September 2, 2016 – 10:18 am
Apparently, It is running around (USA Today) Â No more clowning around. That’s the message Greenville law enforcement officials sent to the clowns who have reportedly been sighted at apartment complexes across the county. Addressing the incidents at a media conference Thursday, Greenville Police Chief Ken Miller said officers will arrest and charge anyone dressed up […]
September 2, 2016 – 7:19 am
You knew this was coming, right? This was one of those things that was easy to guess “yes” on the question “will the Cult of Climastrology link the storm to Hotcoldwetdry?” There are plenty of links to this, let’s go with uber-Warmists Eric Holthaus’ (who’s actually a pretty cool guy on Twitter, getting beyond the […]
September 2, 2016 – 7:03 am
The Editorial Board of the NY Times finally chimes in on Trump’s big immigration speech, one in which he made utterly sure that no one thinks he’s backsliding in the least Donald Trump, Deporter in Waiting Don’t be confused by the days of mixed messaging from Donald Trump’s campaign, or the head-feint trip to Mexico, […]
September 1, 2016 – 4:07 pm
Warning: there’s autoplay video with ear damaging audio at the link (AP) Â Standing beneath the forest-green peaks of the Sierra Nevada, President Barack Obama drew a connection Wednesday between conservation efforts and stopping global warming, describing the two environmental challenges as inseparably linked. Obama used the first stop on a two-day conservation tour to try […]
September 1, 2016 – 1:00 pm
…is horrible carbon pollution infused soda, kept cold by a horrible energy suck fridge, you might just be a Warmist The blog of the day is Flopping Aces, with a post on Dems using illegals like they used blacks.
September 1, 2016 – 11:23 am
We have another case of Climarettes, a disease that causes Warmists to interject Hotcoldwetdry into every issues (Daily Caller) The U.S. Department of Transportation (DOT) wants to know if global warming will increase the risk of fatal car crashes. “To be precise, 7.2% more people died in traffic-related accidents in 2015 than in 2014,†reads […]
September 1, 2016 – 8:25 am
Let’s review: after the huge storm season of 2005, members of the Cult of Climastrology said it would be the new normal. Then, landfalling storms (tropical depressions, tropical storms, and full hurricanes) dried up almost immediately. They then stated that storms would be fewer but stronger. There’s been zero category 3 hurricanes to make landfall […]
September 1, 2016 – 8:23 am
Wednesday, Donald Trump spent the day doing his whole illegal immigration schtick. First with a visit to Mexico to talk with their president, then with a big speech on illegal immigration, one which made sure people understood that he was not backsliding on deportations (until he backslides again, because he has long held the position […]