People have died and may die from Hurricane Matthew. They’ve been injured and there will certainly be more injures. People will be without power, their homes and property will be damaged. But, know what is the most important part?
Hurricane Matthew Could Have Devastating Consequences for the Election
If Hurricane Matthew is as devastating to Florida as forecasters have predicted, it could be a human tragedy costing people their lives, health, homes, and personal property. Beyond that initial tragedy, though, the storm also may have dire electoral implications, potentially affecting the outcome of the 2016 presidential election and landing emergency election litigation from Florida once again before the (now-deadlocked) United States Supreme Court.
Florida is seen as a state key to Donald Trump’s chances of victory over Hillary Clinton for the presidency, and this storm could have major impacts on voter registration and voting.
In other words, Trump might win, because, apparently, Democrat voters are too incompetent to register early and to get to voting places in a timely manner.
Lot’s of whining throughout, even about the 2000 election (because they just can’t let go), ending with
With Trump’s uncertainty about whether he would concede a close election to Clinton, this is a nightmare in the making. Let’s hope, for the sake of Floridians and all of us, that this storm is not as bad as it appears it will be.
Yeah, let’s hope that’s the reason the storm is not as bad as it appears to be.

That is because the prevailing wisdom is that early voting will be interrupted which highly favors Democrats…..
ERGO perhaps according to JOHN GOD sent a hurricane to punish America and in this case NORTH CAROLINA AND FLORIDA so that Trump could be Elected by interrupting early voting….
Hey its about as sound as Krugman and Gore living in a Green House.
I live right on the coast here in Saint Lucie County, no real damage at all, there’s a few thousand people without electricity, which the crews are already out working.
we were very lucky the storm was not bad
Don’t let anyone try to tell you that this is going to hamper the elections
The author didn’t claim that the election was the “Most Important Issue with Matthew”.
And we all understand why Republicans prefer that many Americans not vote. Candidate Romney was recording telling the truth. Republican statehouses have been working overtime to suppress the vote of poor people. Voting is more difficult for the working poor, as are most things in life.
But the vote of a homeless man in Miami is as important and valid as Teach’s vote. The vote of a single mom working at WalMart in Orlando is as important and valid as Dana’s vote. The vote of a roofer, now a citizen, in Fort Myers is as important and valid as Liam’s vote.
We all understand why you would prefer they not vote, as they vote their own interests (as you do). It’s why the Republican minority works hard to make it more difficult to vote.
I have a polling place within walking distance of the home where I’ve lived for nearly 40 years. I can leave my office at any time to vote. Voting is convenient and easy for me. It’s not as easy for everyone. College students, poor people who move from one rental to the next, the homeless – yet their input into the democracy is just as important and valid as yours, right? Or do you think the poor shouldn’t vote?
The gods do not control the weather.
The tool of democrats.
Republicans want all legal votes to count.
Democrats want illegal votes to count.
Also, FL Gov Scott was asked last night in his press conference while the storm was hitting about voting. He was asked two questions on voter registration at his last press conference.
gc types more nonsense.
Republicans want to redefine what a “legal vote” is.
And Republicans have a difficult time finding any “illegal” voters.
Republicans oppose Democratic voters voting and will lie, cheat and steal to keep them away from the polls.
If Trump wins FL with Skeletor Scott’s help, he then only needs NC, OH, IA, NV and PA to push him over the top. He can still do it although he faces a headwind of his own doing.
The gods do not control the weather.
And Al Gore and Jack Krugman do not own Green Homes…..
That was the point but then I guess you cant really read complete sentences and grasp the meaning and intent of the author.
Really? How so Jeffery? Shouldn’t people be citizens to vote? Shouldn’t people be alive to vote?
As usual, you support liberals taking rights away from people as every illegal vote deprives a person the value of their legal vote.
Another lie from the rapist.
We find the voters and then Democrats say “oh, it is not that many.”
The rest of Jeffery’s rant is more nonsense from a morally challenged person.
Typical leftist democrat. Why do democrats find it impossible to admit there is voter fraud even when shown a picture of one of their own convicted of it? They are deniers and their partisan stupidity shows. Just Google vote fraud or go to Youtube. It’s all there.
The admitted child molester, the gutter crawler, is stoned again today. Look out children.
Non citizens and dead people are voting? Prove it, child abuser. Yes, we know all about you. Your ex wife is very forthcoming.
I keep telling you Jeffery to stop writing self descriptions about yourself.
We have gone down this path with you before Jeffery. We”ve proven it.
You ignore it.
PS – I don’t have an ex-wife Jeffery. And the wife I have I have never claimed was delusional as you said you wife was.
You project far too much.
BTW Jeffery:
Dead voters.
Non-citizens voting.
Sucks to be you.,
The child molester, the gutter creeper, dredges up a few examples to justify his support of suppressing the votes of hundreds of thousands, if not millions of poor, young, old, Black and Hispanic voters.
Nice try. The courts don’t buy it.
Sucks to be you.
Poor widdle Jeffery.
He can’t even remember what he says:
When proven, poor widdle Jeffery tries to shift the goalposts.
The liar is exposed again.
Poor widdle guttercleaner…
So lonely, his only joy in life is fighting on the interwebs.
You proved nothing.
–the little guy who’s more retarded than john
So you finally admitted it, little guy. That’s a positive first step.
Now if only you could stop ass hammering the grandson…
“The Gods don’t control the weather..” And neither do humans.
And the evidence of “lying, cheating and stealing to keep them from the polls” is…..what?
You proved nothing.
Except for the fact that you were wrong, can’t read, and lied, you’re right. Nothing was proven.
You admit it.
You admit it.
It really is sad to watch a presumed adult by age act like a child.
You were proven wrong.
Deal with it.
You support disenfranchising hundreds of thousands under the pretense of catching a few fraudulent voters. We see through you and your ilk. So do the courts.
Deal with it.
Why do you hate democracy, Komrade?
Seems like the little guy who’s more retarded than john approves of voter fraud–as long as the dems win.
But then again, he is a Liberal feminist ball-busting woman.
But then again the little bitch who thinks Obama won the elections by fraud because how could a Negro win an election without cheating and who thinks Negroes and poor people shouldn’t be allowed to vote – his saliva DNA test came back haploid and canine. The instructions say no eating, drinking or SUCKING for 30 min before spitting in the tube. Interestingly, the doggie DNA you spit is 42% Ethiopian, 19% Palestinian, 39% Persian. Your doggie “boyfriend” is a Black Muslim. And you’re HIS bitch.
Not only is that little guy who’s more retarded than john a liberal feminist ball-busting woman but a racist bigoted one at that who ass-hammers his grandson on a daily basis and is so lonely, his only joy in life is fighting on the interwebs…