Hillary tried walking back, just a tiny bit with a non-apology apology, her “baskets of deplorables” comment. And, in all fairness, some of Trump’s supporters are deplorable. But, do you know what? Many of Hillary’s supporters are also deplorable. That’s a post, perhaps, for another day. In the meantime
(The Hill) Donald Trump retweeted an old post from President Obama to mock his Democratic rival’s recent controversial comment, in which she characterized half of Trump’s supporters as “deplorable.”
“RT if you agree: We need a President who is fighting for all Americans, not one who writes of nearly half the country,” Obama tweeted in September of 2012.
“You know, just to be grossly generalist, you could put half of Trump’s supporters into what I call the basket of deplorables,” Clinton said on Friday night.
Obama’s tweet was a response to Mitt Romney’s “47 percent” gaffe, in which he said nearly half of Americans were so dependent on the government that they were likely to vote for Obama “no matter what.”
RT if you agree: We need a President who is fighting for all Americans, not one who writes off nearly half the country.
— Barack Obama (@BarackObama) September 18, 2012
Of course, that account was run by Organizing For America, O’s hardcore organization, so, those weren’t O’s actual words. But, most wouldn’t realize that it wasn’t O unless signed B.O. The Hill’s Paulina Firozi sure didn’t. Regardless, this was O’s account. Hillary does not represent American’s. Only certain ones. Heck, she doesn’t even represent all the people who plan on voting for her. She’s for the rich folks that donate. She’s for herself. Everyone else is a peon there to worship her and do what she says.
Is Trump any better? We don’t know. He doesn’t have the political record to make a determination. He’s certainly a damned site better than Hillary.
Get your bumper sticker here.

Clinton apologized about “half”, and she was right to do that. It’s unlikely that half of Trump’s supporters are alt-right white nationalists. That any of his supporters are IS deplorable.
Here’s a deep dive by a conservative Republican (served Reagan, Bush 1&2, Wm Bennett) into why neither Trump nor Clinton are fit to be prez: (Hint, Trump is worse).
There is a good video by a doctor on American Thinker that summates all of Hillary’s expression of illness. He says it is likely Parkinson’s disease, though it could equally be neuro-syphilis. The fact is that Hillary is physically a wreck and has no business running for President or being able to handle the job. Add to that the fact that she is a liar, crooked, corrupt and incompetent and you wonder why the Dems are presenting such a person.
As to Jeff and his comments, he is obviously deranged and his world is coming apart. It looks more like the communist utopia is further in the future.
Do you self-identify as a white supremacist, white nationalist or neo-confederate?
LOL. The CIA approached INFOWARS and told them she had Parkinson’s.
The Hag is not well…
Hillary Collapses AGAIN at the 911 ceremony.
Not fit to be president.
Bernie Sanders should take her place.
As a foreigner, would you prefer Senator Sanders?
Guess we should stop discussing Hag’s deplorable health issues…
Maybe 71% of doctors surveyed were right.
Looks like Hillary! is unfit to be president. I bet Sanders is cursing his a$$ off. They say it was the heat but it was only 79 at the time. It’s gonna be a whole lot hotter where she’s going. She better get used to it.
Do you identify as an anti white racist, an anti American quisling or an alt-communist member of the democrat party?
Oddly our resident alt-communist commenter seems to find nothing deplorable about Hillary! being supported by the entire Communist Party USA, the Moslem Brotherhood, CAIR and The New Black Panthers. All anti American hate groups, all advocating the destruction of our Republic.
Looks like she’s ha it in this video. She’s definitely unfit for president.
As a foreigner, would you prefer Senator Sanders?
I had a friend who was a blogger. I met him in turkey. He was obsessed with American politics.
He would many times get blasted for commenting on American politics when he was not an American.
The question then became….is freedom of speech on the internet just for Americans or is it for everyone?
He was such an apologist for Ergodon. I tried to enlighten him….He failed to see. About a week ago he told me via message…..I think your right…the crack down here is pretty severe and the fact we had an attempted coup is even more evidence that this country is indeed divided in a dangerous manner.
Whenever a party Does to Bernie Sanders what it did…as revealed by the DNC emails….it divides the party…..A party divided in an atmosphere of a divided nation is very dangerous for us all.
The GOP is divided now….it started with the TEA party who then elected Politican after politician who then lied to us and failed to do anything they promised.
So now we have two divided parties and Hillary is occupying space and would be willing to be rolled up to the podium to take the oath in an iron lung….
For the party……the Nation……the answer is yes….I think Bernie should take Hillarys place.
Hell I might vote for him….hes the only one Ive seen with an ounce of integrity.
Yeah, nothing shouts “integrity” like an avowed socialist buying his third home for $600,000. There’s a real “man of the people”. Just another leftist lyin’ thief stealing other people’s money to line his own pockets.
Statement from Secretary Clinton’s doctor:
LOL, so now it’s pneumonia. Diagnosed days ago but kept secret, only to be revealed when a crisis occurs. Everything about hillary is a backup story to cover for the current narrative. A hillary presidency is going to look like Weekend At Bernie’s
Was she ‘dehydrated’ during Benghazi too?
