The funny part about all these types of conspiracy theories is that they so often turn out to have at least some truth to them, at least where the Clinton’s are concerned
(Baltimore Gazette)Â The first presidential debate was held and Hillary Clinton was proclaimed the winner by the media. Indeed Clinton was able to turn in a strong debate performance, but did she do so fairly? Multiple reports and leaked information from inside the Clinton camp claim that the Clinton campaign was given the entire set of debate questions an entire week before the actual debate.
Earlier last week an NBC intern was seen hand delivering a package to Clinton’s campaign headquarters, according to sources. The package was not given to secretarial staff, as would normally happen, but the intern was instead ushered into the personal office of Clinton campaign manager Robert Mook. Members of the Clinton press corps from several media organizations were in attendance at the time, and a reporter from Fox News recognized the intern, but said he was initially confused because the NBC intern was dressed like a Fed Ex employee.
There was no Fed Ex truck outside, and the intern left via another door. As the article writer notes, it will be almost impossible to fully prove this
Clinton seemed to have scripted responses ready for every question she was asked at the first debate. She had facts and numbers memorized for specific questions that it is very doubtful she would have had without being furnished the questions beforehand.
What happens if this is exposed? What happens if she seems utterly scripted during the next debate or two? Don’t discount that Hillary has long been in politics, and has done plenty of debating. Nor should anyone think she is not a very smart person. She certainly is. Would you put this past Hillary and the Dems along with their compliant media?
Anyhow, it’s an interesting theory to speculate on. Hey, if Howard Dean can say Trump is using cocaine and Team Hillary can start the Birther rumor……

TheDon excuses so far:
How will you fix the economy?
How will you defeat ISIS?
When did you stop being a birther and why?
How will you heal the racial divide?
If you DIDN’T have a canned 2 minute minispeech on each of these topics you would be unprepared for the debate. Any person serious about running for president should have this information at hand as Secretary Clinton did. TheDon seemed befuddled all night, almost as if he hadn’t prepared to answer these obvious questions.
I bet Secretary Clinton also had prepared answers on Social Security, global warming, the ACA, Russia, China, police shootings, extremism in America, trade agreements, energy policy, driverless cars, email servers, Syria and on and on. Secretary Clinton thinks about these issues and prepared for the debate. TheDon… not so much.
Of course it seems like she cheated to TheDon and is ultra low information supporters.
Must have missed the part where Lester asked about her private server and the deleted emails.
Did ol’ Lester mention anything about hammers and cell phones? Uranium 1?
To some the Hag outperformed expectations because she didn’t cough, collapse, or die right on stage.
I just saw a video of the time just after the debate ended. You see someone take something that looked lie a clipboard or folder from Hillary’s podium, wander off to the side of the stage for a moment and then come back and hand it to Lester Holt.
That would certainly fit with NBC getting back what had been given her.
How I would answer.
I thought the media and democrats are constantly saying the economy is great under Obama. So what’s to fix?
There’s nothing to defeat. According to Obama they are the JV team.
I gave up a while back after realizing the media and democrat party had built an impregnable wall to shield Obama from showing the public the truth.
What racial divide? Obama was the post-racial president and after him, blessed be his name, all race is wonderful.
BONUS QUESTION: What are you going to do about domestic terrorism?
I’m certainly not going to follow Frau Klintons lead and let in more terrorists.
The Don doesnt need excuses.
He lost…technically if you were a debate judge he got trounced….
The real issue is that the polling after the debate was 3-1 in favor of the Donald.
Now that doesnt really mean anything does it?
Well actually it does….because when Obama was running the polling after debates ran 3-1 in HIS FAVOR even after the first debate….
Why is that important…….
The right is energized…..Hillary is putting the left to sleep.
The Donald really needs to do one thing and one thing only the next two debates….
Stand still, look presidential and offer up extremely short answers.
If he does that….he will run away with the undecideds a week before the election.
People are sick of Obamalamadingdong and his Angry tag along….Hillary…We tend to switch parties every 8 years……
Ding….Dems are up…..
