Something is missing, though
(NY Times)  A cellphone camera video made by the wife of Keith L. Scott before he was fatally shot by police here shows the moments before and after the incident, including the wife’s pleas to her husband to get out of his truck, and her pleas to the police not to shoot him.
But the video, which was given to the Times by attorneys for the family Friday, does not include a view of the shooting itself. Nor does it answer the crucial question of whether Mr. Scott had a gun, as the police have maintained.
The transcript, available at the link, provides that the officer gave commands to Mr. Scott multiple times, which were not followed. But, it is missing the key portion as the smartphone is turned away
I do have a few questions. Where is the gun as seen in the photo? Granted, it could have been kicked by one of the officers out of the way and down towards his feet. Consider the photo. It should be near his feet near the grass. Is it in shadow the whole time? According to the photo, it should be in the sun. Is it near the feet originally of the officer to the right in the white shirt? Is it in between the feet of the officer with the red shirt? There really is little that this video addresses, except him being given commands again and again.
And, if he doesn’t have a gun, why is she repeatedly yelling “don’t do it”?
I’m also going to wonder what the f*ck is wrong with society today that the wife is taking video instead of coming to his aid early on, then stiff filming as he lies there shot.
More: MSNBC and MSNBC employee Joy Reid go all sorts of gun truther, trying to say there was a gun thrown down
And here is the still image released by police (they still won't release their video of the shooting) #KeithLamontScott
— Mkay (@JoyAnnReid) September 23, 2016
A couple problems with the Narrative. First, whatever was thrown by the one officer (you can see it starting at 2:11 in the Times video, click the link to open it larger at the NY Times) was also picked up by another officer. MSNBC’s bat guano insane video cuts off before that. Second, whatever was thrown was in a different place than the gun in the photo. Third, these people are nuts. Just pure wonkers.

Teach she was told repeatedly in the video not to come any closer. She HAD to remain on the sidewalk. If she didn’t obey the police and had “something” (like a cell phone) in her hand, my guess is that there would have been 2 deaths. She is also repeatedly saying that he does not have a gun. She had just left him minutes before to go back into her house to get a phone charger. Don’t you think she would have known if her husband had a gun ?
It must be nice to have such moral certainty regarding the motives of others.
Even the slightest acquaintance with reality would really help you, retard.
Pause the video at 1:23 and you can see something behind the left foot of them officer in red. It looks like he steps back and stands over it at around 1:28 and then at 2:13 you can see that he is standing over something. And from the angle that the picture shows what looks to be a gun, it looks like that is close to the same location.
It is your responsibility to de-escalate an encounter with the cops. I have been in several situations in which cops are giving me a ticket or similar encounter and they were ready to do me harm if I did not comply with instructions to the letter. If they have their guns drawn and are yelling at you, it is best to empty your hands and not make any sudden move or move that is not in keeping with their instructions. If they are wrong, you can easily get back at them in court. But cops are not taught to de-escalate and often heighten the emotions. I have even seen cops shoot themselves due to their emotions getting in the way of logic. I have seen cops shoot innocent “white” people who were trying to get away from a fire. So, when they are on the scene, if you do not keep your senses and avoid any conflict you may be harmed. It is pure crap that this is purely a black issue and that is taking away from a legitimate issue.
That’s what I was wondering, if the guy in the red was keeping it covered with his feet.
The cops have his gun with his fingerprints and blood and DNA on it, according to cnn. The cops can be heard shouting to him “put down the gun”. It’s going to be a challenge to pin this on the cops. Unless he dropped the gun and then got shot after. But nobody knows anything like that at this point.
Oh goody, the googly spazzy-eyed Haggard Harridan will waddle into Charlotte this weekend.
It’s not like the LEO’S have enough to do besides protect her fat ass.
Bull. Complete unadulterated bull.
If it is the cops escalating the encounter, you have no obligation to stand down from their actions which are illegal and against policy.
You make the false equivalency that because the cops have are ready to do you harm (over a traffic ticket? Really?) they are justified in doing you harm if you do not comply. The law is that you are under no obligation to comply with illegal orders from the police. None. Not one iota.
Bull again, The doctrine of sovereign immunity when it comes to police action is very difficult to pierce.
Which is a change in training prior to the 1990’s. Cops should work to de-escalate the situation rather than taking the stance of “I have a gun and I will use it.” There are more violent encounters with police because cops no longer work at calming the situation but make it worse. People react to their force and it goes downhill from there.
Seriously david, doesn’t this make the case that cops should be taught to de-escalate? If they are so ramped up to the point where they cannot control a dangerous weapon and harm themselves, there is something wrong.
Even when they initiate the conflict? How is that possible to avoid what police initiate?
There are a lot of good cops out there that are tainted by the actions of a small percentage of cops. The cops get special treatment when it comes to laws such as “Law Enforcement Bill of Rights” as well as protection from their unions no matter what.
There is a policing problem in this country and the police have to work to be the good guys. As communities and people react to the over the top actions of police, people will react when the cops live up to the ideals of law enforcement.
Please take a look at this case as the facts are somewhat similar.
Appeals court says:
Having a gun in one’s hand is not illegal nor is it an immediate threat to the police. (If it were, then the drawn guns of the police would be more of a threat and the person would have the right to shoot the cops.)
This is not going to be an easy case to figure out.
Pointing a loaded, illegal gun at police is a sure fire way the get a retroactive abortion.
I am not sure what you are commenting about in your attempted rebuttal to what I wrote, but would suggest that you take a pill and a big swallow of whiskey and rethink what you wrote. Yes, I had a cop who was so super-charged that when he thought is had broken the speed limit he was on his way to giving me a whipping for which I could not fight back. I had another friend put in the hospital over a speeding ticket and almost died. I had a patient almost killed by cops beating him (white guy) because they thought he was drunk and driving when he was really in insulin shock.
Cops have a problem. But if you try to present your case in today’s world on the street where they are encountering you, you will lose. Something does need to be done to change this. It is not a race issue and the BLM looting and beating white people only helps the cop’s side.