It’s actually rather shocking that a legal order was needed which allows Exxon to defend itself
(ABC News) A federal judge has opened the way for Exxon Mobil Corp. to seek documents and question witnesses who may help the Massachusetts Attorney General Maura Healey investigate whether the company hid what it knew about climate change.
U.S. District Court Judge Ed Kinkeade in Dallas said Thursday that critical comments Healey made at a news conference raised the possibility that she acted in “bad faith” by issuing a subpoena against the company.
Healey and New York’s attorney general have accused Exxon of committing securities fraud by misleading investors and the public about what the company knew about the link between burning fossil fuels and climate change.
The whole thing is a politically motivated witch hunt, working in collusion with private interest groups.
(Washington Examiner) The judge wants Healey to fork over documents that would help him understand the basis for her investigation. Opponents of the probe say the federal court could unravel the Democrats’ efforts by revealing what emails and other documents obtained by Freedom of Information Act requests have shown — that the investigation is based on specious facts and is driven by politics, not policy, the law or science.
“We know from FOIA’d emails that the AGs in Schneiderman’s climate coalition tried to hide behind a Common Interest Agreement, which would keep their correspondence on the Exxon investigations secret,” according to a blog posted by the oil industry-backed group Energy In Depth. “But sunlight is the best disinfectant, they say, and that is exactly what taxpayers will get [as] a result of today’s action.”
Everything that Healey turns over to the judge will be available for Exxon to see, as the legal system says. Healey and the others involved have been hiding information from the defendant, Exxon, in clear violation of the Constitution. Expect her to fight tooth and nail to not comply with the legal order, because, as we all know, Democrats hate transparency and acting in a lawful manner.

All of the other major oil companies admit that CO2 is causing climate change. Regan;s main crush Maggie Thatcher warned about it in the 80s
Purr fect…..Just force all the Oil companies to move over seas and keep on doing what they are doing….
The communist left is trying to force the hands of the Corporations who will just move their operations over seas.
Whats the USA going to do? Put a huge import duty on their product…..lololol….so gasoline will be 10 dollars a gallon…..Electricity will triple……
No its not gonna happen but what will happen is that the envirowhackos will force them to leave the country and there goes millions of high paying, high benefit jobs…..But thats okay….the government can just put them on welfare too……its what liberals are best at doing…
And there is NO FUKING COMPARISON between cigarettes and OIL/Natural Gas/coal.
One was a dangerous product that was killing people and the other…..may or may not be the same thing BUT IS REQUIRED NATIONALLY JUST TO EXIST……
The next thing we will see coming from the left is mandating that all joggers stop jogging because they are expelling too much Co2.
So what?
Do you want to close the oil companies?
Regan;s main crush Maggie Thatcher warned about it in the 80s
We have been down this path with you before john.
Thatcher later changed her stance on AGW as the science didn’t match what was being said.
In short, Thatcher was at first a person who held cautionary views of AGW and then as she studied it more, came to realize that the cult to which you subscribe was anti-capitalism, anti-science, anti-freedom, anti-American, anti-British and was designed to redistribute wealth.
In other words, Thatcher came to disagree with everything in which you believe and yet you still feel compelled to lie about her position.
I believe that’s the problem all thinking people have with AGW. The proponents keep calling it “settled science” when knowledgeable people know science is never really settled there is always something new. Plus, the AGW crew were using their distorted “science” to achieve political, social and economic goals they were unable to realize by traditional arguments thereby discrediting the “science” as a manipulative ant-American politic, not science at all.
If they were seriously interested in effecting changes to address a problem they believed real they would have stayed with “global warming” instead of bouncing around to AGW and climate change when things didn’t go their way. That made them look weak, confused and uncommitted.
And if they wanted to attract people who actually wanted to help rather than a bunch of America/capitalism haters they would not have blamed every advance in technology and comfort from the automobile to air conditioning. The reality is nobody, and I mean nobody including the leftists here are giving up their cars or cooling their homes.
They broke the first rule of advertising, they told so big a lie that only idiots would believe.