The Washington Post Editorial Board is very vexed over the notion that a President Donald Trump could lawfully do lots of the things he promised to do when it comes to immigration, because that would be mean or something to people who shouldn’t be in the country legally and to people who not only don’t give a damn about assimilating, but expect America to change for them
A President Trump could deport freely
DONALD TRUMP has telegraphed his intentions, if not always consistently, to radically shift immigration policy and, in so doing, subvert America’s vitality and international standing as a beacon of diversity and tolerance. While he cannot unilaterally undertake every change he proposes, there is plenty he can do, on his own, to overhaul America’s approach to immigrants. His program would undercut the nation’s economic prospects, its values and the vibrancy of its neighborhoods and communities.
We used to be a beacon of law and order, which would accept people who wanted to be a part of our great nation and do it legally. Many of those neighborhoods are rife with violence, drugs, and criminality. Others are hotbeds of radical thought, the type where women need 4 witnesses when they are raped. We have plenty of diversity: strangely, we are supposed to be tolerant of people who refuse to accept our laws and even work to subvert them.
A President Trump could slash the number of refugees allowed to enter the country, including from Syria, downgrading President Obama’s goal of admitting 110,000 in the fiscal year that started Saturday. Federal law gives presidents the power to bar any “class of aliens†they deem “detrimental to the interests of the United States,†so Mr. Trump could as promised ban immigrants from Muslim-majority countries. The effect would be to undercut Washington’s standing with allies as well as America’s relations with its own Muslim citizens — a blow to America’s capacity to fight terrorism.
Of course, Trump has not talked about banning all Muslims: he wants to do deep background checks on any who originate from those countries with a background in radical Islam. Many of America’s allies are looking to do the same, as the European nations are learning just what happens when these people are let in willy nilly. Rape, sexual assault, violence, criminality, and abuse towards the citizens in the host areas. Not too mention all those holding radical Islamic beliefs and members of ISIS.
It is interesting that the paragraph is the only real mention of “law.” The law would give Trump the power to deport the heck out of illegals, who aren’t just border jumpers, but those who overstayed their visas.
In the same category of feasible but self-defeating policies, Mr. Trump could revoke work permits and the protection from deportation granted by Mr. Obama to nearly 1.5 million young undocumented immigrants brought to the United States as children by their parents. Just as Mr. Obama has used executive orders to shield those “Dreamers,†Mr. Trump could remove the shield and thereby expel from the country a generation of promising, American-educated young immigrants, most of whom have little or no memory of their birth countries.
Technically, Obama’s executive order ends with him leaving office. Regardless, it was a lawless order. Trump getting rid of it would be consistent with federal law. People who took advantage of America, and who, rather than politely asking to be a part of America, made Demands.
As president, Mr. Trump could also unilaterally broaden the categories of undocumented immigrants targeted for accelerated deportation; they would include, as he has pledged, visa overstayers. Together, they amount to more than 5 million people.
As they should be. We allowed them into our country, usually for work or school. They repaid that by staying illegally.
A study by the American Action Forum, a conservative group, estimates that deporting all illegal immigrants, as Mr. Trump has threatened, would require more than 90,000 federal deportation agents; there are fewer than 5,000. The nation’s 34,000 detention beds would have to increase tenfold, and more than 30,000 additional federal lawyers would be needed to process the throngs that would jam immigration courts.
Not really. Instead of catch and release, it’s catch and deport.
The price of carrying out such a mass expulsion (along with the wall Mr. Trump would build) would not be limited to the estimated budgetary expense ($400 billion to $600 billion), nor even the blow to the economy of depleting the labor force by more than 10 million workers. The most lasting and damaging cost would be to America’s prestige globally and to its founding principles. A nation that expels millions of long-standing residents with deep roots in their communities is not a leader; it is a fearful, mean and meek place, heartless and spiritually crabbed. This is not the America envisioned by the Founding Fathers; it is certainly not a home of the brave.