If Hillary had fallen dead at the first question, the media would have said she won the debate. As it is, I thought Trump handled it very well. Hillary came across like a lawyer at a trial with all kinds of irrelevant and mostly false crap. Trump did not come across and kill her which was a major plus. To me, he did not appear to be a bully and countered the outrageous claims of the idiot left, look at Jeff’s comments to see how stupid it has become.
Hillary goes on about how she is going to grow the economy by taxing everyone to the point that they have no money left. Somehow, that stimulates the economy. Trump promises to try to return to the Reagan economy which was a great boost to us all until big Bill stopped the growth with his taxes and the Dems would not stop spending. Then we got in the depression due to big Bill and Barney Frank.
I knew the fix was in when old Lester starts the first question by saying how great the last 8 years have been with economic growth and increasing wages. That sums up how bad it was and the lying continues.
At the end of the day, Hillary is a liar, corrupt, incompetent, crooked and very, very ill. Note in her close ups that she now has evidence of disconjugate eyes. This is only seen in very severe injury to the brain and conditions like neurosyphilis. She also has severe memory issues due to her brain disease.
Here’s Klinton’s terrorist and immigration policy.
I knew the fix was in when old Lester starts the first question by saying how great the last 8 years have been with economic growth and increasing wages. That sums up how bad it was and the lying continues.
Yes. I was rather shocked that the moderator would tout this at the beginning of the most anticipated debate in history….but then I realized……
THIS IS AFTER ALL……N B C……Owners of M S nbc.
The Baltimore Gazette is a fake newspaper, of course. Once again, the right-wing conservablogs are fooled by parody.
As it turns out, Much of what conservatives believe to be true, turns out to be faked.
For all of Secretary Clinton’s severe brain damage she easily peeled that Big Fat Orange. He was clearly intimidated by her and acted out like an insecure 6th grader.
If he listens to his handlers he can make up part of the 4 points he’s going to lose this week. It means he’ll have to show discipline and actually learn something.
As bad as Big Orange was and is, it’s more appalling that 40% of Americans find him acceptable.
So Hoagie is a birther!!
Any other birthers amongst the Cesspoolians Covians? Step up! Don’t be embarrassed.
I would correct you, it is easy. But what is the purpose. You live in lala land and will only believe some bizarre liberal talking points. If you want to believe that Clinton was so smart, who cares??? But you can tell from your desperation to make yourself heard that you really have doubts yourself. The more you post, the more the others on this board recognize that you are running scared.
I was probably more shocked than you that Donnie did so poorly. I was wrong. I had predicted that Donnie would win on style points – his confidence, his witty repartee – I thought he would overwhelm Secretary Clinton – she’s not very good in debates. But this time he was clearly overwhelmed by the situation – intimidated by a little old lady who is obviously a lot brighter than he was. He was like a scared kid.
I thought the bombast Donnie shows while campaigning would translate to the debate.
You claim to be a doctor. Are TheDon’s symptoms (sniffling, pressured speech, interrupting, shouting, disinhibition, crashing fatigue etc) consistent with cocaine use?
Thursday morning links
Former Navy SEAL commanders explain why they still wake up before dawn every day — and why you should, too The drive to kill Airbnb is a war on the future UCL Provides Trigger Warnings for Archaeology Students Who Are Afraid of Bones The
drip, drip, drip…
Don Vito Drumpf was doing business with Communist Cuba when it was illegal. I guess anything is OK as long as it makes money.
The Teflon Don violates US law after US law, stiffs his workers, used “illegals” to build Drumpf Tower, doesn’t pay taxes… all ignored by the corporate media.
Most. Corrupt. Candidate. Evuh.
No response to falling for a fake newspaper?
As bad as Big Orange was and is, it’s more appalling that 40% of Americans find him acceptable.
Trump pulled off presidential: James Robbins
The first line of the article.
Editor’s note: The opinions in this article are the author’s, as published by our content partner, and do not necessarily represent the views of MSN or Microsoft.
