Here in Raleigh, we’ve had at least two officer involved shootings which led to the death of the suspect. Neither has turned into anything, beyond a tiny and utterly peaceful protest. In Charlotte, they dealt with riots. What’s the difference?
(Charlotte Observer) All lanes of Interstate 85 were reopened early Wednesday but still littered with some rocks and glass after a night of protests over an officer-involved shooting of an African-American man in the University City area. The officer was also African-American.
Twelve police officers were injured Tuesday night in a series of clashes, and reports were coming in early Wednesday of motorists on Interstate 85 being hurt and their vehicles damaged when protestors threw rocks, bottles and traffic cones off interstate overpasses onto traffic below.
At least seven of the police officers needed to be hospitalized after the clashes, including one who was hit in the face with a rock.
Mayor Jennifer Roberts sent out a message on Twitter early Wednesday, noting: “I will continue to work with our manager and (police) chief…We are reaching out to community to ask for calm.â€
Well, it’s those kinds of mealy mouthed responses that give people more license to continue to riot and loot.
In addition to Interstate 85, protestors attacked and looted the Walmart on North Tryon Street at about 3:30 a.m. The store was closed early Wednesday, with wooden pallets piled in front of the doors and shopping carts blocking the driveway into the lot.
Three or more tractor trailer trucks were stopped and looted on Interstate 85, and at least two fires were started on the interstate, as the protestors burned items taken from the trucks.
Nothing says “don’t shoot us, we aren’t breaking the law” like looting and arson, along with the throwing bottles and rocks things.
What led to all this?
The man who died was identified late Tuesday as Keith Lamont Scott, 43, and the officer who fired the fatal shot was CMPD Officer Brentley Vinson, a police statement said.
Police said they had been searching for someone who had an outstanding warrant at The Village at College Downs complex on Old Concord Road when they saw Scott leave his car holding a gun.
Officers approached Scott after he got back into the car. He emerged from the car again armed with a firearm “and posed an imminent deadly threat to the officers, who subsequently fired their weapon striking the subject,†police said in a statement. “The officers immediately requested Medic and began performing CPR.â€
Medic took Scott to Carolinas Medical Center, where he was pronounced dead.
Officers state they have recovered a firearm from the scene. He was reportedly tazed 4 times before being shot with a bullet, so, it’s not like they just fired a gun at him immediately. And that’s where it all breaks down. Scott’s daughter, who goes by the name Lyric YourAdorable on, started taking video claiming that he was just sitting in a car reading a book, made a quick video of the scene, and streamed it to Facebook, causing it to go viral.
One problem that no one has seemed to notice: she didn’t witness the shooting
The victim's daughter says she was sleeping when she heard gunshots, she got up and a neighbor told her what happened. #Charlotte
— Beatrice Peterson (@missbeae on all platforms) (@MissBeaE) September 20, 2016
How would she know he was sitting in the car reading a book when she was sleeping?
Scott’s sister says he didn’t have a gun. Who is lying? Her or the police?
During the riots, people did the standard, yammering about Hands Up, Don’t Shoot, Black Lives Matter, and It’s A Books. They also had signs of the same. Then they looted trucks and a WalMart, and set stuff on fire.
What really happened? Time will tell. All the stories seem to reference the recent Tulsa shooting, which, IMO, looks like utterly bad and wrong action by the officer. It looks like murder. In the Charlotte case? Time will tell. We’ll have to see if there is any video of the incident.
People have looted semi-trucks stopped on I-85 and started fires as protests continue in Charlotte
— BuzzFeed News (@BuzzFeedNews) September 21, 2016
Watch closely at the end where the rioter gets nailed with a flashbang.
Crossed at Right Wing News.

gee Teach not even one mention of the 2nd Amendment
why is that ?
Why was this outcome different from when many Bundy supporters actually pointed their guns at law enforcement?????
I mean other than the obvious racial differences
Why was the outcome different. John? Ask the black police officer who shot him.
So retard is not only stupid but racist to boot!!!
He’s welcome to carry. Potentially pointing a gun at someone? You’ve now turned it into an offensive weapon, and the results are one the one pointing the gun.
Nice deflection. 7 out of 10 for style.
On Wednesday morning a local Muslim leader B. J. Murphy promised more VIOLENCE-RIOTS.
The Nation of Islam leader was asked to speak during the Scott family’s press conference.
He opened his statement praising Allah. Then he lashed out at whitey.
He promised more rioting and called for a boycott of Charlotte.
What we’re standing up now for is our black manhood and our black people who are being gunned down in the street and we don’t get no justice… We’re not telling our brothers and sisters to stop!
And Barky says what???
BTW, thanks for all the racial healing, big guy…
Mr Glanton wrote:
The only way that blacks could “boycott” Charlotte is for all of them to move out.
In actuality, this is awesome because the Dems are losing the White Guilt Vote.
Since it was a black police officer that shot a black man….can this be considered the very first time the knuckleheads are protesting a black on black “crime”?
This is why North Carolina is Rapidly turning RED for Trump.
Back in the Reagan/Bush era…..I’m not sure if you remember but Jesse Jackson had his rainbow coalition going on every year….especially during elections….They marched, Screamed, protested and were a general nuisance to both sides.
Reagan won twice, Part of the government changed hands to GOP, Bush was the first VP in modern history to win the White House…..
Clinton showed up and told the blacks to JUST SHUT UP AND HE WOULD TAKE CARE OF THEM ONCE ELECTED….they shut up, stopped marching and guess what….Clinton Cruised to a victory….This is documented by the way……
So now here we go again….2 months till election and the blacks are back in the streets burning, pillaging and plundering….and the people that pay for that?
IS THE DEMOCRATS because they are supposedly their CHAMPIONS…..This is another sad legacy of EIGHT YEARS of the first ever BLACK PRESIDENT who has had EIGHT YEARS of a BLACK ATTORNEY GENERAL running the DOJ.
More obama hangover….and that 62 percent is asking themselves do we really want 4 more years of this>?