Barack Obama gives what is a very nice Weekly Address on the 15th anniversary of 9/11. He’s given lots of different messages across the years. In 2009, he stressed service. He’s called for tolerance towards Islamists. He’s talked about peace in the Middle East as his super awesome plan in Afghanistan and Iraq came to fruition (sic). Last year he went with pushing service and patriotism. Or, is that people performing service are patriotic? This year we get
Weekly Address: Upholding the Legacy of Those We Lost on September 11th
Fifteen years ago, a September day that began like any other became one of the darkest in our nation’s history. The Twin Towers were reduced to rubble. The Pentagon was in flames. A Pennsylvania field burned with the wreckage of an airplane. And nearly 3,000 innocent lives were lost. Sons and daughters, husbands and wives, neighbors and colleagues and friends. They were from all walks of life, all races and religions, all colors and creeds, from across America and around the world.
This weekend, we honor their memory once more. We stand with the survivors who still bear the scars of that day. We thank the first responders who risked everything to save others. And we salute a generation of Americans—our men and women in uniform, diplomats and our intelligence, homeland security and law enforcement professionals — who serve, and have given their lives, to help keep us safe.
A lot has changed over these past 15 years. We’ve delivered devastating blows to the al Qaeda leaders that attacked us on 9/11. We delivered justice to Osama bin Laden. We’ve strengthened our homeland security. We’ve prevented attacks. We’ve saved lives.
Interestingly, Obama faces a veto override over the bill that allows citizens to sue Saudi Arabia over 9/11, which was passed unanimously by the Congress.
At the same time, the terrorist threat has evolved, as we’ve seen so tragically from Boston to Chattanooga, from San Bernardino to Orlando. So in Afghanistan, Iraq, Syria and beyond, we’ll stay relentless against terrorists like al Qaeda and ISIL. We will destroy them. And we’ll keep doing everything in our power to protect our homeland.
Kinda hard to destroy them when he won’t name who they are. Still, the address is hitting all the points.
As we reflect on these past 15 years, it’s also important to remember what has not changed—the core values that define us as Americans. The resilience that sustains us. After all, terrorists will never be able to defeat the United States. Their only hope is to terrorize us into changing who we are or our way of life. That’s why we Americans will never give in to fear. And it’s why this weekend we remember the true spirit of 9/11. We’re still the America of heroes who ran into harm’s way; of ordinary folks who took down the hijackers; of families who turned their pain into hope. We are still the America that looks out for one another, bound by our shared belief that I am my brother’s keeper, I am my sister’s keeper.
Remember, Obama was blaming the U.S. and yammering on about al Qaeda’s lack of empathy in an opinion piece days after 9/11. Even back then he was super concerned with not being mean to Islamists.
Anyway, Obama ends the weekly address this way
In the face of terrorism, how we respond matters. We cannot give in to those who would divide us. We cannot react in ways that erode the fabric of our society. Because it’s our diversity, our welcoming of all talent, our treating of everybody fairly—no matter their race, gender, ethnicity, or faith—that’s part of what makes our country great. It’s what makes us resilient. And if we stay true to those values, we’ll uphold the legacy of those we’ve lost, and keep our nation strong and free. God bless you, and God bless the United States of America.
Does it seem that Obama is referring to illegal aliens, letting in all those “Syrian” refugees (who are mostly not from Syria, and seem to mostly be fighting age males, as we’ve seen in Europe. Oh, and very, very few are Christians from the area), and, since this is a big National Conversation of late, the gender confused? And even the current #BlackLivesMatter schtick? Is it just me, or do you see that part and think the same thing? It’s a strange line to put into a weekly address on the 15th anniversary on 9/11.
At least it is not as bad as Jill Stein, Green Party candidate, who went 9/11 Truther. But, perhaps he was rushed, seeing as he took most of Friday off, after a little statement on North Korea blowing off another nuke, to play golf.
Crossed at Right Wing News.

The Middle east is in flames because of GWB and Exacerbated drastically by Obama and Hillary Clinton and flamed by John Kerry.
The middle east is burning. People are being raped, tortured, killed, displaced and their lives a shambles….
And Clinton who is about 50 percent responsible for it all can only think that her ENEMY is really Trump Supporters.
And the MSM and JEFFERY AND JOHN SHOUTED AMEN and got back to calling Conservatives…NAZIs.
FORE! Playing through, peasants.
Trumpler could say something to discourage white nationalists from supporting him, but on one of the few things he actually knows something about, he pleads ignorance.
Just as Clinton said, not all Trump supporters are white nationalists, but many are.
