One would think that the Cult of Climatrology would be a bit reticent about throwing out hurricane predictions, considering how wrong they’ve already been. First we were told that the big 2005 season would be the new normal. Then, when landfalling hurricanes dropped off quickly, we were told that there wouldn’t be as many, but they would be stronger. When they didn’t happen, this was blamed on ‘climate change.’ But, we were still told that the future would be all sorts of doomy. Now that we have a potential major hurricane which could make landfall in the U.S., the first in almost 11 years, the longest stretch since well before the Civil War, we get (this originally came from the UK Guardian, republished at Newsweek)
Major storms such as Hurricane Matthew, which has slammed into Haiti and is now headed towards the U.S., will grow in menace as the world warms and sea levels rise, scientists have warned. (snip)
While the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration’s prediction of a “near-normal†Atlantic hurricane season is still on track, scientists have pointed to Hurricane Matthew as the sort of fierce lashing that will become more common due to climate change.
There was previously far more certainty among climate scientists over the increase of temperatures than trends in hurricanes, but government officials are now confident enough to say there has been a “substantial increase†in Atlantic hurricane activity since the 1980s, with the destruction set to ratchet up further as the world warms.
“We expect to see more high-intensity events, category 4 and 5 events, that are around 13 percent of total hurricanes but do a disproportionate amount of damage,†said Kerry Emanuel, a climate scientist at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. “The theory is robust and there are hints that we are already beginning to see it in nature.â€
Let’s not forget that they also predicted that Superstorm Sandy would be the “new normal.” Have we seen one since? This is just more doomsaying. Which continues elsewhere, with
- Hurricane Matthew’s Strength Is Yet Another Climate Change Indicator
- Hurricane Matthew is super strong — because of climate change
- Climate Change Likely Made Hurricane Matthew Worse
- Haiti Hurricane Matthew Climate Change Effects: Global Warming Means More Devastation, Climate Refugees
- Hurricane Matthew A Cautionary Tale In Caribbean Battle With Climate Change
There are plenty more out there, not too mention all the climahysteria on Twitter. It’s like the Warmists are trying to make up for almost 11 years of relatively quiet hurricane seasons. And it’s all your fault, for driving a fossil fueled vehicle, using air conditioning, and refusing to give up your liberty to government.
In reality, this tends to track more with the Atlantic Multidecadal Oscillation, which, interestingly, tends to see increased tropical system formation during pauses and cooling periods, with lower storm formation during warming.
Nature will do what nature will do. And Warmists will do what they do best: become deranged prophets of doom.

There have been numerous sightings of Manbearpig coinciding with Matthew. Coincidence? Or PROOF of AGW? You be the judge.
Ahhh Teach please note that in the last 13 years there have been more Cat 5 storms than in any other time
Cat 5 storms are supposed to occur about once in every 3 years but now it is down to once every 1.25 years.
And yes they all did make landfall, just noyt in YOUR country Isabel 2003 North Carolina
Ivan 2004 Jamaica Grenada & Alabama
Emily 2005 Yucatán Peninsula Mexico Grenada
Katrina 2005 Louisiana & Mississippi Florida
Rita 2005 Texas & Louisiana The Bahamas
Wilma 2005 Yucatán Peninsula Florida
Dean 2007 Yucatán Peninsula Jamaica Veracruz
Felix 2007 Nicaragua Grenada
Matthew 2016 Haiti & Cuba The Bahamas, Turks and Caicos Islands
Do Cat 5s that hit other countries not exist in your reality ?
How will Mathew effect the voting pattern in FL? Do you think a climate truther like Trump will gain or lose votes?
How will Mathew (or HB2 the Bathroom Bill) affect the vote count in NC?What advantages does HB2 give to your 3 phone stores by enabling them to not sell phones to gay people?
Did you see the Daily Show’s sketch on HB2?
John asked:
Well, unless Matthew hangs around for another 32 days, I’d think: not much. :)
John proves that he’s eve dumber than Jeffrey . . . which is hard to do!
