If only members of the Cult of Climastrology had given up their own use of fossil fuels. Sigh
The Great Barrier Reef announced dead, climate change kills nature’s magnificent treasure
The Great Barrier Reef is dead and none other than climate change is responsible for it. One of world’s largest living structure, it has been around for 25 millions years and now in 2016, it has been announced dead. The only living structure visible from the space, the reef was home to largest number of lives and spot for breeding of green turtles. Stretched out approximately 1200 miles along Australia’s eastern coast, the reef had largest biodiversity of organisms on Earth. (snip)
The demise of one of the greatest treasure of nature to mankind is sadly but truly comes as a result of mankind’s influence on climate change. Noting else, but human greed and it resulting into global warming is the reason, we won’t be able to cherish The Great Barrier Reef. As a result of global warming, the reef started to wither and die. With the onset of millennium, mass bleaching became a major threat. More the carbon dioxide observed by oceans, more acidic it turns into. As did Reef, it turned more acidic with time and with it started to dissolve.
Until the servers that are toast at Photobucket start working, just imagine your favorite facepalm right here, OK?
This is all just utterly absurd. So much of the Great Barrier Reef evolved and spread when it was much warmer and also live through when it was much cooler. A tiny .8C change in global temperatures in over 160 years is not going to kill it.
If only these nutballs were as concerned about actual pollution, they might be on to something. Instead, they’re whining about tiny amounts of CO2 that is having barely any effect on the climate.

The most immediate threats to the reef come from agriculture and, more significantly, ports accommodating coal, natural gas and oil shale extraction plants…..
Water quality decline is caused by both agricultural irrigation, which carries pollutants into waterways and the reef lagoons, and by nearby port infrastructure development.
But as James Cook University’s Jon Brodie said “although the government has made attempts to manage the agricultural impact on water, water quality decline as a result of coastal development has not been addressed.”
Once again you see irrigation, the use of pesticides and herbicide run off causing most of the damage but of course any change is the result of fossil fuels.
I just wished the AGW crowd would get behind what is really going to kill this planet……
Herbicides, Pesticides, improper crop rotation, GMO’s and The clear cutting of our forest including the Amazon rain forest….
The failure of the trees to sink Co2 and therefore Heat has caused the Atlantic to start picking up the duty….and this will of course cause a mass movement to the next ice age…..
I wasn’t wild about the reef any way, so big deal.
The Great Barrier Reef is not dead.
Teach please remember how important even “slight” changes are. Remember the NJ lobster harvest was cut 90% by temp rise. Do you consider that important ?
Also please remember the RATE of change is increasing. That is most worrisome.
The Sun is a bit less powerful now than in 1960 but the Earth keeps warming .
As far as agricultural run off killing the Great Barrier reef, that is silly.
And I am being kind using that word.
Teach yes the planet has had huge temp swings from 3000 degrees to -40 but what we are concerned about isn’t the next ice age (estimated 50000 years) but the near term climate change and its effect on the 7 billion humans many of which are living on the margin of survival.
Just as a small change had a huge impact of NJ’s lobsters that same small temp change can make it more difficult for some human to survive even a small change in teir enviorment
Once again, retard, you’re lying.
Actual studies and scientists disagree with you john.
It’s really simple john. So simple that one would think a child could understand it, which means you may not. Fertilizer run off increases algae blooms which a) are toxic to fish and b) block the sun which kills seagrass. The seagrass is not only a habitat for life, but also is a source of oxygen in the water. Only an idiot would think that less oxygen in the water would not affect organisms and life forms that need oxygen to survive, but you have never been strong on actual science.
The run offs lead to the creation of what is generally called “muck.” “Muck” has different compositions depending on the area, but the effects are the same – it lays on the bottom of the water and prevents anything positive from growing. There are a lot of debates going on as to the best way to remove muck, but there is no one solution.
It is amazing that you believe that an unproven theory can affect the reef and yet actual data and documented causes and affects should be dismissed.
The bottom line is john, that once again you are either ignorant or wrong on the actual science.
And I am being kind in saying that.
John, please provide a link to that lobster thing. The only stuff I see is deflated prices from too many lobsters.
From fightforthereef, used previously to support the hypothesis that fertilizer was killing the reef, we also find this:
Global Warming
Global warming, caused by burning fossil fuels, is the greatest threat to the Reef.
Coral Bleaching
Warming waters can lead to coral bleaching – a process that causes corals to turn white and die when the sea temperatures remain too hot for too long.
Extreme weather
Global warming also means more intense storms, cyclones, and floods that damage coral, seagrass and marine life.
Ocean Acidification
Carbon pollution from the burning of fossil fuels is absorbed by the ocean, causing the water to become more acidic. Ocean acidification slowly eats away at the very structure of the shells and coral, the bones of our beautiful Reef.