From the same MSN site.
TO wit:political scientist Ross K. Baker wrote, “Clinton will probably get a modest bump in the polls for her solid and well-informed performance, but the debate was a personality test more than it was an SAT.â€
This is Journalism in America now….This is why MOST Americans distrust the PRESS and MSM now. They have finally started getting it….they finally have started to realize how biased the MSM is in America these days.
And when the Left is Ordering my girls to share a bathroom with a boy….then I think everyone except that 10 percent on the left has stopped taken a breath and wondered ………..WTF MATE.
Are TheDon’s symptoms (sniffling, pressured speech, interrupting, shouting, disinhibition, crashing fatigue etc) consistent with cocaine use?
Wow a Howard Dean disciple. Now I get it Jeffery you are most definitely an unhinged far left whack job.
Railing against a Democrat who wont do anything he says hes going to do once in office because He cant….it takes congress to do anything he wants to do….and both parties will basically be treating him like they treated Carter.
Any judge will be filibustered by the left till the cows come home…..If Clinton wins any Judge will be filibustered by the right till the Cows come home….perhaps the Donald will nominate a moderate who is more interested in the law and the constitution then they are in politics….
Wow how refreshing that would be………well except for people like you who want to make your Kremlin bosses happy…..or is it China you work for….Im beginning to wonder now.
“I knew the fix was in when old Lester starts the first question by saying how great the last 8 years have been with economic growth and increasing wages.”
Same here david and Liam.
When Lester spouted that nonsense, I was speechless.
As to her cheating, hard to say. But if you can find different videos that show everyone after the debate, the “cleaner” was busier than just removing something.
And at this point, since Hillary has long demonstrated that the rules (and laws) do not apply to her, there’s every reason to assume she cheated during the debate.
Truthiness prevails!
Actually, Holt stated that there were two economic realities.
Lester Holt: There are two economic realities in America today. There’s been a record six straight years of job growth {true}, and new census numbers show incomes have increased at a record rate after years of stagnation {true}. However, income inequality remains significant {true}, and nearly half of Americans are living paycheck to paycheck {true}.
Beginning with you, Secretary Clinton, why are you a better choice than your opponent to create the kinds of jobs that will put more money into the pockets of American workers?
One. More. Time.
The solution is simple: NO MSM “MODERATORS”.
Flip a coin: winner goes first. Each candidate asks another candidate a question (2 min). Opponent gets two minutes (or whatever) to answer. First candidate gets two minutes to reply. Opponent gets two minutes to reply. Next candidate gets to ask. Time limits are strictly enforced with shock collars or cattle prods. If that doesn’t work, the candidates get separate studios and only one microphone is enabled at one time.
The “moderator” can be anyone, including a stern-looking nun. All that’s needed is someone to enforce the time limits.
Teach that “Baltimore Gazette”???? did you know that it was a fake newspaper?
Teach you never bother to check primary sources of anything you WANT to believe
So now you say I’m a birther but I’m not ( of course because so much of what leftists say is either made up or a lie ) but guess who is?
James Asher, former McClatchy Washington bureau chief, tweeted – just two weeks ago – that (Sid) Blumenthal “told me in person ‘Obama (was) born in Kenya,’†and that Blumenthal “spread the Obama birther rumor to me in 2008, asking us to investigate.â€
The journalist John Heilemann, co-author of “Game Change: Obama and the Clintons, McCain and Palin, and the Race of a Lifetime,†is not exactly a right-winger. Heilemann, in 2015 on MSNBC’s “Morning Joe†show, said that it was Hillary Clinton’s 2008 election team that started questioning Obama’s birth certificate
Well whaddyya know, Crooked Hillary is a birther. For shame Jeffery, for shame!!!
