NC State totally stands in solidarity with things they really do not know about
Students fill @NCStateUnion in a peaceful rally to show solidarity for Charlotte. #WeStandWithCharlotte
— NC State University (@NCState) September 23, 2016
Would that be in solidarity for those who protested peaceably, or those who looted stores, broke windows, damaged cars, assaulted people, tried to throw a reporter in a burning trash can, etc?
(WTVD) Students at NC State joined the growing protest movement over the police shooting death of Keith Lamont Scott, in Charlotte.
About 300 students staged a die-in at the student union on Friday evening.
It began with a gathering on Wolf Plaza. Demonstrators arrived wearing all black. Then, in unity with the demonstrators in Charlotte, they marched in to the student union and played dead. The die-in serving as a symbolic protest over what they see as the latest case of police brutality.
Scott was told to drop the gun or some variation at least 12 times. His wife kept repeating “Keith don’t do it.”
Anyhow, the little Snowflakes had a real hard time putting their phones down. It’s similar to what Michelle Malkin noted of another die in
"Die-in"…and they can't put their damned phones down? Pfffft.
— Michelle Malkin (@michellemalkin) September 23, 2016
And there’s wonderful video from the NCSU die in at the WTVD link which shows them playing with their phones. You can even see some with wired earphones in their ears.
Meanwhile, an arrest has been made in the murder of an attendee of the Wednesday night Charlotte riots, which makes an interesting counterpoint to the talking points put out by Black Lives Matter
Charlotte Police Chief Kerr Putney said during a news conference that 21-year-old Rayquan Borum was arrested Friday morning. He provided few other details about the arrest or the suspect but said that video led investigators to the Borum.
The protester, 26-year-old Justin Carr, was shot Wednesday night during a violent night of protests in Charlotte. He died Thursday of his injuries.
Guess the race of the killer and killed. Yes.

And some had sunglasses and water bottles further proving that it’s OK for cops to shoot citizens.
The legacy of the first black president who has had two black DOJ’s and the DHS secretary is also black…..
The NC COP was black and its the White Mans fault.
That is the legacy that the Black People will remember when they are sitting at home….still poor, still picked on, still victims of racial profiling, still unemployed, still without opportunity….
And whenever anyone on the right wants to at least try to help……
And the right goes back to being silent and the left goes back to vicimizing their own voter base by keeping them poor, unemployed and without hope……
Thats Obama’s legacy….not the peace president.
A Black president couldn’t solve all the world’s problems!! So there.
Conservative “help”: cut taxes on the wealthy, reduce worker protections, shift the tax burden onto the poor, cut services to the poor, put more Blacks in jail and suppress the Black vote. And all this from a political movement that has systematically oppressed everyone but white men.
Vote for Trump! What do you have to lose?
Blacks are not as stupid and lazy as conservatives believe. Please cons, get out of the way and let decent folk get to work.
[…] And if the evidence supports the case that this shooting was justified? The same Leftists will turn their blind eyes to such facts. Again, facts are not welcome, critical thinking? Bah! Waiting for evidence? The don’t need no stinkin’ evidence! Just ask the students at NC State […]
Conservative “helpâ€: cut taxes
on the wealthy,reducemaintain actual worker protections,shift the tax burden ontolift the poor by supplying good jobs free of oppressive government controls that do nothing but waste money,cutmaintain needed and critical services to the poor, put moreBlackscriminals in jail andsuppress the Black voteincrease legal voter participation . And all this from a political movement that has systematically oppressedeveryone but white menno one and increased prosperity.There.
Fixed that for ya Jeffery as once again despite knowing what Conservatives stand for, you chose to lie.
Which is why the number of Black conservatives is growing. Blacks are seeing and feeling the effects of liberal politicians and their policies which has kept them in poverty and considered them lower class for years.
You mean “decent folk” like rapists?
–The Daley Gator
A proposal to honor such an achievement here at the Cove…
The little miss goldpuss who’s more retarded than john award*
Nominations are now open.
*To be awarded daily
GC you can be soooo funny sometimes! Is it intentional?
The number of black conservatives is growing ? Really ? well I guess it would be difficult for that number to shrink.
the child abusing left is at it again. Dindu Notin gets arrested for murder while the riot organizers descend on Charlotte.
in Tulsa , white woman shoots the guy and no riots, the reason, North Carolina is in play politically and Oklahoma is not.
even more evidence that the left are abusers
And once the black man throws off the oppressive yoke of slavery and exploitation the democrats and leftists have shackled them with there will be no going back. So you better import those illegals and moslems fast your time grows short.
It was finally revealed why dogdickbreath is so bitter. It appears that at his last “furry” party our little poodle was brutalized by two “mastiffs” and a “pit bull”. Maybe if he weren’t such an enticing little poodle…
What jeffery cant understand is that the people commenting here at this blog actually would like to see the Black people given opportunities and a better life.
