Americans aren’t particularly interested in having their 2nd Amendment Rights restricted, but Democrats have a burr in their bottom, and the only solution is to make America like Chicago: implementing massive restrictions on law abiding citizens, leaving them to be prey for those who are violent criminals
(Daily Caller) House Democrats are storming Twitter Wednesday in an effort to force GOP leadership to call a vote on gun control legislation.
The proposed action follows a 25-hour sit-in on the House floor in protest of Republicans opting not to bring a bill to the floor barring individuals on the federal no-fly list from purchasing guns – legislation critics feel undermines the right to due process.
Democratic members are being encouraged to partake in a “twitterstorm†at 12:30 p.m. The goal is to get House Speaker Paul Ryan to act on a bill that failed in the House Committee on Appropriations and Senate earlier this year, according to an email obtained by The Daily Caller News Foundation.
The article provides the pre-canned Tweets elected Democrats, who have taken an oath to uphold and defend the Constitution in full, can use.
Lawmakers were also given the early option to participate in floor speeches on the issue as part of the party’s Gun Violence Prevention Day of Action.
“During the debate on the rule, Members will line the aisle and ask unanimous consent (script available on the Floor). Photos of victims will be provided by Rep. Speier,†the email reads.
I wonder if any of them will mention the massive “gun violence” in cities run by Democrats, like Chicago, Baltimore, Detroit, Newark, etc? Will they mention the large number of black people who are killing each other with guns in Democratic Party run cities? Or that terrorists have gotten their hands on guns in massive gun control areas like California? Probably not.
Some have started early
The federal assault weapons ban expired 12yrs ago today. We need action on #GunViolence & a #GunVote now. #NoFlyNoBuy
— Tammy Duckworth (@SenDuckworth) September 14, 2016
Here’s a suggestion: disarm all security for Democrats in the House and Senate. Restrict them and their aides from owning firearms. Disarm the Secret Service which protects Hillary, Obama, and Biden. If they think guns are so bad and dangerous, then they shouldn’t want guns protecting them. They shouldn’t want guns anywhere near them.

Teach Chicago is having an especially bad year, it really is an outlier. Perhaps instead of gleefully dancing on the graves of those killed OR blaming one political party you might offer more constructive criticism. Do you think that perhaps what Chicago needs is MORE GUNS ? In general hasn’t Chicago had a great reduction in murders?
Isn’t the general murder trend in Chicago going DOWN?
Do you think that perhaps what Chicago needs is MORE GUNS ? YES…Arm the citizens and you will rapidly find the crime diminish. In texas years ago they passed the conceal carry law…..Everyone including me was aghast…..I could envision the mass mayhem that would ensue……
What ensued was a decrease in overall crime. In Chicago the only ones with guns are cops and gangs….the honest citizen cant even protect themselves….Gangs have no fear of drive by shootings because they know everyone in town is UNARMED.
erhaps instead of gleefully dancing on the graves of those killed OR blaming one political party You mean like you and the left does every time a black murderous thug is shot by the police? Don’t seem to see any rioting happen when a white murderous thug is killed by a cop.
You should rethink your entire life John…Its clear you have never had to face conflict in your life like many of us have….Iron sharpens Iron……
A little perspective here…I have a GAY nephew…he was mugged in the parking lot of a store and beat senseless by two black guys. They followed him around town till he finally pulled into a parking lot to confront them……..bad idea…..However the point here is this…the police just cant find these two guys despite the fact that two people took pictures of the guys and the car.
I hired Five private Detectives…..Yes it cost me 6,000 dollars…but I was pissed….The Dicks found these guys in like 23 1/2 hours. Why did the police not catch these guys…..I was told by a source inside the police department…..the suspects were black….we are afraid to touch this fucking case.
Liam please give us more of those details because well it would seem to need some corroboration
And yeah that DOES sound like a “bad idea” to confront them. Instead of doing that, what do you think he should have done? what would YOU have done?
Teach how about this as a counter suggestion to your “take all the guns away from law enforcement”, since you LIKE guns so much maybe you think EVERYONE should carry guns either openly or concealed ALL the time.
