…is an ocean that will rise up and swamp the areas that Dear Hillary campaigns in, you might just be a Warmist
The blog of the day is Hot Air Pundit, with a post on Hillary having another big coughing fit.

…is an ocean that will rise up and swamp the areas that Dear Hillary campaigns in, you might just be a Warmist
The blog of the day is Hot Air Pundit, with a post on Hillary having another big coughing fit.
More shady shenanigans from the Clinton Crime family and NY AG Schneiderman says, fuck it, pursuing climate skeptics is way more important.
Newly released emails suggest a senior Hillary Clinton aide stage-managed her first hearing on the Benghazi terrorist attack by feeding specific topics Clinton wanted to address to Democratic Sen. Robert Menendez, who at the time was acting chairman of the Foreign Relations Committee.
Can anyone spell the name of the Communist Russian Newspaper of the former USSR?
Can anyone remember the name of the ruling body?
Can anyone remember what it was like to have some semblance of politicians with an ounce of Integrity?
What’s confusing is that Hayley is Australian and not a Chargers girl.
FOX News really put the screws to Roger Ailes, only paying him $40 million to leave!
Kids go hungry and a disgusting fat pig gets $40 million for being a disgusting fat pig. Is this a great country or what?
Kids go hungry and a disgusting fat pig gets $40 million for being a disgusting fat pig. Is this a great country or what?
Agreed. I think they were trying to keep Greta from leaving with that payment….It didnt work.
Kids go hungry and a big fat pig begs donors for $100 million more.
Well, is anyone actually a Chargers fan? Look at those legs, though.