Let’s not forget that Hillary tried to claim all her air miles while Secretary of State as an accomplishment. She’s flying around the country, mostly to attend fancy pants fund raisers, and trotting out silliness like this
(Free Beacon) Hillary Clinton said climate change was to blame for Hurricane Hermine during a campaign rally Tuesday in Tampa, Florida, warning more storms would come.
“Another threat to our country is climate change,†she said. “2015 was the hottest year on record, and the science is clear. It’s real. It’s wreaking havoc on communities across America. Last week’s hurricane was another reminder of the devastation that extreme weather can cause, and I send my thoughts and prayers to everyone affected by Hermine.â€
Yes, that dastardly climate change, which has kept Florida hurricane free for 11 years, till it was hit with a barely a hurricane named Hermine. Heck, it has barely been tagged with tropical storms and depressions over the last 11 years.
“But this is not the last one that’s going to hit Florida, given what’s happening in the climate. Nobody knows that better than folks right here in Tampa and in the broader region,†Clinton continued. “Sea levels have been rising here about an inch per decade since the 1950s. At the rate we are going, by 2030, which is not that far away, $70 billion of coastal property in this state will be flooding at high tide. And whenever our infrastructure is threatened, so too is our homeland security.â€
No, they haven’t. St. Petersburg has data going back to 1947, which shows no acceleration, and .87 feet of sea rise over 100 years. Below what a normal Holocene warm period should see. Ft. Myers is .93 inches. Ceder Key is .65 feet. You can see all the Florida measuring stations here. If, by “about an inch per decade” she means about an inch every 15 years or so, OK then. Which is still not concerning, because it is less than what would be expected. She forgot to mention that part.
And, if sea rise is so dangerous, why do so many hardcore uber-rich Hillary supporters have homes along the coasts? Why is waterfront property so darned valuable? Why is she using so much fossil fuel?

Our esteemed host asked:
Because to succeed the President, she has to show she’d burn as much jet fuel as he has. I would have thought that you’d have known that.
Thats whats so great about Climate Change instead of global warming…….
No matter what happens on any given day anywhere in the world……….
I wonder why Al Gore hasnt started a life raft company?
Thursday morning links
History: 417 Bleecker St. Five Awful Plants for the Front of Your House I could add to that list That ’70s home! Kitsch house that hasn’t changed in 47 years goes up for sale ‘I escaped a North Korean Prison camp’ The Protected Classes Mu