Nothing says “please hear our message and commiserate” like causing a lot of people problems
(UK Daily Mail) London City Airport was brought to a standstill by Black Lives Matter demonstrators who stormed the runway early this morning to protest against the UK’s ‘racist climate crisis’.
The mayhem began at 5.40am when nine protesters chained themselves to a tripod in the middle of the tarmac to ‘highlight the UK’s environmental impact on the lives of black people’, cancelling dozens of flights and delaying several more.
The incident triggered huge security concerns amid reports the demonstrators – who witnesses described as ‘white and middle class’ – managed to get airside by sailing a blow-up dinghy across the Royal Docks.
Hit the link to see photos of these super pasty-white wankers. Not a black face amongst them. Fortunately, the police decided to negotiate with them. For 6 hours. Which delayed all the people who had things to do. Before finally arrested them.
The demonstrators are part of the British wing of a campaign set up in the US to protest about black Americans being shot by police – although the original branch of the group has never campaigned about climate change.
Do they not have blacks in Britain? Or, do only lilly white nutters care? Or, was this really something else?
After arriving on the site, the group released a statement saying black people are ’28 per cent more likely to suffer air pollution’ and that the airport was allowing a ‘wealthy elite’ to fly around the world while migrants are drowning in the Mediterranean.
It appears more likely that these fools are standard wackjob Warmists who hijacked the #Blacklivesmatter movement for their own purposes.
But don’t think that it’s only Warmists willing to hijack memes: real Black Lives Matter (except when they’re killing each other wantonly in the streets) have hijacked the Cult of Climastrology
As the Daily Mail notes “Black Lives Matter have released a climate change appeal to try and stop the London City airport expansion.” Apparently, none of them were willing to hang on the runway and shut it down, though. Anyhow, the climate crisis is apparently a raaaacist crisis. Or something.

thank you Teach for pointing out the racial make up of that protest. It is always important to notice things like that. Because not all human beings are the same color we should always note that.
LOLOL John seriously……..when was the last time you saw conservatives running onto the tarmac and delaying and disrupting the lives of 10’s of thousands of people?
Answer me a question John….why is it that only far left uber liberals seem to love protesting, riots, rallies and so on and so forth…….
Could it be that the politicians who proclaim their love for them…..arent fulfilling their promises.
As Ive always said…….the LEFTS drug of choice is poverty…….Keep giving them just enough to keep them addicted to the lefts message of hope that is veiled in dispair.