Here’s the question: do you you believe he would attempt to do what’s in the plan? For all the things that I might give him grief over, the man does know how the private business sector works. And, no, he’s not perfect.
Donald Trump has proposed sweeping reforms in tax, trade, energy and regulatory policies. The Trump campaign’s economist estimates that the plan would conservatively boost growth to 3.5 percent per year on average, well above the 2 percent currently projected by government forecasters, with the potential to reach a 4% growth rate.
Growth averaged at least three and a half percent per year in the 55 years between World War II and the year 2000. With the faster growth from the Trump Plan, the economy will create 25 million new jobs over the next decade. For each 1 percent in added GDP growth, the economy adds 1.2 million jobs. Increasing growth by 1.5 percent would result in 18 million jobs (1.5 times 1.2 million times 10 years) above the projected current law job figures of 7 million, producing a total of 25 million new jobs for the American economy.
On taxation, a few highlights (I’ll leave it up to you to read in full)
- Every income group receives a tax cut under the Trump plan, with million more being removed from the income tax rolls and low-income Americans paying no income tax at all.
- The plan lowers the business tax rate to 15%. The current business rate 35% rate is one of the highest in the world, making domestic investment unattractive. It includes a 10% tax on repatriation, instantly bringing trillions of dollars back into the U.S. economy now parked overseas.
- Tax brackets in the individual income tax will be reduced from 7 to 3. Tax rates will be 12%, 25% or 33%, with thresholds very similar to the House GOP plan.
Obviously, the Usual Suspects are not happy about reducing taxes on individuals and corporations, not on doing away with the death tax. I do think he’d be better off dropping repatriation down to 5% or lower. You want that money brought back.
Mr. Trump has proposed a moratorium on new federal regulations that are not compelled by Congress or public safety, and will ask agency and department heads to identify all needless job-killing regulations and they will be removed.
This includes eliminating some of our most intrusive regulations, like the Waters of The U.S. Rule. It also means scrapping the EPA’s so-called Clean Power Plan which the government itself estimates will cost $7.2 billion a year. This Obama-Clinton directive will shut down most, if not all, coal-powered electricity plans in America.
He should demand that wasteful regulations be found and killed.
On trade, he wants the Trans-Pacific Partnership killed. Interestingly, TPP has bipartisan support and opposition. And tends to poll negatively, including among folks like the Bernie Sanders supporters and true American Conservatives. Trump wants to make sure that trade agreements are upheld by foreign governments. He’d like to renegotiate NAFTA. And bring cases against China for currency manipulation and unfair trade (I doubt that will happen.)
He’s all for an “all of the above” energy policy, and for removing restrictions that cause harm. Streamlining regulation and permitting is mentioned.
Liberals will be against this all, as you can guess. Why? They think the solution is always taxation (on Other People), rather than economic movement where people are making more money, saving more, spending more, thereby increasing taxes paid. Hillary just wants to put more and more restrictions on everything while increasing taxation, which reduces economic output and drives out business.

Fantastic! Massive tax cuts for the wealthy and corporations; a trade war with China; more national debt to stimulate the economy 4% a year. Why didn’t anyone think of this before? LOL.
How are Obama’s ideas working out? That’s right, not one year with growth at 3% or higher, manufacturing down, car manufacturers heading to Mexico, wages down, full time employment down, record number of people giving up on getting employed, savings down, etc and so on.
But, hey, Obama’s rich buddies on Wall St are doing great!
Birther in Chief!
So you think Trump’s dumb ideas are good ’cause Obama, you know. Good god.
You linked Trump’s website. Do you work for the campaign now?
Trump’s massive tax cuts will add more trillions to the debt. It’s magical thinking to hope that tax cuts for the rich will boost the economy. Every doctor, lawyer, hedge funder and architect will become an S-corp to take advantage of the new 15% rate. Hedge funders lose their carried interest loophole but their tax rates drop! The inheritance tsx? Gone. More money for billionaires – and the working classes will have to make up the difference.
He adds a tax DEDUCTION for childcare that doesn’t help those that need the help – remember that Romney’s 47% don’t pay any income tax to deduct against.
Trickle down doesn’t work; hasn’t worked. The working classes have been trickled on enough.
I prefer Gary Johnson’s plans on jobs.
