Members of the Cult of Climastrology are such negative nellies. But, at least David Suzuki isn’t telling us to f*ck off
David Suzuki: Climate Deniers Are Wrong … CO2 Emissions Are Wreaking Havoc on the Planet
Life evolved to live within limits. It’s a delicate balance. Humans need oxygen, but too much can kill us. Plants need nitrogen, but excess nitrogen harms them and pollutes rivers, lakes and oceans. Ecosystems are complex. Our health and survival depend on intricate interactions that ensure we get the right amounts of clean air, water, food from productive soils and energy from the sun.
Right. Because the planet has totally been stable within those limits for the last 4.5 billion years.
Climate change deniers either willfully ignore or fail to understand this complexity—as shown in their simplistic argument that carbon dioxide (CO2) is a beneficial gas that helps plants grow and is therefore good for humans.
Industry propagandist Tom Harris of the misnamed International Climate Science Coalition writes, “Grade school students know CO2 is not pollution; it is aerial fertilizer.” He adds, “Increasing CO2 levels pose no direct hazard to human health.”
The unscientific Heartland Institute-ICSC study he references claims, against all evidence, “Carbon dioxide has not caused weather to become more extreme, polar ice and sea ice to melt or sea level rise to accelerate.”
Except, the weather hasn’t gotten more extreme, polar and sea ice typically melt during a Holocene warm period, and sea rise has not accelerated. Suzuki goes on to describe real science, which apparently is making prognostications of future doom by reading tea leaves creating computer models, before ending with
Recently, 375 U.S. National Academy of Sciences members, including 30 Nobel laureates, published an open letter stating:
“We are certain beyond a reasonable doubt … that the problem of human-caused climate change is real, serious, and immediate, and that this problem poses significant risks: to our ability to thrive and build a better future, to national security, to human health and food production, and to the interconnected web of living systems.”
The evidence is clear and overwhelming: Rapid increases in CO2 emissions are not beneficial. It’s past time we started conserving energy and shifting to cleaner sources.
All by force of government, you know. Otherwise, havoc! Havoc, I say!

Suzuki’s comments about me and ICSC make no sense as well.
“Wrecking havoc on the planet..” It’s just that it hasn’t happened yet, but don’t worry, it’ll happen in the future.
The evidence is clear and overwhelming: Rapid increases in CO2 emissions are not beneficial. It’s past time we started conserving energy and shifting to cleaner sources.
I don’t get it. We are all gonna die…why havent you guys fixed the problem? Just Nationalize Coal, Oil and Gas and shut them down……
Problem solved….
As you well know from dealing with Warmists, Tom, they rarely make sense. It’s hard to have a debate when they aren’t reasonable.
The human species evolved over the past 5 million years or so in what is now Eastern Africa in a relatively stable climate (2-3 C warmer than now), followed by the current glacial age (500,000 years) marked by episodic glaciations. Human societies and culture evolved in just the past 12,000 years of so (The Holocene), a time of remarkably stable climate.
If the Earth warms 8 C over the next couple of centuries life on Earth will survive, but will be drastically changed, and your great-great-great grandchildren will hate you.
Let’s see, increases in atmospheric CO2 (proven) from humans burning fossil fuels (proven) is causing the Earth to warm (proven). Yep, no sense there.
Stupid Nobel laureates.
Stupid Nobel laureates.
Obama is a Nobel Laureat….does that make him an expert on climate science.
Nope, Nope and Nope.
Really. Atmospheric CO2 isn’t increasing?
Really. CO2 isn’t increasing from our burning fossil fuels?
Really. The Earth isn’t warming?
Ummm… yep, yep and yep
Anyone who denies these simple facts is out of touch with reality.
These Nobel Laureates were in Chemistry and Physics. Whom do you trust on the science of global warming, scientists in the US National Academy of Sciences and Nobel prize winners in the sciences or conservabloggers?
The evidence supporting the theory of AGW is overwhelming. The legitimate questions are about what to do about it.
