The word “rape” fails to appear in this Times article by Patrick Healy and Maggie Haberman. Sexual assault only appears once. It barely touches upon the whole issue of how Bill treated women over the years, nor how Hillary has enabled and defended this behavior, nor how she attempted to destroy the women who credibly accused her husband of rape and sexual misconduct
Donald Trump Opens New Line of Attack on Hillary Clinton: Her Marriage
Donald J. Trump unleashed a slashing new attack on Hillary Clinton over Bill Clinton’s sexual indiscretions on Friday as he sought to put the Clintons’ relationship at the center of his political argument against her before their next debate.
Mr. Trump, aiming to unnerve Mrs. Clinton, even indicated that he was rethinking his statement at their last debate that he would “absolutely†support her if she won in November, saying: “We’re going to have to see. We’re going to see what happens. We’re going to have to see.â€
In an interview with The New York Times, he also contended that infidelity was “never a problem†during his three marriages, though his first ended in an ugly divorce after Mr. Trump began a relationship with the woman who became his second wife.
The article spends a little time on former Ms. Universe, Alicia Machado, because of course it does
Mr. Trump, the Republican presidential nominee, argued that Mrs. Clinton’s support for Ms. Machado was part of a pattern by the Democrat of treating women to suit her own political ends, and raised Mrs. Clinton’s criticism of women who had been involved with her husband, such as Monica Lewinsky and Gennifer Flowers.
He said he was bringing up Mr. Clinton’s infidelities because he thought they would repulse female voters and turn them away from the Clintons, and because he was eager to unsettle Mrs. Clinton in their next two debates and on the campaign trail.
“She’s nasty, but I can be nastier than she ever can be,†Mr. Trump said.
“Hillary Clinton was married to the single greatest abuser of women in the history of politics,†he added about Mr. Clinton. “Hillary was an enabler, and she attacked the women who Bill Clinton mistreated afterward. I think it’s a serious problem for them, and it’s something that I’m considering talking about more in the near future.â€
Quite frankly, if he was going to do this, he should have done it in response to Hillary during the debates, while noting that if she wanted to go down these sleazy roads, well, there are plenty of roads leading to Bill. Instead, he’s been defending (which is losing in politics) and talking way too much about Machado, doubling down, getting silly. By this metric, he lost the debate.
Some of Mr. Trump’s advisers have tried to suggest focusing on accusations that Mrs. Clinton tried to discredit women who said they had been harassed by Mr. Clinton. Chief among those suggesting this approach is Roger Stone, the longest-serving Trump adviser, who wrote a book called “The Clintons’ War on Women,†laying out accusations from Juanita Broaddrick and Kathleen Willey, who have accused Mr. Clinton of sexual assault — accusations the Clintons or their lawyer David Kendall have denied.
Well, that’s one way to gloss over the dozens of women who credibly accused Bill, and there’s no mention of how Hillary attacked those women, such as calling Gennifer Flowers “trailer trash” and Monica Lewinsky “narcissistic loony tunes.”
In the interview Friday afternoon, Mr. Trump said he would begin preparing as soon as this weekend for the next debate, on Oct. 9, and would be plotting ways to attack Mrs. Clinton on policy issues like trade and national security, as well as to unnerve her with possible targets like her husband’s past.
He should have been doing this for the first debate. And, quite honestly, while the Times seems rather upset that Trump would consider doing this, Trump seems to be rather lost and in over his head. With a bit over a month left, things really haven’t gotten much better. There’s no real ground game beyond speeches and depending on the Trumpites. I doubt there have been all that many offices opened in the states. He is easily baited by Team Hillary, and looks bad taking it. Does he really want to win?

BAD IDEA….As my brother keeps telling me…the only reason Trump is running is to ensure the Democrats regain the house, senate and White House and render conservativism DEAD in America.
Trump has a sordid sexual history that he doesn’t want to be hashed and re-hashed.
Pedophile rape suit, Ivana rape deposition, pleading the 5th a total of 97 times in a deposition regarding his adultery, friendship with Epstein, his comments, creepy pictures with Ivanka
TheDon’s problem is that he is so easily baited to respond.
TheDon appeared in a soft-core porn video of the 2000 Playboy Playmate Tour. Thank gawd it was all girl on girl with no naked Donnie.
Does a thrice married, admitted adulterer, proven misogynist really want to spend valuable time talking about Bill Clinton’s penis?
It’s trashy and politically blind.
Bill Clinton is by far the most popular exPOTUS
Jeffery, you seem to be really into Donald Trump’s sex life. Are you gay? Or are you just another curious pervert? It’s like you’re obsessed or something. I know, you’re jealous. You were jealous of his wealth, then his beautiful wife now his sex life. Understandable from your point of view I guess. But don’t worry, he’ll make America great again for regular middle class guys like you and me. Unlike Crooked Klinton he doesn’t owe his ass to billionaires like Soros.
John, Lincoln is the most popular ex POTUS. Blow Job Clinton is just another disbarred, impeached pervert.
–Colin Powell
We explored Jeff’s sexual attitudes a year or so ago, it is assumed that he is gay despite having a wife and children (likely various fathers).
and a pedophile.
This should be fun starting in 3…2…1…
It’s TheDon who bragged about the size of his penis on national TV. It’s con boyz like you are were and are still obsessed with Bill Clinton’s sex life. Project much? Now that you’ve nominated a candidate much worse than Bill, you whine! And Bill isn’t even the candidate! Should Secretary Clinton go after TheDon’s ex-
hookermodel wife?Your wife didn’t think I was gay, although she wasn’t so sure about you.
Closeted gay conservatives are renowned for swallowing what their godkings pump down their throats, regardless of how vile. Bottom line, fearful boy cons like you are looking for a daddy to take care of them, regardless of how humiliating it is.
Of course if you chose to, you could discuss policy.
dave always hopes everyone else is gay, in hopes of increasing his chances. He’s already serviced all his klavern-mates.
The Pink Poodle-boy drops to his paws to once again “fluff” his fellow commenters.
Your own puppies are getting jealous, and miss your feminine lips.