Okay, yes, Hillary Clinton’s people started the birther movement, raising unfounded suspicions that Barack Obama was born in Kenya and not the U.S. Sure, Hillary’s chief campaign strategist suggested in 2007 that Obama was “not at his center fundamentally American in his thinking and his values,†and thought Hillary could emphasize that by making sure “every speech… contain the line that you were born in the middle of America.” And all right, the former editor of McClatchy says Clinton’s evil pet gnome Sidney Blumenthal urged him to investigate whether Obama was from Kenya.
But that in no way means Hillary Clinton is racist!
This is an old mainstream media trick used to help dishonest democrats. First, they accuse people of being racist if they do or say something that endangers their pet candidate, then they build that unproven assumption into their reporting as if it were an established fact. Thus, debate moderator Lester Holt felt free to ask Donald Trump (why Trump I’m not sure when Hillary was standing right there, but anyway…): “Mr. Trump, for five years you perpetuated a false claim that the nation’s first black* president was not a natural-born citizen.” By mentioning Obama’s blackness, Holt implied that Hillary’s birther creation was inherently racist.
So Crooked Hillary is BOTH a birther and a racist! Thee democrats know so much of what isn’t true and what they don’t know they LIE about.
All lies Hoagie. And easily disproven with just a tiny bit of actual research.
A low level staffer suggested the birther approach and was immediately fired. There is no evidence that Blumenthal suggested that Obama was born in Kenya. The suggestions were to look into Obama’s family ties in Kenya. If Heileman said that, he was wrong.
TheDon has spent nearly a decade making his racist claims, and tries to deflect by doing what this petulant boy always does – by blaming others.
Much of what cons believe to be true is actually false.
No sense in trading comments with Jeff. If you have something that is clear proof, he just labels it a lie and will discount anything that you say.
The real issue with the birther concept was that Obama was promising to destroy the US then tried as hard as possible to do so. People could not conceive that a natural born American would do such a thing to his country. But we were wrong. Any explanation was used to justify his thought process and to stop him. We could not stop him because of people like Jeff who are of very low intelligence and can not understand what is necessary to make sure that we ALL prosper. Instead, Jeff and group want someone like Hillary who is setting up a elite group, much like royalty in the US and intend to continue the destruction of Obama.
You win again, little guy.
You’re really on a streak.
The Little Miss Goldpuss Who’s More Retarded Than john Award*
*Awarded daily
You didn’t provide proof, but unsupported assertions. The fact is that Trump propagated the lie for years, then lied about it some more. The first black U.S. president, and a large block of Republicans claim he isn’t the legitimate president of the U.S. If you don’t see the connection, then it’s because you have your eyes closed.
I understand where you’re coming from david7134, but I keep hoping Jeffery will open his mind just enough to be grateful he was born in such a great country and that it needs no “fundamental change”. All we need to do is make America great again and Crooked Hillary can’t and wouldn’t do that even if she could. Her entire existence as that of all leftists is creating inequality and discord anong Americans so they can swoop in and “fix” it which, of course they never do. Besides, he knows that we know that Crooked Hillary was the original birther and that’s what counts.
If Crooked Hillary wins and BJ Bill becomes the first lady will he get to use the Lincoln bedroom to act out his perversions or will she be too busy renting it out for $250,000 a night? Who do you think Killary will put in charge of Bimbo Eruptions this time? Huma? Nah, he’ll end up doin’ Huma. Probably have her wear a burka while he does her. Maybe invite Carlos Danger over to join them. What a wonderful first family. Do you think he hedge fund lovin’ son in law will start getting more “government” contracts? If Huma is in the WH can they still have a dog and serve BLT’s? So many questions need to be answered.
Consider if the Hag actually wins, all those pleading the 5th or had immunity in the Clinton Email fiasco will all have jobs in the Clinton administration.
Think about that.
I actually have a good memory and recall the 08 election and Hillary and Obama running. And I recall the Hillary bunch starting the issue. Trump is a good guy and represents our desire to correct the destruction caused by the liberals/communist. Hillary is a liar, corrupt, incompetent, and crooked. She would continue the destruction. Now, in keeping with your logic, prove me wrong, which you can’t other than making pathetic accusations about Trump.