The federal government needs to stay out of trying to mess with the economy. We should have only those regulations which protect the rights of people from violation by other people. Preferring one group over another, one industry over another is both morally wrong and skews the economy in ways which wind up being harmful, not helpful.
Stimulus? Keynesian economics holds that governments ought to engage in deficit spending when the economy is running poorly, but pay down debts when things are going well. Our deficit spending, for decades now, has been, in effect, stimulating the economy every year; we have, in effect inoculated the economy against stimulus, because we never stop stimulating. That’s why the Bush stimulus of 2001-2002 didn’t produce the results projected, and the Obama stimulus of 2009-2011 failed; stimulus was the norm, not the exception.
We need to cut spending, eliminate welfare, and force people to either work or starve. That will solve both our deficit and illegal immigration problems.
Jeffrey gets silly:
Uhhh, and I linked Gary Johnson’s, on my site, but that doesn’t mean I work for the Johnson campaign. It’s what people would normally call providing a source citation.
Our esteemed host wrote:
Yet, here in the Keystone State, the Democratic senatorial nominee is attacking incumbent Senator Pat Toomey (R-PA) for supporting free trade agreements.
Jeffrey wrote:
Well, we know that President Obama’s ideas haven’t worked, so there’s that.
Under President Obama, the ‘official’ unemployment rate is now down to 4.9%, but the real unemployment rate, U-6, is almost double that, at 9.7%. The participation rate in the economy has dropped to the lowest level since Jimmy Carter was President, and you, yourself, keep telling us that wages have been stagnant.
Of course, there are things that are up: the number of people on food stamps had doubled, the deficit is climbing once again, the number of people on disability has skyrocketed.
Sorry, Jeffty, cutting taxes ALWAYS works – as long as you cut spending too.
I know, it’s hard for liberals to even THINK the phrase “cut spending”, but TRY.
Mr Storm wrote:
Alas! Conservatives have been good at talking about cutting spending, but not so good at actually doing it. :(
LOLOL the democrats are getting desperate…..NOW ITS BIRTHERISM they are throwing at trump since all the other phobias dont seem to be working.
We are talking about Clinton not Obama……..Everyone who was not a progressive far left whacko had questions about Obama’s birth since he refused to put it to rest immediately by showing his birth certificate.
Its the shroud of secrecy surrounding Obama….THE MOST TRANSPARENT ADMINISTRATION IN HISTORY….that got everyone fired up over this.
Just like the stupid assed Hillary is shrouding everything she does in SECRECY….which is costing her dearly…… her case most likely she IS HIDING SOMETHING…….in Obama’s case….Trump forced him to reveal his BIRTH CERTIFICATE…….SOMETHING THE REST OF THE WORLD COULD NOT DO.
Shows how much sway Trump has when he WANTS SOMETHING DONE…..right Jeff?
It has been my position that it doesn’t matter whether Barack Hussein Obama is a “natural born citizen” or not, because the Constitution contains no enforcement mechanism other than the honor of the people we elect to office. If the Electoral College voted for, and the House of Representatives accepted, a 17 year old Tibetian boy who spoke no English, then said 17 year old Tibetian boy would become President, and there’s nothing that anyone could do about it, except impeachment by the House — a House which would already have accepted the Electoral votes in his favor — and removal by the Senate.
Tax cuts always work! Tax cuts INCREASE revenues!
Another conservamyth.
Putting more money in the coffers of the wealthy and further shifting the burden of paying for the government to American workers is neither wise nor fair.
Much of what conservatives believe to be true is actually false.
The Trump economic “plan” decreases revenues (massive tax cuts) and increases spending on defense, doesn’t touch entitlements and supposedly cuts other things. Typical Republican nonsense. Real economists have panned his plan and predict, that if enacted, will cause another large recession.
Trump brought up the racist birther issue. Trump was/is a full on proponent that President Obama was born in Kenya. Two thirds of his supporters believe that too. Will The Don reverse is decade-long position today? Will he admit that he was wrong then? Hide and watch!
President Obama is not running, having served for two terms.
Trump’s economic “plan” needs to be compared to Secretary Clinton’s.
The Don’s “plan” is heavily weighted to rewarding the wealthy with little benefit for those who actually work for a living. His latest “plan” is a sop to traditional Republicans. Will he have new plan tomorrow? Who knows.
Trump has a long long record of having undocumented workers in New York City take work away from well paid union workers. He always blames it on his subcontractors but he allows that to happen he could demand in contracts that not be allowed
And that’s the point. Obama is a natural born citizen. Hawaii is a US state.