America’s founding principle was a nation based on law with the consent of the governed. That we are a nation of Law, not of Men. And the most lasting and damaging cost is not our prestige globally or what hardcore leftists think are our founding principles (which apparently doesn’t include freedom and limited government and adherence to Law): it’s things like this
124 illegal immigrants released by DHS later charged with murder, report finds
More than 100 illegal immigrants caught but released by the Obama administration over the last five years have gone on to be charged with murders after they were set free, according to a new report released Monday from the Center for Immigration Studies.
In all, some 121 immigrants who were freed by U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement between 2010 and 2014 have since been charged with a total of 135 homicide-related crimes. Another three immigrants were charged with murders in 2015, bringing to 124 the total number of murder suspects the government had, then released.
Every murder, every rape, every assault, every time an illegal steals the identity of a legal citizen, causing them significant harm, this can all be laid at the feet of the people who support the illegals.
Crossed at Right Wing News.

The editors of the Post said:
That, of course, is anathema to the left, but p’raps if they looked to (supposedly) more liberal Europe, they might notice that, despite what the elites claim their countries ought to do, the common voters are rebelling. Angela Merkel’s party is losing seats in local elections, and the Brexit vote was motivated in large part due to the concerns of the public over immigration.
Whether the elites support virtually unfettered immigration or not, clearly the public do not.
An obvious question for your readers on the left: do the citizens of a country have the right to refuse entry to those people who are not citizens?
Dana politely asks:
Of course. Just not by vigilantism. Elections have consequences.
President Obama proclaimed a goal of accepting 110,000 vetted refugees this fiscal year. Canada and Germany have also promised to accept a large number of refugees.
Remember when Barky promised if you liked your doctor you could keep your doctor?
Yeah, speak to me of promises…
Trump Funded Terrorism
New York-housed Bank Melli (state run Bank of Iran) funneled over $100 MILLION to terrorists in the 2000s. Who was their landlord collecting $500,000 a year from the terrorists? Donald “Terror” Trump.
Great judgement there, Donnie. Thanks.
Jeffrey politely responded:
Really? The citizens of a country have the right to refuse entry, but only if you approve of the reason?
As you said, elections have consequences, and, unfortunately for our country, our elections of 2008 and 2012 have produced some very bad consequences.
And, as you have noted, Canada and Germany have promised to accept a large number of refugees. A consequence of that is that Angela Merkel’s ruling party has suffered serious losses in recent local elections, while Her Majesty’s subjects have voted to leave the European Union. In France, the conservative parties are growing in strength. The people are rejecting what their elected leaders have been doing.
One hopes that if Mr Trump is elected, he will immediately reverse the Obama Administration promise to allow in 110,000 Syrian refugees. Even if our ‘vetting’ process catches 100% of those who are or might become Islamists, that’s still 110,000 immigrants who have few job skills — other than manual labor — which translate to the American economy, and few of whom speak English. They will all have to be fed, clothed and housed, and few will be able to support themselves sufficiently to do that. We would be admitting another 110,000 welfare recipients.
We would be admitting another 110,000 democrat voters.
Fixed it for ya.
Why are the only countries being invaded by “refugees” and illegal immigrants the predominantly white nations of Europe and North America?
How come all these middle eastern terrorist refugees aren’t settled in Saudi Arabia, Yemen, UAR, China, Japan, Korea, Cuba, South Africa, Somalia or Vietnam?
I realize it’s racist for a white person to question why his country, founded by, settled by developed by and made great by the Christian, white European ethnic majority should allow itself to be demographically, culturally and ethnically altered, but I still ask. Because asking a truthful question is not nor should be racist but deliberately breaking a racial majority actually is.
The answer of course is because the morally bankrupt democrats have spent the last 60 years murdering future democrat voters in their abortion mills so the only way to develop new democrats is by importing wards of the state, low end worker and terrorists. The wards of the state and low end workers help them expand their voting base while importing terrorists to kill Americans helps them expand the necessary police state to “protect us” from the very murderers they import. Chillingly nefarious and obviously leftist.
over the last 5 years about 15000 people have been murdered
124 have been killed by people released by ICE
your point being ???
