Over at Grist, Excitable Rebecca Leber is whining about Matthew bringing out the weather deniers (she might have a little bit of a point, though, if you look at the bouy and surface level data, not seeing much which says “hurricane!” much less “major hurricane!”). Then you have her compatriot with this bit of wackadoodleness
Matthew is bringing out the climate wackos in force. Here’s Esther Yu Hsi Lee in Stuck On Stupid mode
Hurricanes like Matthew leave undocumented immigrants with fewer options to rebuild
Undocumented immigrants living in Florida may have the most to lose as Hurricane Matthew hit the state Thursday night, bringing with it dangerous storm surge, destructive winds, and flooding rainfall.
Florida has about 610,000 undocumented immigrants, who contribute more than $588 million in state and local taxes according to recent calculations. But because of their legal status in the country, they are prohibited from receiving some forms of disaster assistance since they are less likely to be insured and may not have Social Security numbers to qualify for aid.
Right. They have the most to lose. In that case, all 610,000 can get the hell out and go back where they came from illegally.
“All individuals, regardless of citizenship status, that have been impacted by a Hurricane are eligible for short-term, non-cash, in-kind emergency disaster relief programs,†a FEMA spokesperson told ThinkProgress via email. Programs include search and rescue, medical care, shelter, food and water, as well as “Disaster Legal Services and Crisis Counseling.â€
And then they should be deported.

Now even the wind and waves are racist!
But, if it is Miss Bogado’s contention that a storm is racist, mustn’t that mean that God is prejudiced against black people? And if that’s God’s judgement . . . .
I do congratulate Miss Bogado, for proving to us that there really are people dumber than John.
Our esteemed host quoted:
They are prohibited from receiving some forms of disaster assistance? Shouldn’t they be prohibited from receiving all forms of disaster assistance?
And the left wonder why Donald Trump won the Republican nomination!
And Teach please remember that about 1?2 of those who are here “illegally” did in fact arrive here with a valid visa, that has now expired and thus are now “out of status”
The most people who entered illegally was in 2005 about 1.2 million
That number is now down to 200000 or 15% of Bush’s worst year
Gallup says that 76% of Republicans favor a path to citizenship
Teach you are not even in the mainstream of the GOP
You are in that group of extremists that have prevented the GOP remaining a competitive political party nationally.
Dana are you really thinking that they should not receive medical care or be rescued if they are in a life threatening situation ? Should first responders verify citizenship before rescue? Should hospitals demand proof of citizenship before ER services are rendered?
There is a path to citizenship idiot, my wife did it. Legally.
In answer to all your nonsense in #4 john, are you saying first responders, hospitals and medical care should be given to non Americans while our own people suffer and die because the system is overwhelmed helping assholes who shouldn’t be here? Dana’s wife and children should die so first responders can help illegals? My wife should drown because they’re busy saving Mohammad?
Now, now… there are no gods. Muslims and christians fight over whose mythology is greater.
Weather and climate are determined by physical processses that comport with the physical laws of the universe.
That reminds me of this doozy after Hurricane Katrina:
“…May I suggest to you that it is no coincidence that it is exactly fifty years from the time of Emmit Till’s lynching and murder. And that it is not a coincidence that storm’s name is a sister, Katrina. For she represents the collective cries of mothers who have lost their sons to the brutality and the murderous grip of this racist, white supremcist, American culture.†Reverend Lewis Logan of Bethel A.M.E.
It’s almost always true that the worst victims are the poor. Who gives a shit about 800 dead Haitians when a million white folk in FL don’t have TV for 2 days!
John gets silly:
Uhhh, OK, so what? That they arrived legally does not somehow eliminate the fact that they stayed illegally.
IF you invite someone into your house for a pleasant evening, and that someone then decides not to leave, but just plain move in with you, against your wishes, is that somehow his right? #SquatterLivesMatter!
Jeffrey wrote:
It most certainly is true that I am more concerned about the lives and property of other Americans than I am about the lives and property of Haitians. I’m not happy that they got hurricaned, but hurricanes are simply one of the risks of living in the Caribbean, just like living in Oklahoma exposes you to a greater risk of getting hit with a tornado, or living in Maine a greater risk of blizzards.
No place is completely safe.