Why The Don keeps bringing this up is beyond reason. One can only think it’s to shore up his white nationalist base, who may be bothered by his ham-fisted overtures to African-Americans.
Nice distraction.
Hey Don: Where are your tax returns?
Jeffrey wrote:
And how should we expect Mrs Clinton’s plan to be any different from President Obama’s “accomplishments”? If she’s not running on the President’s “accomplishments,” then she has no record on which to run.
Let’s see, U-6 unemployment of 9.7%, economic growth under 2% every single year, stagnant or falling wages, and a labor force participation rate lower than any time since Jimmy Carter’s first year.
But, hey, stocks are up, and we are now seeing a huge economic policy reversal: the people who are supposedly Republican stalwarts are supporting Mrs Clinton, while the people the Democrats used to think were their base are supporting Republicans.
As much as you have combitched about income inequality, it’s the working people on the bottom of the economic ladder who are most supportive of Mr Trump. Maybe you ought to consider that they know what’s better for themselves than you do.
The Secretary of State doesn’t set economic policy.
Can you explain how The Don’s “plan” to cut taxes for the wealthy will improve the plight of the working classes?
And on what record is The Don running? Bankruptcy, bankruptcy, bankruptcy, birther, bankrupcy, Putin, bankruptcy, Miss Universe, bankruptcy, tax cuts for himself and his family.
Hey Don, how about those tax returns?
Ouch! That little guy who’s more retarded than john should be extra ornery today with this double tap…
Jeffrey wrote:
The Secretary has some influence on trade agreements, but, from what you have just said, Mrs Clinton has no economic record on which to run.
True enough, but they are also the backbone of this country. Perhaps you can explain why the white working class have abandoned the Democrats?
Well, from what I can see, President Obama’s actual action of increasing taxes on the top producers sure hasn’t helped. For all of your claims that it’s the Democrats and the left who have the interests of the working classes at heart, you haven’t actually helped them!
The reason, of course, is simple: the Democrats have become the party of the non-working classes; you can’t be the party of both the workers and the welfare leeches at the same time, because their interests are diametrically opposite.
Tax cuts always work! Tax cuts INCREASE revenues!
Another conservamyth.
Lets put to rest once and for all the stupid ass lie that the LEFT PERPETRATES CONSTANTLY…..A LIE TOLD OFTEN ENOUGH BECOMES THE TRUTH>>>>>
In each of the last three cuts in marginal tax rates, revenues received by the U.S. Treasury have increased. Coolidge cut tax rates in the 1920s, Kennedy cut marginal tax rates in the 1960s, and Reagan cut them in the 1980s.
Under Coolidge, marginal tax rates were cut from the top rate of 73% to 24%. The economy rewarded this policy by expanding 59% from 1921 to 1929. Revenues received by the federal treasury increased from $719 million in 1921 to more than $1.1 billion 1929. That’s a 61% increase (there was zero inflation in this period). Growth averaged more than six percent annually. We are currently growing at 2.5%.
Under Kennedy, marginal tax rates were cut from a top rate of 91% to 70%. In real dollar terms, the economy grew by 42%, an average of 5 percent a year from 1961 to 1965. Tax revenue to the U.S. Treasury increased by 62%. Adjusted for inflation, they rose by one-third.
Under Reagan, marginal tax rates were cut from a top of 70% to 28%. Revenues (from all taxes) to the U.S. Treasury nearly doubled. According to the Budget of the U.S. Government, FY 1997, Office of Management and Budget. Revenues increased from roughly $500 billion in 1980 to $1.1 trillion in 1990.
REVENUES ALWAYS INCREASE….the problem has always been the government just keeps spending MORE THEN IT MAKES…then one party or the other begins shouting DEFICITS DO MATTER…and voilla…the left is convinced tax cuts dont work…..
So why not eliminate taxes altogether and get an infinite increase in economic growth?
See the attached graph of GDP growth rate vs time.
By all means superimpose the top marginal rates and see where there are correlations. Hard to do isn’t it.
Your god-king, The Don, admits he was wrong the past 5 years, but blames it on Secretary Clinton. Deplorable, racist bastard.
He certainly knows how to manipulate the media though.
