Another day, another crazy editorial from the WP editorial Board. Previously, we’ve learned that a Pres Trump could deport freely (hooray!) and that he’d end the era of US global leadership (not much left to lose after 8 years of Obama) or something. Now we get
A President Trump could wreck progress on global warming
IT TOOK global negotiators a quarter-century to strike the Paris climate agreement, an international accord aimed at slowing global warming. The agreement represents the best hope for a world in which no one country acting alone can do enough to fight this global threat. Donald Trump could destroy the agreement with a stroke of a pen, and with it any hope that the world will keep the planet’s temperature within the boundaries scientists say are safe.
Hooray! I still think his rationale for skepticism is silly (that it’s a scheme by China), but, hey, if he’ll kill off this silliness, good for him. I still don’t trust him on most things, but, hey, cheers!
The rest of the editorial is what you’d expect, ending with utter doom
Moreover, neither the judicial check nor a subsequent president who tried to pick up the pieces could compensate for the loss of time and focus as climate change accelerated . U.S. foot-dragging on warming would give other nations a pretext to avoid hard actions, too. The planet would warm more; the oceans would become more acidic; corals would bleach; sea levels would rise; deadly temperature extremes would get more frequent; species would die off; landscapes would change; shipyards would swamp; climate refugees would seek shelter. Some of these things are already bound to happen, to some extent. Mr. Trump is promising to exacerbate the problem, and he could do so by executive fiat.
Dogs and cats, living in sin!
Anyhow, it’s weird that suddenly the WPEB isn’t thrilled with ruling by executive fiat. Go figure.

The Pause is bearing down on Florida…
The Stupid is flourishing in St. Louis…
Just a few months ago when people were talking about a lack of hurricanes hitting the US and the lack of intensity, Jeffery opined that hurricanes and their intensity was not a result of AGW,
Now that Matthew is about to skirt along Florida, Jeffery wants to say it is part of AGW.
It is typical of warmists to take any event and blame it on AGW. Their lies and deceptions are part of what they call “science.”
The Pause is affecting gc’s mentation…
Can’t take a joke?
Is there nothing it can’t do?
What “science” says is that increased atmospheric CO2 (from humans burning fossil fuels) is causing the Earth to warm.
What ‘science’ says is one thing…
What science proves is another.
Scientific theories are not proven, but rather are either supported or not by data and evidence. The evidence overwhelmingly supports the theory that CO2 added to the atmosphere by humans is causing the Earth to warm.
The problem for deniers is how to gracefully transition to understanding the obvious without making their ideological stance seem nuts. Five years ago deniers denied that the Earth was warming; some still do. Today most they deny that the obvious increase in CO2 is causing the obvious warming. Some deniers are starting to devise clever explanations for where the obvious increase in CO2 is coming from.
Some deniers are starting to devise clever explanations for where the obvious increase in CO2 is coming from.
Thats too fuking funny Jeffery…..You show your ignorant bias when you try to blame the fossil fuel industry and then say things like this which are directed at me. You have no idea how much experience I have with science and the environment and I can tell you one thing for sure….there are multiple sources of co2 expulsion and co2 is O N E of the reasons why the planet is warming…..the addition of 100 parts per million molecules is not causing the earth to heat up at alarming rates.
Co2 comes from a myraid of places and IF you were the ceo of a corporation with a college education you would understand that your being duped by your fellow cronies who hate corporations…..
Because you AGW whackos cant take on CHINA or South America because it would appear racist you have shifted your focus to the fossil fuel industries which you do realize will simply move their operations OVERSEAS once you try to hit them hard enough that employing millions in the USA is no longer feasible.
You do realize that right? Even the world signing the paris accords means the same thing signing the Kyoto treaty meant………ZIP, ZILCH, NADA….because a nation can’t do what you crazies what it to do and not destroy their own economies…..When Envirowhacko Canada says they cant meet the Kyoto accords….then you know something is wrong with your agenda.
Ya know Jeffery, your response shows what a despicable human being you are.
This storm has already caused several deaths. It is likely that more people will die as well as it runs up the coast.
Yeah. That’s a joke. Ha friggin’ ha.
There are going to be people who suffer losses of their homes. Roofs will be torn off. Flood damages will occur.
Yeah. That’s funny. Ha friggin’ ha.
The power outages will cause millions in lose of food and other things.
Yeah. That’s funny. Ha friggin’ ha.
People are going to get hurt in all sorts of ways and manners. People are leaving their homes in front of this storm. Stores are out of food. Stores are out of supplies. Gas stations are without gas.
And you think it is all a joke.
What a complete and total ass you are.
Are you sure about that, little guy?