For someone who was supposedly diagnosed with pneumonia on Friday, it sure took them quite a while to announce it.
Pretty sure the Hag’s collapse can be tied to global warming.
Well 97% sure anyway.
eah, nothing shouts “integrity†like an avowed socialist buying his third home for $600,000.
I have three homes….How many do you have Hoagie.
Pretty sure the Hag’s collapse can be tied to global warming.
LOLOLOL….The science is settled…97 percent of scientists agree that Clinton is suffering Some kind of weather related disease.
Mrs. Sanders inherited a vacation home in Maine, sold it and used the proceeds to purchase the 1800 square vacation home in Vermont, closer to their residence and which will be used by Mr. and Mrs. Sanders and Sanders’s son from a previous relationship, his wife’s three children from her first marriage, their spouses and seven grandkids.
There is no evidence that Senator Sanders enriched himself from campaign funds and it would be illegal anyway.
Senator Sanders net worth registers just over $500,000, on the low side for someone of his age and income history.
Senator Sanders is a democratic socialist. You should look up what that means.
Hoagie: Do you have your own blog? You have a knack for spreading right-wing disinformation, much like Mr. Teach and the odious jimhoft, the Gateway Pudendum.
Finally, so what? Do you object to Senator and Mrs. Sanders and family having a vacation home?
Its getting confusing to keep track of which one is Hillary and which one is her body double.
Jeffrey wrote:
It’s unlikely that half of Clinton’s supporters are racist #BlackLivesMatters cheerleaders supporting police deaths. That any of her supporters are IS deplorable.
I have two Liam. My home here and a vacation home in Hamilton, Bermuda. But then again I’m not an avowed socialist. Do you have a home in Ireland? I hear it’s beautiful there yet in all my travels I never hit Ireland. Pity.
I know precisely what it means. It means he thinks he has the right to decide how much of what you earn you can keep an just as belligerently what you can own. But as a “democratic” socialist he tells himself that since two of the wolves out voted the one little sheep it’s okay what they devour for their own gratification. IOW, he’s a phukin’ thief who thinks he can vote on morality which is why he’s atheist. He’s a self hating Jew an a self hating American who spent his entire life living off others. Anything he “has” he stole, inherited or misappropriated. Either that or he’s a lousy socialist.
Do you have a home in Ireland?
Two in the states….One in Las Vegas. The other shall remain nameless.
The other is in Costa Rica….A place I surmise I will spend about 6 months a year at when My wife finally retires from teaching.
I have been to Ireland a couple times on business. Not particulary fond of it….weird weather.
For the Record I am a moderate conservative….If according to the tea party such a thing can exist anymore…
The irony of this presidential election IMO has bernie sanders with more integrity then either of these two candidates combined….
That said I would never vote for a socialist.
2/3rds of Trump supporters believe that President Obama is a Muslim.
60% believe Obama was not born in the US.
Is David Duke deplorable?
Wow. I only have one home – a modest, 1500 sq ft energy efficient home not far from work. I guess I practice what I preach.
Trump: Half of all Americans sit around while the other half works.
He’s even more dismissive of working class Americans than Romney.
Clinton only lambasted 20% of Americans (some who comment here).
CIA Director John Brennan (whom the far-right claim is a closet Muslim) just contradicted Trump’s claims about his security briefing, saying the claims are untrue. Was Donald lying or just mistaken?
Wow. I only have one home – a modest, 1500 sq ft energy efficient home not far from work. I guess I practice what I preach.
Most Janitors only have one home.
I know precisely what it means. It means he thinks he has the right to decide how much of what you earn you can keep an just as belligerently what you can own. But as a “democratic†socialist he tells himself that since two of the wolves out voted the one little sheep it’s okay what they devour for their own gratification. IOW, he’s a phukin’ thief who thinks he can vote on morality which is why he’s atheist. He’s a self hating Jew an a self hating American who spent his entire life living off others. Anything he “has†he stole, inherited or misappropriated. Either that or he’s a lousy socialist.
This right here is where America is headed. I have been to socialist countries all over the world….The people have grown up in a socialism experiment and do not know any better. They don’t or can’t comprehend Capitalism. When we talk about 1st amendement rights they are flabberghasted….
Most countries have laws that you can be jailed for nearly all kinds of verbal infractions. I tell my guys/gals DO NOT TALK RELIGION, POLITICS or MORALITY when you are with me…..I dont want to go to jail because of your stupidity…..If you want to talk that stuff…..do it when your not around me.
But really the thing I find the most interesting is that the people have grown up without choice….As John and Jeffery like to profess over and over the people of such and such a country LOVE THEIR HEALTHCARE…..of course they do…its all they’ve got and they have never had the luxury of having anything else.
Its the same direction the leftists are trying to take with our schools…….get em while they are young, reeducate them and they will be good little socialists….but until they never know both sides of the issue there will always be loud and angry contention….
That is why things are so loud and angry now….change is happening and both sides are fighting for what was(conservatives) and what is to become(leftists.)
When you make a statement as classless as that it explains why you live in a house only a tad larger than my garage. When nobody wants to be around you, 1500 sf is really too much space.