Jeffrey wrote:
Given the Fed’s “Quantitative Easing” program, and the Fed just declaring that the money was in the bank, why pay any taxes at all? Why not simply have the government write the checks, since there’s nobody to bounce them, and have them accepted? A new form of creating money!
By all means superimpose the top marginal rates and see where there are correlations. Hard to do isn’t it.
Jeffery you are most certainly not the CEO of a LLC or Corporation or a business of any kind if you dont understand what you just told us to look at.
1. GDP only counts the final production of an economy… measures the output of every good produced by quarter. Therefore, only FINISHED products like a bicycle are counted toward GDP, and the manufacturing production of tires, frames and other bike components are not counted.
So what does that mean…..The real GDP under the current Administration has faltered because of the inability of the nation to produce finished products….IT HAS NOTHING TO DO WITH REVENUE. But it does indeed have a lot to do with TAX RATES.
Now the resultant Dodd/Frank stress test imposed on banks has prevented banks from lending money for businesses to expand….this lack of expansion is the main reason why we have seen limited GDP growth…..again it does not reflect revenues nor does it matter that the government is printing money or keeping interests rates at near zero.
Quite simply Leftists have no clue when it comes to the economy…..Ford right now is building a 2 billion dollar plant in Mexico….its production of new vehicles in Mexico do not count toward the REAL GDP because they were not produced in the USA even though they are then shipped back to the USA and sold……..
This outsourcing of WORK is a main driver of low GDP growth and the reason companies like Ford and Chevy have moved to Mexico and Canada is because of low wages, ease of regulations and the ability despite tariffs to make their bottom line even more heftier by not having to pay the corporate tax rate of 35 percent on these finished products…..
By spinning off part of Ford and placing these sources in other countries with lower tax rates they can make more money by paying less wages and less taxes ON the FINISHED PRODUCT(The less finished products produced in the USA means a lower GDP…..the very fact that under Obama the GDP has been stagnant shows that these things are happening….
Taxing the rich at 100 percent would destroy the GDP…because every rich person in the country would simply move overseas along with their businesses…..I personally am fairly well off and I could move overseas in a heartbeat.
The rich can always avoid the USA tax structure if they so desire….most of us choose not too because we believe in the USA and want to pay a F A I R share…..FAIR being the operative word.
As always, you type lots of words but make no sense.
Trump shamed by an actual self-made billionaire…
As always, you type lots of words but make no sense.
That is the best response you can offer to being slapped hard for your utterly stupid and moronic understanding of GDP, REVENUE and Corporate TAX rates all of which pertain to GDP.
OK genius, how do tax cuts increase tax revenues that are not reflected in increased GDP?
My question stands. Can you show the increases in GDP that resulted from tax cuts?
Here’s a simple explanation for your flawed reasoning:
Why did the 1993 tax increase cause an increase in revenues?
CorleoneTrump is calling for his lynch mob of white guys to kill Secretary Clinton, again.Deplorable.
What a horrible thug.
OK genius, how do tax cuts increase tax revenues that are not reflected in increased GDP?
All you need to know is that the USA is A consumer driven free market
Revenues increase for one reason and one reason only……period……
The expansion of the economy which is driven by consumerism. The types of tax increases will warrant the rate of increase of revenues. Many tax increases are revenue neutral…Others like the 1993 Omnibus bill passed barely and were designed to be deficit reducing. Deficit reducing taxes were designed to increase revenue while putting more money into the hands of consumers.
So again I will say what I said before TAX cuts are the most reliable way to increase revenue given the fact that businesses continue to flood overseas….Reducing the corporate tax rate will bring jobs back home because it will be more feasible to manufacture INSIDE the USA as opposed to overseas and then paying tarrifs on imported goods.
Additionally the page you linked says that Increasing taxes raises revenue….Additionally he points to tax cuts as raising revenue…….
IF THEY BOTH RAISE REVENUE….then why do you want to tax?
It says that the business cycle causes the swings in GDP not changes in the tax rates. Taxes are the price we pay for civilization. We pay for defense, economic security, infrastructure healthcare with out taxes.
our not out
It says that the business cycle causes the swings in GDP not changes in the tax rates.
LOLOLOLOLOLOLOL……….you fuking think genius?
I dont want to be the one to pee on your parade but in 1993 increased revenues had zero to do with increases in taxes…….
