Instead of living in Reality Land, Warmists love to live in this world where “carbon pollution” from Other People is going to cause massive doom. Now, hey, I love a good apocalyptic novel, especially zombie related, but I understand these are works of fiction, no matter how much they create a way to say “this could happen.” Warmists truly believe in their Doomsaying
Does Washington, D.C., Need a Climate-Change Memorial?
One of the most iconic sights in Washington, D.C.—its Japanese cherry trees, exploding like frozen fireworks each spring—is also likely to be among its first casualties of climate change. As the seas rise, many of the waterfront trees will be subsumed by the muddy Potomac River, perhaps necessitating a laborious relocation to higher ground.
Or, we could just let them perish. That’s the core idea of a new proposal for a global-warming memorial on Hains Point, a riverside park area that’s already aregular victim of flooding. “Climate Chronograph,†which has won theMemorials for the Future Competition put on by the National Park Service, National Capital Planning Commission, and the Van Alen Institute, would install a sloped grove of cherry trees along the Potomac. As the river gets higher, the trees would drown row by row, creating a tangible timeline of global warming from sublime blossoms and rotten, leafless boughs.
The “hauntingly beautiful” comes from at least one of the titles used for the article, which I can still see in my Pocket save, and you can see in the header bar of your browser at the link. Let’s see what this looks like
And let’s see the sea level rise in D.C.
It’s slightly above the 20th Century average of 7 inches, and below what one would expect of a Holocene warm period. There’s no acceleration. Nothing unusual. It’ll take a long time before. You will need at least 300 years before any sea rise will affect the trees, as long as the rise continues. Which would be unusual during the Holocene. But, the Cult of Climastrology never stops.

Teach has the RATE of sea level rise increased in say the last 20 years? And if so might that indicate MORE of a problem than what your graph shows?
Instead of going back 100 years if you go back say 20 well then look at what we might extrapolate the rise to be. Notice how that trendline angle changes?
LOL, John, if you just start the graph 20 years ago, you’d get a fixed rate over 20 years. The rate isn’t changing. You can see it in hundreds of these graphs. Why not start the graph in 1996, then the rate of rise will be declining. Look at the rate from 1962 – 1972. OMG we’re gonna drown! Oh, then it goes down. Then up, then down… it’s like, there’s an ocean oscillation or something! BTW it’s not Teach’s graph, it’s the official noaa graph. This rate of 3.2 mm/year is actually pretty high and I wouldn’t be surprised if there is some land subsidence going on there.
They should make the monument out of a giant naked statue of Al Gore standing in the bay holding a staff with a 20 foot ruler dipped in the water starting at the year he delivered An Inconvenient Truth and at the top would read the year 2100 so all people can follow the progress of his messianic flood prediction.
That would be “hauntingly beautiful”

Never Forget (Al Gore’s Lies)
Probably no one wanted to actually see that the rate has doubled in the last 20 years from the previous 80. This is due to something that those pointy headed scientists call “physics”
Once again, Teach typed:
All untrue.
Can you explain why there would be a sudden increase in sea level rise in say 20 years?
Do you even have any clue as to the geological or oceanographical explanation for such a bulging of sea level.
The annual rate of rise over the past 20 years has been 0.13 inches (3.2 millimeters) a year, roughly twice the average speed of the preceding 80 years.
DOOM AND GLOOM….why oh why is the sea level rising so fast… this rate Im starting a rubber raft company.
Oh gosh…..sorry but we are currently experiencing the strongest El Nino in 50 plus years…..And…….are you ready?
We have experienced SIX(6) El Ninos in the last 20 years…….hence….
Heated water expands.
So John…….Next question please.
Memorial to what? Nothing’s happened yet. It would be as empty a gesture as Obama’s Nobel Prize..
From where does the excessive ocean heat released during an El Nino come from?
From where does the excessive ocean heat released during an El Nino come from?
