcare for someone who does not want to work.
Would you willingly pay for the healthcare of a child whose parent(s) are not willing to work?
That person or child who is not willing to work, if he was involved in an automobile accident would you be willing to just let him die if he did not have the ability to pay for his care?
What if that non worker had TB or was HIV positive or severe mental health problems?? Care? or No Care??
simply being in the Democratic Party does not mean that all of your decisions will be correct. Actually saying that you think that anyone actually believed that the ACA was an optimal solution is amongst the stupidest thing I have ever read. However I would not be surprised to see you breach that ceiling in the near future.
Any Bill that has a chance to become law has many compromises.
Nothing’s changed.
Yeah, okay. Let’s start that project on the 1st of Suck My Dick. How’s that sound?
Your scenario about the child is way out there. In the US, there has never been anyone that had there child suffer in that manner, doctors and hospitals always respond and take care of what is necessary. At least that happened before the ACA. Now, it is not know if you would actually be breaking the law in helping a child in the way you describe. You do know that it is against the law to give free care? Now, how about this, an elderly lady with a history of breast cancer can not get diagnostic workups to assess if the disease has recurred due to the ACA. Or, someone with a family history of colon polyps can not get necessary colonoscopy due to liberal interference in our lives. Or, a person very concerned over their high risk for CAD and funny chest pain can not get a stress test. The list goes on. What stupid liberals (not my words, came from Gruber) don’t understand is that you get the cost of medical care to go down by not allowing people to have it.
“Should the poor have a right to healthcare?” Just the poor, John, not everybody? And aren’t we talking about health insurance and not healthcare?
There is no problem with liberals wanting and getting, a single payer plan. The problem starts when they think for some unknown reason they have the right to force people who don’t want a single payer plan to be in it or pay for it. All you needed from the start was to make Medicare open enrollment. Then let people join what they wish. Why is allowing freedom of choice so hard for liberals unless it’s about abortion?
The TeaParty does not and has not “dominated” Republicans. The TeaParty stands for “taxed Enough Already” and is basically a movement to reduce taxes. Republicans do not “oppose any and all government involvement in healthcare” but we do oppose our health and by extension our lives run by government bureaucrats. We believe as health insurance consumers that the free market with open choices is the best way to distribute health insurance to the most people. We also do not understand why the left continues to push for a “single payer” solution for health insurance where free choice and a menu of benefits are available for those who want them.
Perhaps to you it “seems tepid” but to a fair-minded person respecting the right of his fellow citizen to participate is reasonable. Health insurance is not war and the very idea you would equate the two is imbecilic.
I was forced to pay for the Vietnam and Iraq incursions even though I opposed them.
Jeffery this is just another reason why the right wants government out of our lives….We are all being forced….left, right, center….to pay for things we do not want, do not support and do not find beneficial to our own selves.
This however is not your stance….You oppose X but then want to Force y and z on every one else.
You always seem to claim the moral high ground with every argument….yet morality is a slippery slope from which there is no sure footing.
A right is defined by the constitution….The rest is just hubris by both sides.