What was he arrested for? Was he violent? Threatening? No. Wait on it
(Washington Post) An East Tennessee State University student was arrested Wednesday after going to a Black Lives Matter protest on campus wearing a gorilla mask and handing out bananas.
Tristan Rettke, an 18-year-old freshman, wore overalls and a gorilla mask and, wandering barefoot while holding a burlap sack with a Confederate flag and a marijuana leaf on it, offered bananas to students who were protesting, according to a report by ETSU police. He was arrested and charged with civil rights intimidation.
Essentially, he was charged with Wrongthink. Per state code. Because Tennessee does, in fact, have a statute over civil rights intimidation.
39-17-309. Civil rights intimidation.
(a)Â The general assembly finds and declares that it is the right of every person regardless of race, color, ancestry, religion or national origin, to be secure and protected from fear, intimidation, harassment and bodily injury caused by the activities of groups and individuals. It is not the intent of this section to interfere with the exercise of rights protected by the constitution of the United States. The general assembly recognizes the constitutional right of every citizen to harbor and express beliefs on any subject whatsoever and to associate with others who share similar beliefs. The general assembly further finds that the advocacy of unlawful acts by groups or individuals against other persons or groups for the purpose of inciting and provoking damage to property and bodily injury or death to persons is not constitutionally protected, poses a threat to public order and safety, and should be subject to criminal sanctions.
Rettke did not threaten nor injure anyone. No, feelings do not count for injury. Well, in today’s society, perhaps they do. They are probably looking at “coerces another person with the intent to unlawfully intimidate another from the free exercise or enjoyment of any right or privilege secured by the constitution or laws of the state of Tennessee;”. And it is a violation to wear a mask while “coercing.’ So, Wrongthink because some had their feelings hurt.
How, in any way, is this Constitutional? This all occurred in a “free speech area” of the campus. That’s right, there is actually a free speech area at a government funded school of higher education.
Let’s note that Rettke was being a jerk. It’s a big old “come on, man, seriously?” moment. I do not condone this action in the least. What, exactly, was the point in doing this other than to be a jerk? But, being a jerk in this manner is no excuse for arrest. He did not threaten anyone, nor hit anyone. He was exercising his 1st Amendment Right to protest peaceably and engage in free speech.
He’s still a jerk, though.
Crossed at Right Wing News.

Perhaps he was arrested for his own protection.
Perhaps the police thought the actions were so provocative as to be likely to incite a violent response.
Wow, an ignorant, belligerent
Trump voterwhite guy acting like a dumb ape, and a crowd of sophisticated Black people ignoring him.When will moderate white people start controlling their extreme fringes?
A question that should be asked every time that little guy who’s more retarded than john posts his comments.
Some say the racist boy in the ape mask was the retarded Pink Poodle.
I’m not so sure. The article said the racist gorilla boy was a college student.
The only time the retarded Pink Poodle has been on a college campus was to empty the trash cans. He was let go when security caught him “playing” with the school mascot, a bulldog.
maybe some people do feel threatened when they see the Confederate flag being flown. Remember that was the flag flown by traitors to the USA who wanted to continue their owing whipping and raping Black human beings
What, exactly, was the point in doing this other than to be a jerk?
Time for a new “award”.
That little guy who’s more retarded than john never disappoints.
John is as ignorant about flags as he is everything else
Pink Poodle Puppy Boy:
No wonder he’s so popular at the “furries” cosplay parties!
the poor little offended minorities .. wah wah wah
Racist Jeff demanding that I control other human beings that share my skin color. Ok, man. I’ll start reigning in all my gorilla-mask-wearing minions as soon as you reign in your brothers killing other brothers in Chiraq. Deal? LOL
Wait! I know what we should do to control this outbreak of free speech! More cops – oh wait – I mean more armed citizens – oh wait – I mean, more laws! Yes, more laws! Oh wait..
Liberals are such fun pinatas.
I thought moderate cons were responsible for their extremist moronic brethren the same way you believe moderate Muslims are responsible for terrorists.
According to the Konservative Koran (The Book of Rush) right-wing extremists are just regular kons with the kourage of their konvictions.
A Black man mocking whites at a
KlanTrump rally wouldn’t have received such gentle treatment would he?God, cons are so easy to lampoon.