Water Vapor……..the more water vapor stirred up by El Nino’s the more heat they retain and the more likely they are to continue on a trend of more and more El Nino’s…..Oh I know your dying to pin this on C02 but the small increase in Co2 cannot drive an El Nino sucession of this magnitude.
Does it matter? Im explaining why the oceans have risen double in the last 20 years. There is a scientific reason for it rather then Brother John throwing up his hands and saying the Glaciers are melting and were all gonna drown.
You do realize that since the height(temperature) of the last Halocene that the world has actually been cooling right? That we are actually cooler then we were 8 thousand years ago.
How do you explain the geological lack of Co2 and methane as a driver of excessive heat. No Milankovich cycles do not explain this sudden and drastic increase.
That were it not for this sudden warming trend that we would continue to get colder and colder and colder……….
Look at any chart…….Its what happens….the facts that we have entered a warming phase is actually a blessing to civilization and not a BANE…..
Were is not for this PAUSE IN GLOBAL COOLING…..Even though the general direction has been in the warming direction……..We would be living in a permanent MINI ICEAGE right now….crops would be lacking, people would be starving and you would be screaming for the government to do something….that global cooling is caused by EXXON.
El Ninos stir up water vapor which cause El Ninos. Got it. Are you sure undersea volcanoes aren’t causing the warming?
The Earth has been gradually cooling for the past 5 or 6 thousand years, cooling less than 1C over that time. It has warmed 1C in the past 100 years. There is no evidence to support your claim that without AGW we would be in an ice age now.
The Earth did come out of the last ice age and into the Holocene because of Milankovich cycle, so you are wrong.
Not that the govt would fudge numbers like temperature, rate of inflation or number of people unemployed, but is there any solid evidence of an increase in the water level in DC?
Such as photographs from a hundred years ago vs today at the same place?
iirc, the Lincoln Memorial Reflecting Pool was built in the early 1920s and its water comes from the Tidal Basin which is fed from the Potomac River.
Or, water heights on the many bridges in DC. Again, iirc, the brisge west of the Lincoln Memorial was built in the 1930s. There are a couple of railroad bridges near there that have probably been there for over a century.
Should be a simple proof by the global warmers to show that there has been a great increase in water depth at any of these fixed points.
Mark E,
Just because you don’t like or believe the numbers on temperature, inflation, unemployment or sea level doesn’t prove or even suggest they are “fudged”.
It does lend credence to the meme that conservatives are prone to conspiracy theories. Why is that?
Are you saying the graph that Mr. Teach presented, clearly showing an increase in DC sea level, is false?
The Earth did come out of the last ice age and into the Holocene because of Milankovich cycle, so you are wrong.
YES…18,000 years ago….not today.
There is no evidence to support your claim that without AGW we would be in an ice age now.
Of course there is no proof…only speculation……….HENCE enter the AGW Scientists who manipulate data to speculate that were all gonna drown by 2100….
oh wait…no thats not quite right….but it will be terrible…
Oh wait…no its gonna be really really bad though….
Opps sorry that didnt work out…okay lets try this….the WEATHER IS CHANGING….so we will change our name to CLIMATE CHANGE…..
There now we can blame everything on the weather.
The current rapid warming period is not caused by Milankovich changes but by CO2 we’ve added to the atmosphere.
The current rapid warming period is not caused by Milankovich changes but by CO2 we’ve added to the atmosphere.
So says you… says the scientists who will readily admit they dont understand the weather or the ocean nearly well enough to make these kinds of conclusions.
I think its interesting that someone here pointed to a survey of scientists who said they believe in AGW…..the lowest percentage of scientists who believed this fact… 47 percent were GEOLOGISTS…..
That is because nearly everything we see that the AGW crowd blames on co2 can be alternately explained GEOLOGICALLY.
There was a survey out of Canada a while back (Teach likely touted it) where most geologists surveyed thought the current period of rapid warming was natural. Coincidentally, most geologists in Canada work for fossil fuel or mining companies. Many of the academics were consultants for the fossil fuel industry.
— Upton Sinclair
or maybe because:
— Sheldon Cooper, Ph.D.