Enric Sala, of the World Economic Forum, decided to take a long fossil fueled trip, which also included a fossil fueled helicopter flight, and here’s his response
I visited Greenland, and now I’m freaking out about climate change
We were flying fast and steady, 300 meters over the fjord, when the helicopter pilot suddenly turned downwards, and our stomachs leapt up to our throats.
Instead of blue sky, we now had ice in front of our eyes.
A wall of ice. Thirty stories of ice, of a delicate pale blue. It felt like being on a fast elevator with glass windows, with the stories passing in front of us at vertiginous speed.
Below, the dark blue sea looked frigid, and was approaching too fast for comfort. Suddenly, another left turn and then up; in a few seconds we were over an iceberg 150 meters high and a kilometer wide. That was a monster of an ice cube, broken away from the Ilulissat glacier in Greenland, the fastest-moving glacier in the northern hemisphere.
Twenty kilometres in 20 years. That’s how much the Ilulissat glacier has retreated as this mighty, flowing river of ice crumbles into the ocean. It sounds like a lot. But I did not fully realize what this meant until we flew over the Ilulissat icefjord. It takes 10 minutes for the helicopter to fly over the amount of ice that has been lost because of global warming – in this glacier alone.
A fossil fueled flight to Greenland, the vehicles to get to and from the airport, then a helicopter flight. Nothing says “I believe in anthropogenic climate change” like this hypocrisy.
At the end of the Greenland journey, we all wanted to commit to doing something. No one person alone can convince governments to price carbon, or industries to move towards cleaner practices and reduce carbon pollution. The question is: can we do something that has a measurable positive impact? In my case, as an oceanographer and explorer, I will try to help protect as much as the sea as possible from fishing and pollution, so that ocean life can be more resilient against the effects of global warming.
I leave it up to you to think about what you are willing to do.
Obviously, giving up use of fossil fuels by Warmists is verboten, even when they are “freaking out.”

from wiki
According to Linda Tripp’s grand jury testimony, she felt Willey pursued a romance with Clinton from the start of her White House affiliation. Willey had speculated with Tripp as to how she might be able to set up an assignation between herself and the president. She routinely attended events at which Clinton would be present, wearing a black dress she believed he liked. According to Tripp’s testimony, Willey wondered if she and Clinton could arrange to meet in a home to which she had access, on the Chesapeake Bay.[4]
The Final Report of the U.S. Office of the Independent Counsel report noted that “Willey and President Clinton are the only direct witnesses to their meeting, and their accounts differ substantially on the crucial facts of what occurred.” It also stated “Willey gave false information to the FBI about her sexual relationship with a former boyfriend, and acknowledged having lied about it when the agents confronted her with contradictory evidence. There were also some differences in her Paula Jones and Grand Jury testimony. Although, in both her Grand Jury and Paula Jones testimony she stated she had been harassed [5] [6] Following Willey’s acknowledgment of these lies about her boyfriend, “the Independent Counsel agreed not to prosecute Willey for any offense arising out of the investigation, including false statements in her Jones deposition, so long as she cooperated fully and truthfully with the investigation.”
According to a book critical of Clinton by Candice E. Jackson, Tripp told Larry King in February 1999 that Willey is “an honest person” who was “telling the truth” about having been sexually assaulted by Clinton.[10] However, Tripp’s grand jury testimony differs from Willey’s claims regarding inappropriate sexual advances. She stated that Willey appeared excited about the alleged assault.[11][12]
Excellent John…..Trump said he might throw this out and didnt…..and now the left is talking about nothing but Clintons sexual escapades in an attempt to cut off any blow back it might receive.
You are doing trumps job for him…which is what he intended when he said what he did at the close of the debate…..now everyones talking about Clintons again instead of the FAT, Gangster Ms. Universe…..lolol.
Good job john.
Here is a map of the glacier’s retreat from 1851 – 2014. Draw whatever conclusions you wish.
ah the left wing child abusers who push global warming on us and then do what they say is bad. typical