People who find the weather very important pretty much every day for their income are smarter than the Progressive rubes pushing the ‘climate change’ narrative
Most Farmers Still Doubt They Have Anything To Do With Climate Change
Devastation from extreme weather events like Hurricane Matthew isn’t changing their minds, either.(Lots of yammering about “extreme weather” events, like Hurricane Matthew, which have always happened but now doom us due to CO2 or something)
For his part, (North Carolina farmer Peyton) McDaniel doesn’t think climate change had anything to do with the devastation brought to his farm. His family has been farming its land since 1756 and has seen all sorts of weather across all those decades, he noted.
“I don’t think you can point to global warming or a manmade problem on this,†McDaniel added. “It’s more of a cyclical thing.â€
The minimal amount of existing research on the topic shows that most farmers would probably agree with McDaniel, even though their industry is both uniquely vulnerable to extreme weather and a significant source of climate change-causing greenhouse gases.
How dare he actually hold a reasonable position! How dare he use history! It’s uncouth!
Many farmers would agree that weather patterns are changing and extreme weather is increasing, but most don’t think these have anything to do with human activities, according to Dr. J. Gordon Arbuckle Jr., a sociology professor at Iowa State University.
“Farmers in general are taking extreme weather more seriously,†said Arbuckle, who has interviewed and polled farmers in the Corn Belt region on the issue. “But most of them are more in line with there maybe being a human cause, but probably some natural cause to it.â€
Except, actual research shows there is no increase in “extreme weather”, or, as we used to call it, weather. No increase in drought, flood, tropical systems, tornadoes, etc. In fact, in many cases, these events have gone down. Regardless, the weather has always changed from year to year, and the long term trends create climate, which has always changed. There’s no need to subscribe to some mythical belief that it is mostly/solely caused by Mankind, and that the only way to solve it is to increase governmental control of everything, including our individual lives. Unless you have an ulterior motive.

Allah bless our farmers, but NOAA and the US National Academy of Sciences probably know more about global warming than Mr. McDaniel (or Teach and his minions).
Wonder if the farmer falsely claimed to be a veteran…
I bet he doesn’t suck dog dicks…
You lied and you got busted and your little vile insults won’t ever make that or me go away, little hero guy…
Thank Allah you never go away. I enjoy bitch slapping you around, cumbreath.
Jeffrey wrote:
And once again we have the typical leftist meme, that the Patricians simply know better than the Plebeians, and should run things for the common folk, for their own good, of course. ‘Twasn’t all that long ago that Rudyard Kipling saw this as the White Man’s Burden.
In a way, it’s kind of humorous. Jeffrey strongly supported Bernie Sanders and his populist campaign for the Democratic nomination, yet he’ll happily (?) vote for the very non-populist Hillary Clinton, and is expressing the very non-populist notion that Our Bettersâ„¢ simply know more than we do, and thus should be taking decisions for us.
None of us commoners mind it at all if the nobles decide to reduce their own carbon footprint, if they are so very concerned, or voluntarily pay higher taxes, if that is what they believe is needed. We simply have a problem with them trying to impose higher costs or higher taxes on us as well.
Jeffrey shocks me!
Why, is this the oh-so-tolerant, ever-so-inclusive, diversity supporting Jeffrey, using an insinuation of homosexuality as an insult?
Because I oppose interspecies homosexuality and heterosexuality. And that’s all I have to say about that.
Because I caught the little guy lying about serving in the Army and called him on it…
drowningpuppies, you failed to ask him whose army he was in.
Wednesday morning links
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