Plumb the depths of the thought processes of a few of your co-commenters here to find out.
So a decade and a half later the GOP Congress thinks it is time to pass that Bill? WTF weren’t the Saudis the ones whom we “saved” from Saddam ?
Teach the “christians” in Syria are mostly on aAad’s side he gave them refuge after they were driven out of Iraq by Bush’s war of choice.
And wasn’t Trump alligned with the truthers? i mean the 9/11 truthers, everyome knows he already is a climate truther.
Oh yeah, and fuck those families who were victims of 9/11…
Right, retard?
The Teach interprets this a promoting amnesty and an influx of Syrian refugees??
Conspiratorial thinking is a symptom of the Cult of Conservatology.
Looks like your so called “white nationals” who hate immigrants worked for the Clinton administration:
Nicely played, sir.

Big difference, Elian was here legally and he was sent back to be indoctrinated by a communist government.
I understand that Mr. Beaner, my point was that our comrades here seem to just love immigrants of all stripes be they from Africa or Mexico or the Middle East. But a legal immigrant who seeked asylum from a brutal leftist communist dictator was ripped from his own father’s arms by the uncaring Clinton administration at gun point. Most likely as a show of solidarity between the leftist government of Cuba and our own alt-communists.
And when I heard comrade Obama say: “We cannot give in to those who would divide us.” I couldn’t believe it. The most divisive president in our history who, together with his exploitive racist party, divides all Americans in to races, sexes, incomes and faiths giving a pat on the back to those he needs and the finger to those he doesn’t to even use the term is the apex of hypocrisy.
He’s asking for tolerance for Islamists. You know, the religious cult that is actually a political movement based on murder, conquest and theocracy. The very people who preach the death to America, murder non-moslems and a whole list of other un American beliefs should be welcome. Is he out of his pluckin’ mind? Give me one goo reason America needs moslems.
Much of what conservatives believe to be true is actually untrue.
I would have thought that Abe Lincoln was the most divisive US president. You know, the whole war of northern aggression and all. Or LBJ with the Vietnam mess. Or George W. Bush after it was discovered he lied about invading Iraq. Obama was born Black, it’s nothing he did.
If a president saying, “We cannot give in to those who would divide us” is so upsetting to you, you have more problems than a blog will solve.
Have you thought that your hatred of Mr. Obama might be more deeply rooted?
Do you really interpret “We cannot give in to those who would divide us” as an invitation to murderous terrorists?
Let’s recap the truth of the Elian Gonzalez affair.
His mother (divorced from Elian’s father) and her boyfriend put 6 yr old Elian in a small boat with them and headed from Cuba to the US. The boat capsized and his mother drowned. Elian survived and was taken by the Coast Guard and was given to some of Elian’s relatives in Miami. Elian’s father (in Cuba) claimed Elian was taken to the US without the father’s knowledge and requested that his son be returned to him in Cuba. US courts ruled in favor of the father in Cuba and Elian was returned to him. Neither the father nor the now adult Elian appear interested in immigrating to the US.
For some reason the myth of Elian Gonzalez continues to be strong medicine on the right, but it has nothing to do with Obama’s speech where he said:
That’s as close as a comrade can get to admitting he’s wrong. So basically, the Clinton administration ripped a child from the arms of his relatives after his mother gave her life to gain freedom from communist oppression in Cuba and get him to America. And after being returned to his communist father in the oppressive dictatorship of Cuba Jeffery considers it not unusual that neither the father nor son ever again tried to leave. The idea of them being under close watch or even house arrest never enters Jeffery’s mind because covering up another horrendous crime against humanity perpetrated by the communist left is more important than the truth.
As I said, Much of what conservatives believe to be true is actually untrue.
A 6 yr old child was rightfully returned to his father. Do you advocate taking all children from their parents if you disagree with the parents politics or philosophy?
Will you at least admit that you lied in typing:
Admit it Hoagie, if a Syrian 6 yr old ended up in Florida WITH his father, you’d want them both deported – sent back to sure death.
Was Elian Gonzalez jailed, tortured or killed – or is he an engineering student?
Is it really your contention that Elian Gonzalez was here legally with his father and that Bill Clinton ripped him from his father’s arms at gunpoint and sent him to Cuba to be raised by communists??
Is this a common myth in conservaworld or is it just yours?
Conspiratorial thinking, is it? There’s no conspiracy once you see a pattern of behavior, but never mind that. With the left, character is a word that has no meaning, and people can only mean what they say, unless of course they’re using secret dog-whistle conservative hatewords (TM), which strangely only the left is able to detect. So, conspiratorial thinking by your definition, exists just as much on the left as it does on the right, assuming that what you’ve said about Teach’s reasoning is correct.