Great! Then you should have no trouble finding a contemporaneous account of Hillary Clinton questioning Barack Obama’s citizenship.
You are as full of Bullshit as Jeffery. You must both own the same training manual.
Lester Holt: There are two economic realities in America today. There’s been a record six straight years of job growth {true}, and new census numbers show incomes have increased at a record rate after years of stagnation {true}. However, income inequality remains significant {true}, and nearly half of Americans are living paycheck to paycheck {tru
Wages have barely budged and the racial wealth gap remains wide, while the cost
of everything from childcare to a college education has continued t
o rise……..As working people struggle, the top one
percent accrues more wealth and more power.
So which is it ZACH? Are wages skyrocketing under Obama or are they barely moving as Hillary and the DNC CLAIMS IN THEIR OWN PLATFORM?
and why are the people living paycheck to paycheck if wages are skyrocketing and we have had 6 straight years of job growth?
Lester Holt was quoting straight out of the Clinton Talking points.
“And where is it all going?†Clinton asked. “Economists have documented how the share of income and wealth going to those at the very top, not just the top 1 percent but the top 0.1 percent, the 0.01 percent of the population, has risen sharply over the last generation,†she said. “Some are calling it a throwback to the Gilded Age of the robber barons.â€
Or perhaps this:
Clinton told the audience that middle class incomes had stagnated over the last decade even as the average worker’s productivity had increased significantly in the same period. She pointed to studies that showed 4 out of 10 children born into the lowest rung on the economic ladder remained there as adults.
Or from the LA TIMES: Healthy job growth, coupled with moderate wage gains, lifted the median household income to $56,500 last year, up 5.2%, or $2,800, from 2014. It was the sharpest annual increase on record.
Ahh….but in 1999 the median household Income was 58,000. today it is 56,000 dollars.
Again another DNC talking point.
Shovel it brother….You have your marching orders.
Zboys, y’all could do your own research.
We’re y’all in middle school during the 2008 campaign?
Anyway for you lazy fucks this one time…
And why would I do that. I have given you all you need, look it up yourself. For that matter, at this point what difference does it make? To quote your favorite demon. In years to come, Obama will go down as the worst president we ever had and future generations will question why we didn’t try harder to prevent his actions.
Real median income jumped 5% in 2015, but remains below its pre-recession peak. There is no incoherence talking about low median income, even though there has been recent progress.
The article is authored by Rusty, “a freelance journalist focusing on the conservative movement and its political agenda. He has been writing conservatively charged articles for several years”
The strategy was rejected by the Clinton campaign.
Now, compare that to Trump who openly and repeatedly questioned Obama’s citizenship for years.
Liam, it doesn’t do any good to bother with looking the stuff up for the clowns. They aren’t that intelligent and will not believe it anyway.
I have joined your line of thinking, david7134. No matter how many times they are lead to water they refuse to drink. Screw’em, let them stay dumbasses.
All we ask is that you supply reasonable evidence to support your assertions. We understand how frustrating it is for you to be asked to supply the impossible.
This post by Teach: He passed along a fake article containing fake claims from a fake newspaper. And it will become conserva-lore.
It’s why I post: Much of what conservatives believe to be true is actually false.
All we ask is that you supply reasonable evidence to support your assertions.
If you will concede that Mr. Teach supplied a faked article, we would ask for your best piece of evidence of Secretary Clinton’s “corruption”.
If you will concede that Mr. Teach supplied a faked article, we would ask for your best piece of evidence of Secretary Clinton’s “corruptionâ€.
This sentence makes no sense….what does one have to do with the other.
The onus is always upon the reader to verify the sources of anything anyone says….or accept it as fact.
Blacks accept as fact that all white people are racists because they do not bother to check the facts.
Uber far left whack jobs named Jeffery believes that all righties spend night and day wringing their hands deliberating on how to cut taxes for Billionaires….most of whom are democrats.
So when you try linkage you should really specify what it is your wanting to link.
Linking an article in which it is easily verified as being a snopes pieces is cake….
