Seriously, none of these agencies tasked with keeping America safe have anything better to do
(The Hill) Â President Obama is asking 20 federal offices to work together on a national security strategy to address climate change.
Obama signed a directive on Wednesday telling the offices to develop a “federal climate and national security working group†to “identify the U.S. national security priorities related to climate change and national security, and develop methods to share climate science and intelligence information to inform national security policies and plans,†the White House said.
He charged the group with developing a climate change action plan within 90 days, laying out steps for sharing climate data, research ideas and vulnerability assessments for parts of the United States that are threatened by climate change over the next three decades.
When the boss “asks” you to do something, you do it. It’s really about the same thing as an order.
It’d be funny as hell if they came back and said Obama should stop traveling so much and reduce his own carbon footprint.
Now, let’s consider that the world has warmed. It’s not a bad thing to consider what implications this has to our national security. Just like if the world cooled. The problem here is that, based on Obama’s beliefs, they will surely be required to consider it as a problem caused by Mankind, so all the solutions will be based on that bit of politics. Hence, the results will be politically driven, what the boss wants to see, rather than realistic.

Not too much to worry about, just study groups. In 119 days, our long national nightmare will be over.
“Yay, no more Negro prez! Shit, now it’s a woman! Shit! Isn’t it about time we have another white man?”
And once again, we see Jeffery’s racist and sexist attitudes.
Actually “sharing climate data” would be interesting if they actually release the raw data without cooking the books
Much of what conservatives believe to be true is actually false.
Conservatives exist in this alternative universe of oft repeated myths and lies with no tethers to reality.
Every bit of evidence and data conservatives don’t like they just say is fraudulent. Convenient.
ALL the raw data are available for denier scientists. None have been able to refute the simple theory that atmospheric CO2 is causing the Earth to warm rapidly, or to even offer a feasible alternative theory to why it’s warming.
It’s being proactive and is what any competent leader or “boss” would do. If you understand that global warming is real – that the Earth is steadily and rapidly warming and that his fact will have societal implications you should prepare as best you can.
Deniers argue that humans can adjust to climate change. This is what adjusting looks like.
Jeffrey is laughably silly:
Gee, since Jeffrey is just so certain that I’m asking “Isn’t it about time we have another white man?” that I wonder whom I supported, and contributed to, during the Republican primaries?
You must understand Dana, to Jeffery what qualifies one for the office of President of the United States is they are NOT white, are NOT Christian and are NOT male. Therefore, anyone who looks for actual qualifications is a racist, bigoted, homophobic, Islamophobic, xenophobic deplorable. That’s how those tiny minds full of hate and envy work.
Now who’s being laughably silly? Whooppee, you protested by supporting a lunatic with no chance of winning. How progressive of you.
Another day, another Trump tie to Russia…
Isn’t it about time we have another white man?â€
No its about time we had someone honest and with integrity.