One thing that hasn’t been mentioned in all the unrest in Charlotte is that it is very much a very Democratic Party run city. Let’s not forget that it was Charlotte’s passage of a bill demanding all private entities allow the gender confused to use whichever bathroom, shower, and changing room they want that caused the NC general assembly to pass HB2 in response. Like most places that have this kind of unrest, it’s run by Democrats. Which makes this rather funny
(Raleigh N&O) Many events are being canceled or postponed due to the violence in uptown Charlotte.
Among them: The Democratic Women of North Carolina is postponing its 56th Annual State Convention, to be held in Charlotte this weekend.
“The decision was made in consideration of those members who may be traveling to Charlotte from across the state,†said Concetta Caliendo, DWNC President. The future dates of the convention will be released as soon as determined.
But, but, the people in the street were always the ones who supported Democrats. Why would these Dem women forgo being there for their peeps? Anyway, for all the yammering and consternation of HB2 that caused cancellations, it is the view of violence in the streets of Charlotte, and the potential for violence, that has caused lots of cancellations, along with businesses telling their employees to work from home.
Of course, things like this might have an effect
#WCCB witnessed protesters try to throw still photographer into fire in Uptown #Charlotte. #CharlotteProtest #news
— WCCB Charlotte's CW (@WCCBCharlotte) September 22, 2016
Fortunately, Charlotte was mostly peaceful Thursday night, primarily thanks to the large contingent of Nation Guard members and State Police being present, with a midnight curfew being put in place.
Meanwhile, the family of Mr. Scott has seen the video, and wants it released. So does the NY Times Editorial Board
Elected officials who have paid any attention to the killings of civilians by the police that have roiled several cities in recent years should understand that keeping the public in the dark heightens tension and undermines trust in law enforcement. (snip)
By contrast, the Police Department in Charlotte, N.C., has responded in exactly the wrong way to a police officer’s killing on Tuesday of another black man, Keith Scott. It has opted for stonewalling. The department — which has said that Mr. Scott brandished a gun when he was shot dead — has refused to make public the video that might show how the shooting occurred. Already, the city has suffered through several nights of violent protests by citizens enraged at the death of another black man at the hands of the police. (snip)
There is no legal reason to withhold the video from the public, and in this fraught situation, the best way to allay the community’s distrust is complete transparency. Unfortunately, the city’s mayor, Jennifer Roberts, seems largely at sea and distressingly out of touch with how lack of an open governmental response led to demonstrations in places like Ferguson, Mo., Cleveland and Baltimore. She said Thursday morning that she had not even viewed the video.
That would be Democratic Party mayor of Charlotte Jennifer Roberts, who also declined state law enforcement help prior to the riots Wednesday night.
Anyway, the rationale behind not releasing the video is primarily over the protection of the investigation, and protecting the identities of any witnesses and people in the videos. Realistically, in this day and age, they could take the video and blur out the faces of any people present. It shouldn’t be that hard.
Another reason is to protect the police. Does the video provide any evidence of wrongdoing by either the police or Mr. Scott? Does it exonerate either?
Release the video.
Funny that this keeps happening in mostly Democratic Party run cities.
Crossed at Right Wing News.

You know, there are a lot of small and medium sized towns that have the facilities to host the DWNC’s state convention, places which lose out in competition with big cities for such events. Perhaps if the DWNC, surely a group concerned with income inequality, had thought about it, they’d have picked one of those smaller towns to have their annual convention, spend some of their money where it might do a bit more good.
But, alas! the Democrats have become an almost strictly urban party.
The rural areas are continuing to lose population as most people seem to prefer living in the cities.
I guess that when the NBA and the NCAA also cancelled out Teach found that to be somehow “ironic”
Cities are by no means perfect, but please remember Teach that people make a conscious choice to flee rural poverty and of course the past political terrorism against minorities. At least under “democratic” leadership they feel their lives would be improved; more jobs and more accessible government services more educational opportunities, these are reasons people prefer to live close to OTHER PEOPLE.
All that you have in cities is the poverty more concentrated. There is usually more wealth in the urban areas, but also more inequality, and the poor in the cities are just as poor as the poor in rural areas. The murder rate in cities is enormous, while, in rural areas, even though people have just as many, if not more, firearms, the murder rate tends to be much lower. In foul, fetid, fuming, foggy, filthy Philadelphia, it’s a rare day that passes when someone isn’t murdered, while in the small town and rural county in which I live, just sixty miles north, we have gone years between murders. Our murder rate, even corrected for population, isn’t a tenth of Philly’s.
Why? Well, part of the reason is that we’re not stacked on top of one another! There are fewer opportunities to get pissed off at someone, and even when anger occurs, people being further apart means more time is involved between getting angry and the opportunity to shoot the person who angered you, more time to realize how stupid shooting him is.
The urban areas are highly segregated, in ways that rural areas are not; the most segregated school system in the country is in New York City!
These riots are nothing but a get out the vote tactic for the Democrats. It is what they did last election. Watch the footage carefully, you will see a number of expensive white women flitting about the edges and there was a very refined black lady on the bull horn. All smacks of Hillary promoting misery.