So now you can say: “Conspiratorial thinking is a symptom of the Cult of Liberalogy”.
In reality, it’s far more nuanced than that, as the master of nuance, John Kerry knows. :)
Nicely tossed word salad.
Typical conservative nonsensical gibberish – since I didn’t define conspiratorial thinking or feel the need to.
Study after study shows that conservatives are prone to conspiracies. This is consistent with the widespread meme that much of what conservatives believe to be true is not.
So far the only conspiracy you’ve proved is the conspiracy causing people to repeat the mantra “much of what conservatives believe to be true is not.”. It is a good conspiracy and you’ve been a loyal conspirator in its development and dispersion however, it’s so thoroughly debunked it’s become like the sniffling’s of a child in a nightmare.
There is one conspiracy however, Hillary is ill, was ill and has been ill and her handers and the media have conspired to over it up because she is not fit for any office much less the oval office. And you Jeffery are guilty of repeating the lie and thus you cannot ever be trusted.
No, I will not admit I lied you pathetic, ignorant pig. I made a mistake. I knew quite well it was his uncle but in the heat of the moment typed his father. A mistake is not a lie you idiot.
Got any links there, little guy?
Yes please let us know about these studies. Do they come from the folks who suffer from micro-aggressions, need trigger warnings and safe rooms. The same people who claimed Bush blew up the towers in New York and the levees in New Orleans.
You get caught in a lie and double and become even more vulgar. No wonder you support Trumplestiltkin.
It certainly changes the meaning of your “tale” when we revealed his father was in Cuba insisting his son be returned to him, doesn’t it. You claimed Bill Clinton tore the 6 year old from his father’s arms and sent him to Cuba to be an indoctrinated orphan under the tutelage of Cuban communists. That’s some “mistake”.
A very convenient “mistake” on your part, you pathetic ignorant pig. A “mistake” that completely and conveniently changes the nature of the story is indeed a lie, you idiot.
Be a man and admit you were repeating a right-wing myth and got caught. Perhaps you were just ignorant of the facts.
Much of what conservatives believe to be true is actually false.
Agenda 21, Obama Muslim, Obama Kenya, Jade Helm, Common Core/Gay Indoctrination, North American Union, Shariah Law, Coming Gun Grab, FEMA Concentration Camps, US Muslim Training Camps, The Homo Agenda, Hillary/Vince Foster, Hillary Gay, War on Xmas, BENGHAZI!!…
and on and on…
Much of what conservatives believe to be true is actually false.
Maybe you should get your story straight, little guy.
I typed father when I meant family. I apologize for my error. Everyone, even brainwashed idiots in fly over country in the mid west knows the story of Elian Gonzales so any attempt to LIE about it is impossible. You project you propensity to lie on everyone else. Like this nonsense:
“Conservatives” believe no such nonsense. The propagandists who wash your brains want you to think that’s what conservatives believe to keep you stupid. They’re doing a very good job in your case.
Much of what you believe conservatives believe to be true is actually false.
Now you have received my apology. You are always welcome to correct me if I’m factually wrong and welcome to point out any errors, but if you ever believe me to be deliberately lying you are just a fool. A lie is meant to deliberately deceive someone and I am not interested in deceiving you or anyone else. But I will not discuss anything with a fool who screams “liar” at every mistake, error or disagreement. You may be perfect and I am not but, I am not a liar and I find those who accuse others more often than not are the guilty ones.
Conservatives†believe no such nonsense. The propagandists who wash your brains want you to think that’s what conservatives believe to keep you stupid. They’re doing a very good job in your case.
Excellent job Hoagie. Ive been thinking along these lines for a while now when reading his posts. I just havent bothered to waste the time trying to define him….This is an excellent synopsis of Jeffery’s thinking as penned by him here at this site anyways.
“The condition upon which God hath given liberty to man is eternal vigilance; which condition if he break, servitude is at once the consequence of his crime and the punishment of his guilt.” John Philpot Curran
I think this best sums up Conservatives. People like Jeffery think we are conspiritorial in a nation full of lying, cheating, stealing, do anything bastard Politicians who with the stroke of a pen would take away freedoms and liberties and make us do things that we do not want to do, do not care to do and did not vote for them to force us to do.
Forgive us our Vigilance….if it was not for Americans….not just conservatives…but Americans vigilance and protection of liberties we would indeed be in servitude for our crime of being too lazy to care about our Liberty.