Clinton was wrong to say what she said. It was horrible politics. But what she said was likely true.
Two-thirds of his supporters think Obama is a closet Muslim.
Almost two-thirds of his supporters think Obama was born in Kenya.
Over 50% would ban Muslims in the US.
There’s nothing wrong with condemning racism, sexism, xenophobia and religious bigotry.
I chose decades ago to live simply and to use my accumulated millions for purposes other than showing off. It means my carbon footprint is pretty durn low, especially for a wealthy guy. Just another climate realist practicing what they preach.
Hoagie: You may well be a Trump supporter that isn’t a racial and religious bigot. Congratulations.
Should we deport all illegal immigrants? Trump doesn’t think that anymore.
Should we deport Muslims?
Wow, little house, little guy, little brain…
Deplorables measure their worth by their possessions, the size of their pickup tires, the HP of their Evinrude and their general lack of knowledge.
Little hands, little feet, little cars that go beep, beep, beep…
So you condemn racism, sexism, xenophobia and religious bigotry but believe Clinton was correct calling 25 million Americans “deplorable”. It was just “horrible politics” and not bigotry? You sure are selective on your bigotry, I’ll give you that.
That’s ridiculous. I know hundreds of Christians named Barack, Hussein or Obama. Just as I know hundreds of moslems named Anthony, Mary and Leopold. Was it not Obama who said that the Islamic call to prayer is the most beautiful sound on earth and when the time comes he’ll stand with the moslems? Or was that some other non-moslem?
Where do you get these statistics? Soros’ ass?
In case you haven’t noticed they are at war with us. Would you not ban Nazi’s in 1943?
No, but there is something really wrong when you call any person who disagrees with you names. That’s deplorable. It’s also wrong when you can’t allow the truth about the good and bad of races and religions and the fact there are only two sexes be understood because you’ve closed your mind to what they are.
No we should not but we should not allow any immigrants to receive any subsistence and can never gain citizenship unless they self deport and re-enter legally. We have a right, duty an responsibility to know who is coming in, why they are coming and that they bring no illnesses or other physical or mental sicknesses and they are not criminals. I don’t think that’s too much to ask. And as the husband of a naturalized S. Korean I think entry and citizenship should be hard, costly and regarded dearly. We need people who actually want to be Americans and who actually love America. We already have too many of the opposite here.
Until such time that Islam declares peace, stops killing Americans and is able to fully assimilate to American culture, yes. We should not import or permit our enemies to live in America. Anyone who believes we should is themselves an enemy. Again, Nazi’s in ’43.
People who understand there are many differences between races, religions and cultures are being truthful, not hateful. Saying that all cultures or races are the same is untrue and a lie. If we are going to understand each other we need to accept these differences not pretend they don’t exist. For example we cannot have a real dialogue about sexual and gender confusion until we admit Bruce Jenner is a male regardless what he thinks or wants.
Bigotry, hatred, all the phobia’s and such are not honest truthful positions any more than saying everyone is the same. We should be treated equally under the law, after that all bets are off. An honest person would no more demand a Christian baker make him a cake for his gay wedding than I would walk into a halal store and demand a BLT.
I understand that too many leftists think a person like me who does not believe that everybody is the same in every way sounds like a bigot or whatever the hate tag du jour is, but I prefer to see things as they are not the way others wish them to be. That’s why to me generally speaking a black guy is a better basketball player than a Korean girl, a white guy a better scientist than a Maori, a man a better warrior than a woman, and gays make the best hairdressers (if you could see my wife’s salons you’d agree).
See how nice it can be to exchange ideas and thoughts when nobody’s calling the other names? Now maybe we can get the candidates to do it. Naah, they’re both idiots.
Recognizing racial differences is not the same as discrimination. Some people are saying* that discriminating against people because or their race or religion is deplorable.
For example, David Duke and the people that support his positions on racial segregation are outside the mainstream of American and some people are saying they are deplorable. I agree with that assessment.
* A favorite “Trumpism”.
They got little hands
Little eyes
They walk around
Tellin’ great big lies
Well Jeffery, David Duke has been a racist since I’ve heard of him and that goes back decades. Pointing at DD is like saying “The KKK did ….” or “Farrakhan said…” It’s a given already. They’re all racists. What troubles me is the proliferation of organizations like BLM and CAIR whose stated goals are some nebulous fight for equality but their voices are those of hate.
Today in America there is no institutionalized racism however, that said the only way to completely eliminate anyone who is a racist is to kill them. Free people may sometimes believe things you or I don’t like. In all fairness Jeffery, that’s just tough for us. We have no right to force our beliefs on them either.
One of the big problems I have with the left is their propensity to try and shut down speech or ideas they don’t like. The teacher from Occidental tearing down 9/11 posters the other day is a good example. Or how they constantly disrupt speeches by opposition on campuses. You don’t have to agree. Hell, you don’t even have to listen, walk away. But you sure don’t have the right to stop another’s free
speech. One of their main weapons is the labeling of people as racist or homophobe or whatever to shut down debate. It seems they say they want dialogue but what they really want is a monologue.