So, the NCAA, which had no problem having tournament and championship games in places like Houston, which has a law against transgender bathrooms, and other places which use the time honored method of having separate bathrooms, locker rooms, and showers for males and females, did this
Based on the NCAA’s commitment to fairness and inclusion, the Association will relocate all seven previously awarded championship events from North Carolina during the 2016-17 academic year. The NCAA Board of Governors made this decision because of the cumulative actions taken by the state concerning civil rights protections.
In its decision Monday, the Board of Governors emphasized that NCAA championships and events must promote an inclusive atmosphere for all college athletes, coaches, administrators and fans. Current North Carolina state laws make it challenging to guarantee that host communities can help deliver on that commitment if NCAA events remained in the state, the board said.
“Fairness is about more than the opportunity to participate in college sports, or even compete for championships,†said Mark Emmert, NCAA president. “We believe in providing a safe and respectful environment at our events and are committed to providing the best experience possible for college athletes, fans and everyone taking part in our championships.”
One of their complaints is over the gender confused in bathrooms. But, the yammering about “fairness and inclusion” is interesting, and let to this
(Daily Caller) In response, North Carolina GOP spokeswoman Kami Mueller released a defiant statement, obtained by local reporter Andrew Carter, arguing the NCAA’s position logically called for the abolition of all athletic distinctions between men and women.
“This is so absurd it’s almost comical,†Mueller said. “I genuinely look forward to the NCAA merging all men’s and women’s teams together as singular, unified, unisex teams. Under the NCAA’s logic, colleges should make cheerleaders and football players share bathrooms, showers and hotel rooms. This decision is an assault to female athletes across the nation. If you are unwilling to have women’s bathrooms and locker rooms, how do you have a women’s team?â€
“I wish the NCAA was this concerned about the women who were raped at Baylor,†Mueller continued. “Perhaps the NCAA should stop with their political peacocking — and instead focus their energies on making sure our nation’s collegiate athletes are safe, both on and off the field.â€
Andrew Carter, the reporter who released it, said he had to check to make sure it wasn’t a parody account, but, think on the NCAA release: does it not push to do exactly what Ms. Meuller is stating? How can you have inclusion if you aren’t allowing everyone to play in whatever sport they want and go in whatever bathroom, shower, and locker (BSL) room whenever they want regardless of sexual orientation?
On one hand, Leftists are screaming about this “rape culture” on college campuses (which are run mostly by Leftists and hotbeds of leftism, of course). On the other hand, they’re trying to force women to accept biological men in their BSLs.
It will be interesting to see where these events are held. Do they allow the gender confused in whatever BSL they want? Will male athletes be allowed in the women’s BSLs?

Kami Mueller’s response was excellent, especially “This is so absurd it’s almost comical,â€.
Good for her.
Teach at some point you should realize that unlike yourself MOST Americans have some sympathy for those you constantly ridicule.
Look at how this issue has impacted NC both financially and politically. Fighting a losing issue will move NC from purple to blue.
John, we can have “some sympathy” for the mentally ill, but what the left want is for sane people to simply go along with the delusions of the mentally ill, so as not to hurt their precious little feelings.
Trouble is, the mentally ill can tolerate no ‘accommodations’ such as separate bathrooms and locker rooms, because that, in itself, denies their delusions.
Every bird, every reptile, and every mammal, can tell the difference between males and females of their own species, but somehow, American liberals cannot. Really, y’all are dumber than a gila monster!
Seems the people of NC are getting hit hard by the antics of their leaders.
–that little guy who’s more retarded than john
Doubt that North Carolina has too much to worry about…
More affuent, educated Dem voters moving in. That’s why NC, VA and FL are purple.
They will get fed up with the backward Repubs and boot them.
Didn’t read the article, didja, little guy?
So you didn’t read the article?
So the NCAA is pulling both their men’s and women’s championships out because North Carolina separates people using the restroom by gender?
That says more about the NCAA than the people of North Carolina.
Getting beyond that you misspelled “affluent”
, why are they abandoning their liberal meccas? Funny how once Liberals get all the laws passed that they want they abandon those areas. They’ve basically destroyed their areas, and leave Other People to deal with their messes.
But, hey, if you don’t like the way we do things here, don’t come. We didn’t ask you. Keep you dumb ass sh*t in your own ruined states.
Its very clear that Obama has been bringing in airliners full of refugees and locating them in areas of the nation that need to have more democratic votes.
Teach, that little guy who’s more retarded than john meant ‘effluent’ dems.
You want me to start correcting all your typos, misspellings? I didn’t think so.
Abandoning? They’re just spreading all over the US, much like economic missionaries to help our poor savage neo-confederates brothers and systems.
Ruined? The poorest states in America are red states. Louisiana, Mississippi, Alabama, Arkansas, SC, Tennessee, Oklahoma, West Virginia, Kentucky etc. Liberals in NJ earn almost double what the conservatives in Mississippi make and send them billions in aid. You’re welcome red states!
Maybe the northerners will bring some of their know-how and work ethic to the old confederacy and help repair your dead economies. You lazy southerners just didn’t know how to make a go of it without slaves to do all your work. The biggest redistribution of wealth in the world is from the blue states to our ineffectual red state brothers and sisters. You’re welcome red states! Just hope we don’t lose our generous spirit to our unfortunate southern neighbors.
The fact is that
Trump votershigh-school dropouts make much less over their lifetimes than educated citizens.In any event everyone will start moving north as the climate in Louisiana becomes even more hellish.
@Jeffery that is such a tired argument.
Why do you suppose these states are so poor?
Still didn’t read the article, did you, little guy!
Then you start making bigoted assumptions about people and places you do not know based on your leftist stupidity.
You really are as retarded as john.
Uh, Missouri is a blue state now?
“As members of the Atlantic Coast Conference, the ACC Council of Presidents reaffirmed our collective commitment to uphold the values of equality, diversity, inclusion and non-discrimination,†ACC officials said in a statement. “Every one of our 15 universities is strongly committed to these values and therefore, we will continue to host ACC Championships at campus sites. We believe North Carolina House Bill 2 is inconsistent with these values, and as a result, we will relocate all neutral site championships for the 2016–17 academic year.â€
“It’s embarassing for our state, and it’s cost our state immense money and jobs,†said longtime Duke men’s basketball head coach Mike Krzyzewski. “But even more so, it’s hurt our image.†When asked on Tuesday if he hoped the ACC would follow the NCAA’s lead, he told Bloomberg Markets that he “hoped that they would.â€
The silly, silly, silly leftist are creeping into everything….They have and are using Cloward and Piven strategies on almost everything now….they are fully intent upon bringing America not only to her knees but flat on her back.
In 50 years I can forsee America as the CAPITOL in the HUNGER GAMES….literally that is what I imagine for this nation…….
Decayed and decrepit…holding on by their fingernails as they indulge each other in their OWN leftist decadence. It will be a sight…..sorry my kids have to be there to see it… least I wont.