Read up on your internet frenzy and you will find that it started in……..
are you ready………
1993………..and during this time VENTURE CAPITAL WAS EASILY AVAILABLE……which is not the case today because of DODD/FRANK and the fact that interest rates are zero and companies are pouring jobs overseas stagnating the GDP………
EXPANSION OF THE ECONOMY is what drives revenues…….not taxes and not tax breaks……in most cases tax cuts are much more effective in keeping jobs HERE……..Raising taxes as Clinton did to the corporate tax in 1993…
LETS SEE WHAT ELSE HAPPENED IN `1993? OH that would be the signing of NAFTA……mostly offset by the frenzy and the 23 million jobs it created………NON GDP JOBS…jobs that did not produce but did in fact put money into the pockets of whom?
That would be CONSUMERS………more consumers……..equals more revenues.
In our consumer driven economy more money in the hands of the working classes WILL stimulate the economy. Massive federal tax cuts for the wealthy in the forms of cuts in corporate rates, top marginal rates and estate taxes will not.
More jobs, better paying jobs, more services (protecting SS, healthcare, infrastructure, transportation, child care, education, unemployment payments etc)
Half the households will not get a tax cut from Trump – the lowest 50%. We’ve slashing taxes on the wealthy for the past 4 decades. Look where we are.
Trump is proposing a 60% cut in corporate taxes and further cuts in income taxes for the wealthy. He will increase spending on the military, infrastructure and vet benefits, and not touch entitlements, and slash spending in the remaining 25% of the federal budget – education, R&D, non-Medicare healthcare, etc.
His numbers do not add up. He promises 25 million new jobs over the next 10 years – a rate LOWER than Obama in the past 3 years.
It sounds promising, but I just don’t believe Trump. He’ll pivot away from this in the next few days if history is any guide.
I don’t think that taking people off the tax rolls entirely is a good idea, though. That creates its own set of problems, as W discovered. The Fair Tax is a much better solution.
As for trickle-down economics, I’ve never understood why the left hates rich people so much, and why they don’t think people with money don’t spend money. It’s like they don’t understand that people who aren’t paying taxes can’t have their taxes cut any more. :) But then again, most leftists are people who think that others must suffer for them to gain, and so they jealously cannot celebrate anyone’s success. Punishing someone else never helps me, so I can’t get on board with hating the rich simply for having more money than I do. It’s childish and it doesn’t help me emotionally or spiritually on iota.
Half the households will not get a tax cut from Trump – the lowest 50%. We’ve slashing taxes on the wealthy for the past 4 decades. Look where we are.
I can see why people call you names here. You really are just trolling.
The lowest 50 percent PAY NO TAXES ANYWAY and most of them actually get money back in the form of either a refund or Earned Income Credit…..
Why do you want to give them a tax cut if they pay nothing to start with?
So you admit that Trump’s tax plan rewards the wealthy, will not stimulate the economy, does not help the working poor, and adds $1 trillion to the debt.
The bottom 40% or so (Romney’s 47%) pay no federal income tax but they do pay regressive local and state taxes and regressive federal payroll taxes. They also spend every penny they earn out of necessity.
So you admit that Trump’s tax plan rewards the wealthy,
I thought America was the land of Fairness and equality…..why do you have this insane desire to penalize the wealthy?
will not stimulate the economy
I have not studied his plan….but more of the Obama/Clinton plan have not stimulated the economy at all….what you see happening is millions have been shuffled off to college, put on SSDI or Veterans Disablity and removed from the workforce……The participation rate is the lowest its been since the 30’s….which is a true indicator of HOW many are NOT WORKING…..
does not help the working poor, And Obama/Clinton’s plan has helped the working poor how? POVERTY IS HIGHER NOW THEN IT WAS UNDER BUSH…..15 bucks an hour minimum wage just means they are hiring less, giving fewer hours and the ACA is forcing companies to relocate overseas or ONLY HIRE PART TIME…….HOW IS THAT HELPING THE POOR?
and adds $1 trillion to the debt. This from HILLARY/OBAMA which has added 8 trillion to our deficit in 8 years and your worrying about another one trillion……how do you even know that…..because the democrats are saying it is so?
You complain of the right and their talking points and spin but all you do is talking points and spin here….
Additionally I would add that any plan is better then Obama’s. We literally have a 20 percent unemployed workforce….the difference this time around…….
They reason Obama was not lynched politically is a combination of a few tricks and agressive gamesmanship.
