That’s what Lifezette writer Kathryn Blackhurst wants to know. She spends a few paragraphs on the media “firestorm” over the “fat shaming” (sigh) of Ms. Universe Alicia Machado, before noting
The media jumped on the opportunity to bash Trump for something he said decades earlier and help paint Clinton as a feminist defender.
But what about Juanita Broaddrick? Or Paula Jones? Or Kathleen Willey? Or Gennifer Flowers? You won’t see Anderson Cooper bring these women on and ask how they felt when they were humiliated and maligned by Hillary Clinton or assaulted by her husband.
“Hillary likes to call Donald out for shaming women, calling them names, repeating the names he’s called them. But let’s remember one thing: Hillary Clinton has called me a bimbo for the last 19 years,” Willey said Wednesday on “The Laura Ingraham Show.” “It started years ago in Arkansas. So she doesn’t have a whole lot of room to talk about who’s calling women names.”
Willey, a former White House volunteer, claimed that former President Bill Clinton sexually assaulted her in a private study in the Oval Office in 1993. As the author of the 2007 book, “Target: Caught in the Crosshairs of Bill and Hillary Clinton,” Willey represents one of the so-called “bimbo eruptions” that the Clintons and their surrogates tried to suppress and discredit.
“They all called us bimbos. They called us sluts. They called us whores,” Willey said. “If you ask somebody a word comparison, you put our names up there and you ask somebody a word to describe us, it’s probably going to be, unfortunately, ‘bimbos’ — instead of we’re victims of Bill Clinton’s. And [Hillary Clinton’s] OK with that. She just hasn’t called off her dogs when it comes to that.”
Will the media run with this? Of course not. Monica Lewinsky was called a “narcissistic loony toon†by Hillary (who has never denied that). She called Gennifer Flowers “trailer trash.†When former Sen. Bob Packwood was accused of sexual harassment, Clintontold her friend Blair that she was “tired of all those whiney women,†and that she needed Packwood on health care. A private investigator named Ivan Duda claims that, after Bill lost his second governor’s race, Hillary told him: “I want you to get rid of all these b****** he’s seeing . . . I want you to give me the names and addresses and phone numbers, and we can get them under control.â€
If you remember, Hillary said earlier this year on the subject of sexual assault that “everybody should be believed at first until they are disbelieved based on evidence.†Yet, Hillary not only didn’t believe the credible accusers, which stands at over ten women, but actively worked to destroy them.
Here’s a question for Team Trump: why are you not out there on the attack against Hillary with this?

The Trump campaign is desperate post-debate.
Wow! A woman with a hound-dog husband says bad things about hubby’s ladyfriends and one night stands! Who would have believed it.
On the other hand this woman has worked tirelessly over the globe for decades to insure education rights and healthcare for women and children.
Female voters might well overlook a wife who reacted negatively to her hound-dog hubby banging other women, when that same wife’s entire life and career has been dedicated to helping women and children.
On the other hand Trump has a life’s history of abusing women. We’ll see what women voters think.

Perhaps female voters would overlook that, if that were the case. The truth is she worked tirelessly to denigrate, denounce and humiliate the victims of her husbands rapefest of life. She covered for the “bimbo eruptions” and obfuscated her husband’s serial abuse of young woman.
I find it very hard to believe a person’s “entire life and career” can be dedicated to helping children when she advocates the killing of them in the womb. Does she advocate only for those children she deems worthy to love?
You leftists make great Nazi’s. They too believed certain people were not really “people” and therefore needed to be murdered. For the Nazi’s it was Jews. For progressives it’s our children. You tell me which is the more evil.
Klepto-Klinton supports the rape and abuse of women by men of power like her husband or she would have left him long ago. And Crooked Hillary supports the Nazi-like murder of babies. She is a liar, a pig and a ghoul.
The real Killary.
You get angrier and dumber with each comment.
What do you think Ivana had to say when TheDon was fucking Marla Maples? She said in a deposition that TheDon raped her and pulled her hair out. Sounds like something he would do. A lawsuit is working through the system where a woman claims TheDon raped her at a party when she was 13. Sounds like something he would do.
So finally we get to the crux, as is often the case with cons. Secretary Clinton, like most women, supports the right of a woman to have an abortion. We get it. Most cons oppose abortion on religious or ideological grounds.
Would you ever vote for a candidate that supported abortion? For a candidate who, if elected, would certainly nominate judges and justices who support a woman’s right to choose to have an abortion?
I told you before Jeffery, I believe abortion should be legal so yes, I would vote as you asked I would. I would also vote for a candidate who believes the opposite. I Don’t agree with abortion but I also don’t believe it should be illegal. The best thing about abortion is the democrats have set the institution up similar to the way they did slavery: a disproportionate amount of abortions are perpetrated on and by minorities who are most likely future democrat voters. How could I possibly be against that? But it’s already the law, is it not? So why the hoopla?