We just see the means to that end totally differntly.
jeffery wants to tax the shit out of everyone and give it to the black people so they can remain in the projects and remain voiting for Democrats as their daily dose of DRUG POVERTY IS SIMPLY INCREASED.
The right on the other hand would like to see fundamental changes…..Jobs, Opportunities, better education, nicer neighborhoods a chance to get out of the perpetual poverty they find themselves shackled too….
The goal is the same…..the means to that goal is not and more importantly the end result of the goal is certainly not.
RacistS? I find Jeffery the biggest racist on this board.
Coming from you john, the person who can’t read, comprehend, or do basic math, I’ll take that as a compliment.
The same thing is happening with the Jewish vote, john. More members of that faith are leaning toward more conservative beliefs.
That’s okay though. You still have the support of groups like ISIS.
Jeff really does not want blacks to improve their situation. I reality Jeff is a white supremacist, as I have said before, he is just as bad a Duke. Now, this may sound odd, but Jeff has a bad great white man who saves the poor black man syndrome. If black get ahead, he will lose his ability to use his superiority to help them. But he does not help them, never ever has he indicated if he supports and effort to help the ghetto. Instead, he gets his rocks off by taking their side, even when no one is choosing sides. Notice how quick he is to blame all of us for our short coming simply because we are white and not groveling about how bad someone was 200 years ago. He is one sick guy.
I have never called for that. I do advocate a steeply progressive federal income tax to take much of the payroll tax and local tax burden off the working poor. I do advocate universal healthcare. What I want for poor people are good-paying jobs.
Full employment drives wages up. Repub and Dem elites and the Fed dislike full employment. Why? Because it drives wages up and in our plutocracy the pols support the donor class. Whenever we reach full employment and wages start to creep up, the Fed raises interest rates to slow the economy.
On average each American worker adds over $100,000 to the economy. That’s over $200,000 of productivity in a typical American household! Of course, there’s a great deal of inequality in apportioning the results of all the productivity. To be fair, some highly productive, hard workers like Don Trump, Kanye West and Paris Hilton are much more valuable to the economy than are inner city teachers or nurses, and when the economy allocates a hundred million to a Trump or a CEO, that necessarily means less to the less valuable teachers, nurses, policemen and clerks.
A proposal to honor such an achievement here at the Cove…
The little miss goldpuss who’s more retarded than john award*
Nominations are now open.
*To be awarded daily
poodlebreath wins the first award!! Congrats.
You’re joking, right? Or do you actually believe there is a big pile of money somewhere and if a million goes to Oprah then there is a million less for the rest of us?
J-“I do advocate a steeply progressive federal income tax.. ” We already have one of the most progressive federal income taxes in the world. The top 1%, which pays about 46% of all income taxes, is made up of a little more than 3 million people. Hardly any other western nation relies on such a small number of taxpayers to fund the government.
J-“Conservative help cut taxes on the wealthy, reduced worker protection, shifted the tax burden to the poor, put more blacks in jail and supressed the black vote.” Total bullshit, J. Taxes were cut for all brackets, not just the wealthy. And actually that shifted the tax burden to the wealthy, as they now pay a higher share of the total than when rates were lower. Blacks put themselves in jail by their actions, not conservatives. By the way, where do you see most blacks in jails? In democratic cites run by liberals with liberal policies. As far as the black vote, there is absolutely no proof that the votes of blacks have been supressed, unless like Jeffery you think they aren’t capable of obtaining an ID like everyone else. Furthermore, the liberals could have changed any or all of those policies you listed when they had a super-majority in congress along with the presidency. Nice try placing the blame where it doesn’t belong.
Jeffery talks a great talk but in the end after you sort thru all his double talk he wants the rich to be taxed and 97 percent like it was back in the days of FDR.
He wants to eliminate all taxes for anyone making under 100k or some such random figure and put more and more burden on everyone else.
America is a collectivist society….everyone matters….everyone counts and everyone needs to do their share….however small or large….
Rewarding the so called working class with a free pass and free medical is not FREE…IT COSTS and there is not enough money in all the land to pay for all this regressivism.
So my observations of Jeffery stands….he speaks a good fight….but in reality it is nothing more then communism cloaked and veiled and a nihilistic capitalism speak.
I don’t recall mentioning 97% or $100K or free medical care. But I’m used to your lies.
What’s the top marginal income tax break point between capitalism and communism. Is 29% capitalist but 30% communist? Was President Eisenhower a communist?
The working classes don’t get a free pass now. They pay federal payroll taxes, property taxes, state and local sales taxes and various fees. You likely don’t understand the concept of regressive taxes but payroll taxes and most local taxes are regressive. I don’t understand why conservatives are only worried reducing the taxes of the wealthy.
Israel has universal healthcare (and they pay less than half per person what we pay). Is Israel a communist nation?
As I’ve said, you’re just an old retired nazi living off the hard work of others.
Do you really think that a company has unlimited sums for compensation? If you pay the CEO $8 million, Sr. VPs $1.2 million each, CFO $2.5 million, then yes you do have less to pay your other employees.