September 7, 2016 – 7:14 am
The New York Times is always a hoot. The Editorial Board is having a snit fit over possible pay for play over Trump University making a donation to Florida AG Pam Bondi (which Bondi disputes), having mostly ignored, when they weren’t defending, all the pay for play regarding Hillary and the Clinton Foundation. Then you […]
September 6, 2016 – 6:02 pm
As Steven Hayward at Powerline notes, this is a headline he never thought he’d see. I have to disagree: this is the Cult of Climastrology we’re talking about, after all Cow Fart Regulations Approved By California’s Legislature SACRAMENTO (AP) — California’s Legislature has approved regulations on cow flatulence and manure – both blamed for releasing […]
September 6, 2016 – 1:00 pm
…is an ocean that will rise up and swamp the areas that Dear Hillary campaigns in, you might just be a Warmist The blog of the day is Hot Air Pundit, with a post on Hillary having another big coughing fit.
September 6, 2016 – 12:33 pm
Nothing says “please hear our message and commiserate” like causing a lot of people problems (UK Daily Mail) London City Airport was brought to a standstill by Black Lives Matter demonstrators who stormed the runway early this morning to protest against the UK’s ‘racist climate crisis’. The mayhem began at 5.40am when nine protesters chained […]
September 6, 2016 – 10:21 am
At the Washington Times, Wesley Pruden asks a fundamental question: why can’t we The People, the voters, demand candidates answer questions? When questions were raised about Barack Obama’s birth, and whether he was actually eligible to be president of the United States, he brushed the questions aside as if answering them was beneath the dignity […]
September 6, 2016 – 8:22 am
Much like raaaaacism, sexxxxxism can only be spelled with 5 x’s On honesty issues, Hillary Clinton fights own missteps, gender stereotypes Hillary Clinton’s 2016 campaign may be a case study in the kind of missteps that can be particularly punishing for U.S. political candidates who are women. Wait, did writer Heidi M Przybyla, and by […]
September 5, 2016 – 1:00 pm
…is an evil football which comes from pig farms which have huge carbon footprints, you might just be a Warmist The blog of the day is The Lid, with a post highlighting the meme-rable bad week for Democrats.
September 5, 2016 – 12:01 pm
Wait, I thought Leftists said they were super happy people? No? There’s a new video game to indulge your worst climate change fears. Frostpunk takes place in a future climate apocalypse where the Earth has frozen over. Mashable calls it an “icy dystopian steampunk†— and it does look like goggles would do you well in this […]
September 5, 2016 – 7:11 am
It’s a holiday, which is simply an extra excuse for members of the Cult of Climastrology to complain about how bad it makes your carbon footprint from something we do which causes vast carbon pollution. The smoky, sad truth: America's BBQ grills create as much carbon as a big coal plant — Mother […]
September 5, 2016 – 6:56 am
For a price, that is Buying Hillary's time. — Fox News (@FoxNews) September 4, 2016 That’s right, your child can ask Hillary a question for a $2,700 donation. That doesn’t mean they’ll get an actual answer. She might just offer them chocolates. And lest anyone think this is a figment of Fox News’ imagination, […]