Most American most Republicans want a pathway to citizenship for the undocumented especially since the AVERAGE length of time they have been here is now 11 years
Under Obama the ttal undocumented here in USA has gone down not up
Uh, retard, that’s 124 that should still be alive.
God, you are a stupid fuck.
We have a tie for…
The little miss goldpuss who’s more retarded than john award*
*Awarded daily
Congrats fellas for your entertainingly stupid comments.
In a management meeting several years ago, one of us — not me — was assigned responsibility for the safety statistics, and an accident goal number, which was not zero, was established. The manager assigned the number asked, “If we’re under our number, do we have to have more accidents to make up the difference?”
For our oh-so-wise truck driver, 124 people killed by criminals who should have been deported being released instead is simply an acceptable number. Perhaps if John could tell us at what threshold unacceptability occurs for him, we could refine the debate?
Hoagie, a large part of it is that they are going where the money is. Supposedly, the US/Mexico border is the longest border with the greatest income disparity in the world, and that makes sense: Mexico, an oil producing nation, sucks.
The Middle Eastern refugees could head into the former Soviet areas, but who’d be that stupid? They could head east, toward Iran and Afghanistan, and then Pakistan and India, but that’d be pretty stupid, too. they could head southwest, into Africa, but that’s another hellhole.
It’s only in the white, Western nations that they can count on getting other people to support them, and finding populations too weakened by leftism to resist.
I realize that Dana, which makes white people in white countries the stupidest people on earth for giving away their birthright to a bunch of leftists and terrorists.
The point still remains WHY DO WE LET THEM IN? Why are we working to pay to take care of people who are allowed to sneak in or who are brought here by our OWN GOVERNMENT to steal our jobs and do us harm and kill our families? It’s leftist stupidity.
There are different interpretations of Kipling:
The poor little perverts at the washington compost are starting to realize and set the stage for how they will attack a President Trump. Of course while barrytheboy grabs power its fine when a President Trump uses it they will wet their little underoos.
I hope our resident liberals know that the coming release by wikileaks may carry information that Hillary funded and supplied ISIS. Just saying so you can get your lies straight before the event.
You do have to wonder why Julian Assange hates Hillary Clinton and Barack Hussein Obama so much, given that they are much further to the left than Donald Trump or the Republicans. Maybe the report that the lovely Mrs Clinton was seriously asking why Mr Assange wasn’t simply ‘droned’ to death just might have something to do with it.
Here are your “refugees”.
Of course most of the refugees have ended up in Turkey, Jordan and Lebanon (some 4 million total). So 110,000 vetted refugees from war-torn Syria seems like a modest number for the richest nation on Earth. That’s adding 0.03% to our population, which is unlikely to hurt the economy.
Millions of Irish and Germans immigrated to the US in the mid 1800s. Come to think of it, 99% + of us are immigrants, aren’t we. Any Americans here whose parents, grandparents or great-grandparents were immigrants? Trump’s (Drumpf’s) family hasn’t been in America very long at all.
Maybe Trump et al hate Muslims because they’re afraid their taxes will go up a couple of bucks a year. Or maybe they’re just afraid.
The leakers and whistleblowers are heroes. Don’t you agree that Chelsea Manning should be released from prison? And that Assange and Snowden should be offered shelter by the US? I do.
Little miss manning pled guilty to 10 charges and was found guilty of the rest except for aiding the enemy.
Oh, and you’re an idiot.
“Come to think of it, 99% of us are immigrants.” Come to think of it a little harder and no, we’re not. “A person who comes to a country to live there..” So no, we are not 99% immigrants. Words have meanings, J. Even when you’re trying to twist their definitions around to suit your narrative.
Turkey, Jordan and Lebanon Basically secular nations who now are going to find themselves radicalized….
Hillary and Obama have destroyed the world……it will just take us 25-30 years to finally realize it.