Linking all repubs to being angry white men who hate women, blacks and themselves is an entirely different task.
So as long as you want linkage to clintons corruption…….
How about 5 people including her chief of staff were GRANTED IMMUNITY OVER HER EMAIL PROBE……
now if there is no corruption or illegal activity why would they be granting immunity to those in the LOOP?
One lie at a time please.
Teach’s post was an obvious fake news article in an obvious fake newspaper pimping an obvious fake story accusing Secretary Clinton of receiving the debate questions weeks prior to the debate. The fake nature of the story is a fact.
But you refuse to acknowledge the fact that Teach’s post is a fake, how we can discuss anything further?
Using the BG as a reference was a blunder, not a lie. You’re so busy trying to be a smart ass you forget it’s Teach’s blog so act like a gentleman instead of a thug. Every time someone gets something wrong you start screaming “Liar, Liar”. Are you two years old?
Crooked Hillary said: “I never sent or received classified emails from my private serverâ€. Now that, Jeffery, is a lie. Not a blunder, a fib or a half truth. It’s an out and out lie. And you know it.
Crooked Hillary destroyed 13 different messaging platforms, so right there she should have charged with obstruction. You know that too. So if YOU aren’t the one lying admit the fix is in and the Klepto-Klintons have already corrupted the system.
Since it’s Teach’s blog he shouldn’t be called to task for spreading lies? Now that he knows it’s a “blunder” why doesn’t he apologize to his loyal readers and remove the false information?
Do you think the FBI is in on the Clinton Conspiracy?
In the summer of 1990, at the height of his bitter divorce from his first wife, Donald Trump was carrying on a very public extramarital affair with a former beauty queen, Marla Maples.
As part of the couple’s divorce proceedings, Ivana Trump’s lawyers asked him under oath about his dealings with other women and whether he had been faithful to his wife.
Instead of answering, Donald Trump invoked his Fifth Amendment rights against self-incrimination. Over the course of five depositions that summer, he was asked approximately 100 questions related to marital infidelity. He pleaded the Fifth on 97 of them.
I get it….your afraid.
But you refuse to acknowledge the fact that Teach’s post is a fake, how we can discuss anything further?
Just as I assumed your trying to link one thing with another…..Your pulling the old Alinsky of throwing a thousand things at em and hoping something sticks.
Your just making a fool of yourself because the Right has finally figured out the Saul Alinsky thing dude.
Here is why Jeffery….its called information overload…..Throw out a few accusations which Hillary was finally able to do with the Ms. Universe contestant and it grew legs….even though it was conspiritorial by nature but thats okay….we all know its the GOP against the MSM and the DNC.
If you throw out a 100 things people dont have time to digest the information and let it run its course….in 2004 Bush defeated Kerry on mainly ONE THEME….SWIFT BOAT….it was not Bush who did that but a super pac.
If the Democrats want to get it right….which proves how stupid and inept they have become and how lazy they have grown because of their MSM umbrella….they would pick a couple things and go after the Donald.
The problem for the LEFT is myriad but a few that stands out to me is one….the left is once again marching in the streets and destroying property…..America hates that even if they agree with the reasons. Secondly this country has finally realized how far left this country has slid and the overall fact remains that America is a center right country although not nearly as right as they used to be…..Thirdly americans are seeing Terrorism on the streets of their own cities and they know that the left and Obama/Hillary/Kerry will not even acknowledge that it is TERRORISM and they keep the flood gates open.
And finally we are electing the President not the POPE….the standards to which we have elevated that position have been slowing detoriating since Nixon…With each election the lofty status to which we hold the president has declined rather significantly…..
Obama not releasing his birth certificate. Trump not releasing his taxes……In the end does anyone really care? I would put forth to you….NO they do not….because as I said….the standards to which we are placing on our politicians these days are so low that the only thing that matters is if they have an (R) or a (D) in front of their names.
[…] Pirate’s Cove, with a delightful headline:“Too Good to Check: Hillary Had Debate Questions Weeks […]