1. He offered the unemployed Unemployment for 2 years…and then extended it again….
2. He took over the College loan program to ensure that anyone with a heartbeat could borrow money and go to college……..this removed them from the rolls looking for work…..
3. Millions were shuffled off the unemployed list by going on SSDI and VA Disablity.
In short a host of gimmicks has been the lefts idea of an awesome economy.
Then they slap the business community with the ACA forcing employers to OFFER HEALTHCARE even if they never did in the past…….with the loop hole that if your part time you dont get ACA…so businesses have been flooding out of the USA along with the ones staying are now working people part time rather then full time to avoid paying for ACA…….
NOW part time employed HAVE TO COME UP WITH 200/300 a month to pay for health insurance that they never had to before……
This economy is in a shambles…..interest rates are zero….Dodd/Frank stress test is forcing big banks to horde their cash rather then invest it and in short…..
WHY INVEST when interest rates are zero meaning they can charge 1-2-3 percent to lend millions……
So the stock market is running well….true….BECAUSE interest rates are ZERO…..meaning the only place to put your money is the stock market……..
What does that mean? The minute interest rates start rising…..the stock market will implode because people will start pulling their money and putting them in more secure fixed securities.
This economy is a true mess….The government is printing money……..Bonds…then BUYING THEIR OWN BONDS……how genius is that. Thats akin to you paying your bills every month with a new credit card………great until no one will give you a credit card anymore.
In short…….anything is better then Obama/Clinton…..anything.
The bottom 40% or so (Romney’s 47%) pay no federal income tax but they do pay regressive local and state taxes and regressive federal payroll taxes. They also spend every penny they earn out of necessity.
That is the price for being a democrat…..As long as you keep voting for Democrats they are going to make sure you remain poor and keep you voting for them just so you can get handouts to survive. Do you think its republicans who keep raising all these taxes?
More jobs, better paying jobs, more services (protecting SS, healthcare, infrastructure, transportation, child care, education, unemployment payments etc)
EXACTLY my point all along….in a consumer driven free market lower corporate tax rates means its not economical for Ford and Chevy to build cars in Mexico and they bring jobs back home….Good paying jobs with ACA healthcare benefits…….
THIS puts more money into peoples hands which removes people from the ENTITLEMENT PROGRAMS WHICH MEANS YOU DO NOT HAVE TO GIVE ENTITLEMENTS MORE MONEY……..Less people using the same amount of money…translates to a pay raise for entitlements.
The lefts idea of economics is totally baffling especially when they try to inject communism into capitalism and come up with a solution.
Your solution is to tax the shit out of the rich and corporations who will then out of the goodness of their heart spend whats left of their money on creating great jobs.
Dream on. We are in a era of worldwide instant contact…we are truly becoming a global economy and if the USA does not fight for the businesses to stay here and create jobs they will go somewhere else and do the same for less…..
Of course we all know communists want the government to create all the jobs because as the left keeps bragging that the typical government employee makes way more then his civilian counterpart.
Your idea of great paying jobs….the problem is you believe you need more and more tax money to pay for those jobs…….so you will rape business/corporations to get your pimp money to pay for your ponzi scheme until the USA is broke…..I get it….just most of the rest of the NON democrats….DONT.
President Obama is not running for President. Secretary Clinton is running against The Don.
Do you remember the Great Recession in 2007 caused by Mr. Obama (according to The Deplorables) two years before he took office. Remember? Remember the highest unemployment rate since Mr. Reagan’s recession? The economy and workers are much better off today than then. We understand that The Deplorables do not trust ANY government pronouncements so an official unemployment rate of 4.9% is actually 20%. Wages are even starting to creep up, prompting the economic elites to want to stupidly raise the prime rate to SLOW the economy and throw workers out of work! This is one way the Fed rewards the wealthy at the expense of workers.
For several decades gov’t policies have favored the wealthy over the working classes. The tax burden necessary to support defense, SS, healthcare, infrastructure etc has been gradually shifted to the working classes.
The conservative solution is to put US working classes (but not the elites) in direct competition with low paid workers worldwide – this is great for the donor class but bad for workers. Investors and capitalists benefit, but not the workers. The conservative solution is to reduce protections for US workers making American factories more like Chinese workhouses. The conservative solution is to further strengthen international patents and copyrights further enriching economic elites at the expense of consumers. The conservative solution is to eliminate labor unions making US workers more like Chinese workers.