Is it intellectually possible for any leftist to engage in a discussion where they don’t automatically start off calling people names? Would the elimination of that first childish line change in any way the matter you discussed? Did it add in any way truth or fact to your argument? I realize you believe anyone who disagrees with you is a stupid racist, most leftists do. You don’t need to keep repeating yourself it belies weakness.
When did “it sounds like something he would do” become evidence of a crime? Would you like to be judged by that statement? they this:
From the guy that just called his opponents Nazis…
A civil court will decide if TheDon is liable for the rape of the child. It sure sounds like something he would do, doesn’t it?
Do you have evidence that Secretary Clinton committed crimes?
So the GOP presidential candidate was up at 5 AM making porn recommendations on twitter. “Check out her sex tape!”
Didn’t his latest wife make a porn video?
TheDon makes Bill Clinton look like a monk by contrast.
No but it sounds like something she would do, doesn’t it? I mean really, a net worth of 157 million? Nothin’ to see here, right Jeffery? After all the feds usually investigate over nothing, right?
Sure he does. You must be kidding. The problem with you liberals is you have no moral compass so you think if the other guy does something it’s okay if your guy does. Surprise! It’s really not. You would figure that as a governor and a president you leftists would demand a better person but I guess not. I’m embarrassed that Trump is the Republican candidate ( I was for Cruz) but you wallow in the feted, rotting puss that is Hillary as if she were the second coming.
As I said you get more vile with each comment.
You reek of fetid desperation.
[…] that’s one way to gloss over the dozens of women who credibly accused Bill, and there’s no mention of how Hillary attacked those women, such as calling Gennifer Flowers […]
Donald Trump is without a doubt the biggest lunatic on the planet.
Seriously how can this man be president? He cannot be told No, nor can he be given any advice what so ever that he would actually listen too.
If anyone says even the remotest negative thing about him….you know which is what everyone does in a political campaign….the guy simply loses his mind.
He is a Billionaire who is not in the least bit used to ANYONE…saying ANYTHING negative about him…or questioning anything he might ever say….ever.
How can this guy honestly be president….I just dont see it…..I really don’t. He seriously is going to have to ……………..
are you ready Donald………
SHUT THE FUCK UP…..and ACT LIKE A PRESIDENT in the next 40 days or you will sweep the entire GOP under the rug in one election….
I really don’t care about him….so much as I do the Senate flipping to the left and the house doing the same thing…..and right now thats where the Donald is taking the GOP.
First of all Jeffery I’ not desperate about anything. I’m retired and quite well off and will remain so regardless of who is president. Secondly you once again couldn’t help yourself could you? You absolutely must call people names like a two year old. So now I’m vile? Why, because I called Hillary rotting puss? Or because I called you on your lack of moral turpitude for not calling Crooked Hillary out for what she is? I acknowledge that Trump is a filthy pig but you just can’t bring yourself to speak the truth about that puss pot Klepto Klinton. Sadly, men like you can’t, or refuse to see what the truth is. If you weren’t such a blind partisan you might even make a good American. Then again I’m not sure you’d even want to be a good American.
Hoagie typed:
We’ve observed that this selfish position is universal with conservatives. “I’ve got mine, screw the rest of you.”
Yet conservatives use public education, public roads, breathe clean air, drink clean water, enjoy police protection, collect Social Security, rely on Medicare etc.
I too am wealthy and will do well regardless of who is elected. And although Secretary Clinton threatens to raise my taxes, I still support her! Why? Because in my opinion her policy prescriptions will be better for America and Americans.
Yes your vile comments likely reflect your nature. What else do we have to go on but your comments?
Rather than comment on Secretary Clinton’s female genitalia, perhaps you could comment on her policies.
You say I don’t call out Secretary Clinton for “what she is”: what is she? Please be specific.
Why does multi-billionaire TheDon take small dollar donations from poor people to fund his campaign (with much of money going to Trump Industries businesses – nice scam) rather than self fund as he said he would?
That’s a good question Jeffery. Now you do realize “donations” are voluntary. And you do realize Klepto Klinton also takes small dollar donations from “poor people” don’t you? I figure all candidates take small dollar donations don’t they? Or is there now something wrong with poor people participating in the process?
I think the more germane question would be why do so many billionaires and multi-millionaires give money to Crooked Hillary when she “claims” she’s gonna tax their money away? Do you think they know she’s a dirty filthy liar and their money is safe with her? Or do you think rich people get that way by being so phukin’ stupid they vote their own money away?