Will the EPA turn off their air conditioning and refrigerators at their offices until replacement refrigerants can be implemented? Obviously, that’s rhetorical
(Daily Caller) While media coverage Monday largely focused on the first presidential debate, the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) finalized two global warming regulations to ban chemicals used in refrigerators and air conditioners.
EPA unveiled its regulations ahead of next month’s Montreal Protocol meeting, likely as part of the White House’s strategy to issue rules to show other countries the U.S. is serious about fighting global warming. (snip)
EPA’s two new rules increase regulations on household appliances that use HFCs and add “to the list of safer and more climate-friendly chemicals for use in the refrigeration and air conditioning and fire suppression sectors.â€
There is no actual timeline given by the EPA for this to occur, all in the name of anthropogenic climate change, though it seems they want something done by 2025. And, let’s be honest, some of the gases are potent greenhouse gases, much more than CO2, though they do not contribute all that much. Interestingly, the people who make these household appliances are already ahead of the EPA
The Association of Home Appliance Manufacturers has announced a goal — for which it is seeking the support of government and safety authorities — to voluntarily phase down the use of hydrofluorocarbon (HFC) refrigerants used in household refrigerators and freezers after 2024. This effort builds on a history of environmental stewardship that includes significant gains in energy and water efficiency and the phasing out of ozone-depleting substances without losing these efficiency gains.
But, there really aren’t any viable alternatives at the moment. They say as much. Many of them are very expensive, very flammable, or both. So, they are doing what the private sector does: work towards alternatives that will not significantly increase the cost of appliances, nor cause them to catch on fire. The EPA has jumped in with both feet, and seems determined to find a refrgerant based more on its GHG potential, regardless of cost to the consumer.
Under Section 612 of the Clean Air Act, EPA’s Significant New Alternatives Policy (SNAP) program is adding to the list of safer and more climate-friendly chemicals for use in the refrigeration and air conditioning and fire suppression sectors; listing several new substitutes as unacceptable in specific end-uses in the refrigeration and air conditioning sector; and changing the status of a number of substitutes that were previously listed as acceptable in the refrigeration and air conditioning and foam blowing sectors. Foam products that contain unacceptable foam blowing agents are also listed as unacceptable.
It’s all about Hotcoldwetdry. If your costs go up, so be it. If you’re unable to get your appliances fixed, so have to purchase new more expensive ones, so be it. It’s easy to say when you are able to purchase appliances at any price because taxpayers are footing the bill.
In today’s second action, EPA is strengthening the refrigerant management program under Section 608 of the Clean Air Act and extending the regulations to non-ozone depleting substitutes such as HFCs and other substitutes. This action will lead to reductions in emissions by lowering the leak rate at which large air conditioning and refrigeration appliances must be repaired and incorporating industry best practices such as verifying repairs and conducting regular leak inspections on leaking appliances. In addition to the benefits for the ozone layer, EPA estimates the refrigerant emissions avoided from this rule will be more than 7 MMTCO2eq annually.
Which will cost businesses more money. Guess who pays for that? Don’t expect an lawsuits on this one, though.
Let’s nor forget that a big part of this push is international, in an attempt which will limit, if not eliminate, the ability for people in developing nations to have the same appliances being used in the 1st World now, meaning they won’t be able to afford things like refrigerators. Where does this occur mostly? In places like Africa and Asia. Seems rather racist.

This pretty much makes it impossible to repair existing equipment. The congress needs to abolish the EPA.