Monthly Archives: September 2016

Washington Post: Suddenly, Dissent Is Patriotic Again!

I’ve mostly stayed out of the Colin Kaepernick issue, only discussing it briefly on Twitter and in some comments. He’s another pampered athlete, who, in my opinion, was really just having a hissy fit over his low standing as a QB for the 49ers, knowing he was going to be the 2nd or 3rd stringer, […]

24 Hours With The Asus Zenwatch 2

While I’m definitely a tech geek, I tend to be more interested in useful and worthwhile. But, I’ll go with cool and this could be fun now and then. I’ve had some extra birthday money sitting around, and there’s just about nothing else I’m interested in or need. At least that’s fun. I could get […]

Bored Grandma Links Counter-Terrorism With Gun Control

Alternate headline: lady surrounded by people carrying guns, many of which are utterly restricted for private ownership, wants to control your guns after helping ISIS come into being (Breitbart) During MSNBC’s September 7 Commander-in-Chief Forum, Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton suggested more gun control is part of the fight against terror attacks in the United […]

If All You See…

…is a wall not nearly high enough to stop sea rise, you might just be a Warmist The blog of the day is Fire Andrea Mitchell, with a post wondering if Hillary was wearing an ear piece during the NBC news forum.

Man With Massive Carbon Footprint Finds ‘Climate Change’ Utterly “Terrifying”

The same guy who calls ISIS the JV team, who isn’t worried about Islamic terrorists entering the US, who has no problem with black on black on black crime is uber-concerned with a tiny global increase in temperature (warning: autoplay video with annoying Obama) (NY Times) Seventy-four years ago, a naval battle off this remote […]

Everybody Panic: ‘Climate Change’ To Decimate Coffee Production By 2050

The Cult of Climastrology has long attempted to use coffee production as a way to scare people about the utter doom from anthropogenic climate change. Like most things AGW, it comes in cycles, and they’ve been make a push on coffee doom over the past few weeks, culminating in this, coming from a site called […]

Team Hillary Puts Media On Notice To Not Question Her Health

She’s working the refs, and, since most of them are in the bag for her, it’ll probably work, especially since the majority are already defending Coughing Hillary against any charges or “just wonderings” regarding her health (The Hill) Hillary Clinton’s campaign is working the refs hard when it comes to reports about her health. While […]

If All You See…

…are trees which will die from too much carbon pollution, you might just be a Warmist The blog of the day is Moonbattery, with a post on the SJW aspect of Rogue One.

Woman Who Takes Lots Of Fossil Fueled Flights Blames ‘Climate Change’ For Hermine

Let’s not forget that Hillary tried to claim all her air miles while Secretary of State as an accomplishment. She’s flying around the country, mostly to attend fancy pants fund raisers, and trotting out silliness like this (Free Beacon) Hillary Clinton said climate change was to blame for Hurricane Hermine during a campaign rally Tuesday […]

Huh: Mark Levin States He Will Vote Trump

This seems to be more of a backhanded endorsement, more of a “dear lord, Hillary is so, so much worse” endorsement from a guy who was very much a full on #NeverTrumper (Conservative Review) Mark Levin made the big announcement Tuesday night on his radio show after methodically walking listeners through his rationale. At the […]

Pirate's Cove