Many would claim Bush started this…..I agree and disagree…….he wanted to manage it….contain it and let it sort itself out……..
Not fuking pull out because the IRAQI’s would not give us assurances that our troops would be treated nicely….
RIGHT NOW….TODAY we have nearly a 1000 American troops back in Iraq….my son in law is one of them…..and still no assurances…….
Hillary and Obama are both full of shit and liars to make a political point…..Fuking lying politicians….gawd…..when will america stop electing pathological liars to government?
The only person who should go to prison is Hillery.
My wife is an immigrant. She came here 25 years ago as the VP for US Develpoment for Samsung. I stole her away and made her an American. My family has been here since 1752, 24 years BEFORE the United States existed. I’m no immigrant, I’m phukin’ native. I know a lot of Asian immigrants and none are on welfare. None are criminals. None are terrorists. You got to really, really try hard to get the worst the world has to offer into America when so many great people want to come here. But that’s what anti American, self hating white liberals do best. Ruin America. Wait till Klepto starts bringing in millions of moslems. They say about 15-25% of moslems are radical and terrorist friendly. How many is that out of 110,000? Out of 6 million? Out of 20 million?
diversity. immigrants are our strength.
Its mind boggling that leftists want to let literally millions roll into our country while they then wail about poor jobs and little opportunity and crumbling infrastructure.
I thought I understood the left but the thing that keeps coming back at me is that its such a PAC oriented party with so many personal pet peeves that in order to get things done they have to support each other or the party is in danger of fracturing.
Examples would be BLM, PETA, Gay rights, Abortion rights, Anti-gun, Anti-war, Socialism, Communism, Progressivism, Classical Liberalism…I mean I could go on and on about the groups within the group that is the democratic party……..
So in order to keep getting elected they have to appeal to all of these whack job groups…..which is why you see Clinton all over the map and behind the scenes trash talking Bernie Sanders supporters.
Yet we all know that Clinton could call these supporters raving idiots who live in their momma’s basement and they would still vote for her……Why? Because they have a brother hood of causes to support and the president really doesnt matter unless they are named Obama who has fuking destroyed America’s credibility.
Just yesterday the State department threw a temper tantrum and walked out on talks with Russia cause Russia brought in anti-missile shield to Syria and they werent playing fair…..
God when will this nightmare end.
And Jeffrey reveals his mindset:
No, I do not agree that Bradley Manning should be released from prison; he should have to serve every last minute of his already too-short sentence.
Mr Snowden broke the law, laws to which he agreed when accepting employment by the United States; he should be hunted down, captured, and imprisoned for the rest of his natural life, assuming that he cannot be simply killed during capture.
Mr Assange is a special case, in that he wasn’t in the United States; he received classified material from others, but US law cannot have jurisdiction over actions committed abroad. There may be some laws he violated concerning payments made within the United States.
Nevertheless, he should be extradited to Sweden to face the rape charges against him.
Jeffrey wrote:
No, of course not. I was born in this country; I did not immigrate here. My parents were born in this country, and my grandparents were born in this country. If you are going to label anyone whose ancestors were not born here as immigrants, well that would include the Indians, whose ancestors supposedly arrived via a land bridge from Asia. By that standard, everyone, everywhere, is an immigrant if he wasn’t born in Africa.
Did Assange and Wikileaks bring down Secretary Clinton today and award the presidency to Trump as promised?
[…] day, another crazy editorial from the WP editorial Board. Previously, we’ve learned that a Pres Trump could deport freely (hooray!) and that he’d end the era of US global leadership (not much left to lose after 8 […]
[…] day, another crazy editorial from the WP editorial Board. Previously, we’ve learned that a Pres Trump could deport freely (hooray!), that he’d end the era of US global leadership (not much left to lose after 8 years of […]
[…] day, another crazy editorial from the WP editorial Board. Previously, we’ve learned that a Pres Trump could deport freely (hooray!), that he’d end the era of US global leadership (not much left to lose after 8 years of […]