As Steven Hayward at Powerline notes, this is a headline he never thought he’d see. I have to disagree: this is the Cult of Climastrology we’re talking about, after all
Cow Fart Regulations Approved By California’s Legislature
SACRAMENTO (AP) — California’s Legislature has approved regulations on cow flatulence and manure – both blamed for releasing greenhouse gases.
The measure was approved shortly before the end of the legislative session Wednesday after its author, Democratic Senator Ricardo Lara of Bell Gardens, agreed to give dairy farms more time to comply.
The legislation seeks to reduce methane emissions associated with manure to 40 percent below their 2013 levels by 2030. Methane is one of several gases known as short-lived climate pollutants that don’t persist for long in the atmosphere but have a huge influence on the climate.
Fortunately, California consumers are more than willing to pay a lot more for beef and milk, especially when many farmers decide to head to different states to operate. Wait, they aren’t?

Okay, I’ll ask it…
How does one regulate cow farts?
I had to check your link, just to make sure it wasn’t from The Onion.
Mr Puppies asked:
Don’t you understand? The Golden State will now be hiring thousands upon thousands of Bovine Flatulence Inspectors — no immigration documentation needed, of course — to walk the farms and fields monitoring this huge, huge problem.
Upon discovering cows which are overabundant methane producers, the BFI men will then attach Methane Collection Devices — solar powered, to be sure — to the appropriate ends of these beeves, to make sure that we’re not all doomed.
Actually if you knew anything at all about the dairy business you would know that what this bill is aiming to do is to cover manure pits and capture the methane .
Are all te posters here urban dwellers?
you can see that the Chinese are far ahead of the USA in this as they are in solar and wind power. I guess it is because Obama made them doi tit? Or maybe because it makes good business sense.
The guy who belches diesel fuel smoke into the atmosphere, killing Mother Gaia, wrote:
If it does, then American businessmen will do it.
John, you really can’t be as stupid as you come off here. China is a communist country, john. The government decides what will and will not be done. They have no “business sense” they’re anti-business communists, john. They’re ahead of the USA because they are forced to. Is that what you want john? If they won’t comply they’re shot. Man, you’re ridiculous.