In the last 13 years there have been twice as many Cat 5 storms as in any other 13 year period
Teach many people think that in fact we do NEED government and that 7 billion people cannot all be allowed to do what each individual wants to do
Hey how come we haven’t heard mockery of electric cars lately ?
John wrote:
Mногие люди думают, что на Ñамом деле нам нужно правительÑтво и что 7 миллиардов человек не может вÑе быть позволено делать то, что каждый человек хочет Ñделать.
It sounds so much better in the Russian original.
The difference between freedom and liberty, and leftism, boils down to this: conservatives, libertarians, and people who appreciate freedom believe that government exists to provide a few essential services, and to protect the rights of individuals from violation by others, and to otherwise allow people to do as they wish. The left believe that people must be controlled, and believe themselves the ones to do it.
That’s a very good definition, Dana.
Much of what cons believe to be true is actually false.
American liberals strive to protect the masses from the abuses of bullies, corporations, the powerful AND yes, government tyranny. Cons want the government to protect the cons.
Great to see your piece picked up here:
Suzuki has always been a major drama queen.
I’ll never forget him looking out from his beautiful home and weeping in horror because he interpreted the low snow levels in Cypress mountain above Vancouver that he could see from his window were a sign of doom for all mankind. It was only an El Nino season, child. Snow quickly returned to record levels in the following years.
“I’ve watched in horror as the snow has just melted away from Cypress Mountain,”…”the Winter Games are in jeopardy of being significantly diminished if not eliminated all together by climate change.â€
Dr. David Suzuki: “I do despair. My wife and I huddle at night and weep for our helplessness. We are losing big-time and I’m enough of a scientist to see we are heading right down the tube.”
We’re in a period that is really terrifying because a great number of the global warming skeptics are basically undermining the science. They’re saying, “These scientists have their own agenda, “climategate,†all this other stuff. You can’t trust science.†If we’re at a point where we can’t even trust science, we’re in deep trouble because then you say the Koran says this, the Bible says this, …….
And let’s not forget his “humans are basically maggots that defecate on the planet” talk.
I give him five Bats In His Belfry:

Teach many people think that in fact we do NEED government and that 7 billion people cannot all be allowed to do what each individual wants to do
A once not so great man said:
It is true that liberty is precious; so precious that it must be carefully rationed. Vladimir Lenin
Jeffrey wrote:
global warmingclimate change; that would be y’all. It isn’t conservatives saying that Christian-owned businesses must go along with same-sex “marriage,” and provide such things services; that’s youse guys.The truth is simple: the left are pro-choice on exactly one thing, and even there, you want to compel me to pay for other people’s ‘choices.’
The problem with liberals and Democrats is that all their solutions revolve around slavery.
The evidence supporting the theory of AGW is overwhelming. The legitimate questions are about what to do about it.
Exactly….so whats you plan….Ive asked you this a dozen times and I get a hem haw, out of the side of the mouth deflection.
What is the plan to curtail co2…..It is always build more wind and solar….But you have to do way, way, way more then just that…
So because you plan simply wants to funnel money to your OWN SPECIAL INTEREST GROUPS which still does NOT SOLVE THE PROBLEM…..
Ill ask again…….what is a viable plan that is workable and addresses the entirety of the problem……When our company is contracted to do our studies we do our studies and we present the facts without bias….and let those above our paygrade make the decisions.
Whats your plan….thats all Im asking….
A SOLID, VIABLE PLAN that addresses ALL THE SOURCES OF CO2 not just fossil fuels.
The easiest way to see that AGW is a sham, other than reading a few good books on the subject that significantly dismiss it, is the very fact that this horrible CO2 substance can only be controlled by global government, destruction of the US, and horrendous taxes. Note that no mention is ever made of filters or other means of controlling the CO2. In fact, if you mention filters, the AGW crowd go ballistic and start calling you names, which will happen as soon as jeff reads this post.