I wonder: why would our esteemed host not wish to cell a phone — very bad pun definitely intended! — to a homosexual? Does their money somehow not work? Is there a particular tenet of his religion that states that homosexuals are not allowed to talk to other people?
This, you see, is where the left are just plain nuts. A baker who has no problem selling bagels to a homosexual customer simply as breakfast, given that everybody needs to eat, could well have a problem with being asked to cater a same-sex ‘wedding,’ in that such would be providing service for something that is immoral. If the left actually thought things through, they might make better arguments.
Then again, if the left actually thought things through, they wouldn’t be leftists anymore.
Good grief, John. Once again I need to remind you, as I did a few months ago, that I haven’t worked in that business since 2010. Sigh.
You do further show your ignorance of HB2. Why don’t you try reading the short law.
Really? According to who are the storms “supposed” to occur? Who writes the timetable? If 2 Cat 3’s occur does that count as one Cat 5? When did whoever come up with this Hurricane Timetable© and how often is it revised?
Does Manbearpig appear each time there is a Cat 5 or only sometimes? We want to know.
And, of course, Matthew is still listed as a Category 4 hurricane right now.
You tried this crap the other day john.
The very article you cite has data only going back to 1850.
So when you say “any other time,” you are either lying or stupid.
Probably both.
Once again, John has fouled up:
Whilst Katrina briefly attained Category 5 status, out in the Gulf of mexico, she was a Category 3 when she made landfall in Louisiana. When she passed over Florida, Katrina was still classified as a tropical storm. Teh Google is your friend; John should learn to use it.
HAHA now we have the christians speaking up and saying that Mathew was sent by GOD as punishment for the USA tolerating the Gheys!!
yes the GOP base knows it wasn’t climate change it was GOD HImself
Teach no wonder the GOP has turned NC into a joke
Teach did YOU watch the video?
Dana of course a Cat 5 storm does nor remain a Cat 5 for ever and ever
As you can see from WIKI we have had more Cat 5 storms make landfall in the last 13 years than at any other 13 year period. Simply becayse those Cat 5 storms did not make landfall at that strength ON THE USA does not preclude them from being on that list of Cat storms that have made landfall
Some people apparent;y think that the only Cat 5 storms that count as making landfall are those storms that make landfall in the USA
Dana is that you???
Once a CAt 5 storm reaches that status it becomes known as a Cat 5 storm
from then on.
Dana are you aware there land exists outside of the USA??
Check out google maps
Once again john you seem to ignore that the source to which you refer only goes back to 1850.
So when you make statements like the above, you are lying.
John also seems to forget that radar wasn’t around until the 50’s and satellites in the 60’s so there is 100 years in his “stats” that are likely very inaccurate as any hurricanes would have had to have been seen to be known about.
Also, in his own words, all a hurricane has to do is reach category 5 for a short time to always be referred to as a category 5. How many of those storms in that 100 years did reach category 5 but we just missed it?
And why pick 13 years? Why not 10 years which shows 3 which conforms to the ‘once every three years’ mantra. Or may 9 years which would show that the frequency is greatly reduced to 1 every 9 years.
John laughably wrote:
It might be ‘known’ as that, but that doesn’t make it true. Tropical storms and hurricanes get upgraded and downgraded all the time, to reflect reality. That you didn’t bother to do something really radical like check your ‘facts’ does not somehow mean you were right.
Heck, let’s look at your own ‘logic’ here. Extrapolating that, once a person becomes known as a male, he is a male from then on, yet somehow, someway, you are perfectly able to say that such a person can become female.
John wrote:
Who said that it didn’t? From what part of your fevered imagination did you think that anyone said that?
Of course, it is certainly true that I care far less about other lands. Indeed, I think it’s far better if a hurricane strikes someplace like Mexico or Venezuela, where there’s far less to destroy.
That is blatantly untrue. Since the Saffir-Simpson scale for measuring hurricanes was invented in the late 1960’s before then there was NEVER a Ct 5 hurricane or for that matter a Cat 1,2,3 or 4 either.
Saw this: John-a hurricane during hurricane season is proof proof positive that we’re all doomed.
Deplorable selfish Hag…