Or if you think guns are so great why not offer to host NC Open Carry people to all come to your phone store?
I, for one, would be interested in knowing what happened to the two “suspects” after the PIs found them. One hopes that justice was served.
And yeah that DOES sound like a “bad idea†to confront them. Instead of doing that, what do you think he should have done? what would YOU have done?
Details forthcoming….The nephew was involved in drug dealing…..He had recently returned from Washington state with a car load of Marijuana….It seems he began selling drugs in an area already claimed by another gang.
Additionally I have told my children and grandchildren that if anyone ever does this to you to NEVER confront them but to drive straight to the POLICE STATION.
It matters not if you believe me or not…..I really dont care….the facts here are clear….this was a drug deal not a gay bashing which I originally suspected….which is why I got mad….had I known it was a drug deal I would have thrown the nephew in the tank myself…..
The most important aspect of this is that Im pretty sure the police realized exactly what was going on and refused to go after the perpetrators. I suspect now that they most likely are surveying these guys to try and find THEIR SOURCES…….But to say they wont touch this because they are black men tells me the cops are terrified now of BLM and being fired or jailed for looking at black people wrongly.
John wrote:
Well, he might have just driven to the police station, but I will not join John’s meme that it was his fault for getting mugged. Had Mr Thomas’ nephew been armed, perhaps he wouldn’t have been the loser in the confrontation, and rid his city of two thugs who needed to be killed.
Hmmm: I was writing and posted before Mr Thomas posted his last. The new details make it sound like his nephew deserved what happened to him, but the perps still should have been ‘dealt with’ after they were found.
Teach here is a link to NC Open Carry org
when can we expect to see them invited to one of your stores?
They are still open to discussing open carry for K-12
For the retard…
You’re welcome.
The point here john, is not Chicago it’s the liar and hypocrite Hillary!.
Ever notice that in Iraq, Afghanistan etc….people dont run to the mall and shoot people with their AK-47…….why is that…….
that would be because everyone at the mall is carrying an ak-47… they build bombs…sneak into the area and blow themselves up…..Or build car bombs and do the same…..
the point is very simple…..armed Muslim nations have less gun violence then America where we all are told that we will go to jail for firing a gun into the air or into the ground……..
The left cant wait to disarm America even now they are disarming and gutting the military and blaming it on the GOP for trying to curtail a runaway budget deficit…….
DEFICITS DONT MATTER…..THAT IS OF COURSE UNTIL TRUMP BECOMES PREZ AND RUNS DEFICITS……then every newspaper in America will be lighting Trump up for running deficits as proof that a GOP economic plan doesnt work.
Le sigh. Here we go again. John starts with the logical fallacy and wants to force people to carry guns. Which is not what we’re saying, but, then, folks like GC have told him this time and again and John keeps going to the same Superfund well.
As for my “phone store”, I guess this is the once a year time where I remind him I haven’t worked for ATT since 2010, when I left. I have better hours, better working conditions, better superiors, don’t have to deal with even an 8th of the BS or idiot people, and make way more money.
Regardless, ATT is a private company with their own policies. My current company does restrict all weapons, even knives, but, is A-OK with open and concealed carry for customers. John just doesn’t understand the difference between the liberty to choose and forcing others to act on your beliefs.
Hillary had a severe stroke in the past, what is called a venous thrombosis, not arterial. This is a devastating illness and rested in severe loss of memory to the extent that she knows little of what she did as head of state. Her pneumonia is real but is secondary to aspiration from the paralysis of her throat. That is the source of her constant cough. She has paralysis of a portion of her right leg which is supported by an appliance. She is very ill.
ahh But David…….she still knows how to lie with the best of them.
Thursday morning links
Uber debuts self-driving vehicles in landmark Pittsburgh trial If there’s ethanol in the tank, can the car be arrested for DUI? Why Aren’t There More Dolls for Boys? Answering a Troubling Question: Man, Woman, or Whatever? Crisis of un-work: more