The Editorial Board of the NY Times is in a snot over Trump’s constant comments about the election being rigged, which is being aped by his most ardent supporters, and use this as a means to attack all Republicans
Shameful Silence on Donald Trump’s Lies About Vote-Rigging
It may be too late for the Republican Party to save itself from the rolling disaster of Donald Trump, but the party’s top leaders still have the duty to speak out and help save the country from his reckless rhetoric. The most frightening example is Mr. Trump’s frenzied claim that the presidential election is being “rigged†against him — a claim he has ramped up as his chances of winning the presidency have gone down.
Instead of disavowing this absurdity outright, Republican leaders sit by in spineless silence. Mitch McConnell, the Senate majority leader, and Paul Ryan, the speaker of the House, are the two most powerful Republicans in the country and should be willing to put the national interest above their own. Both know full well that there is no “rigging,†and yet between them they have managed one tepid response to Mr. Trump’s outrageous accusations: “Our democracy relies on confidence in election results,†Mr. Ryan’s spokeswoman said, “and the speaker is fully confident the states will carry out this election with integrity.â€
Interesting. Certainly, this who rigging thing is over-the-top and absurd. But, is it out of bounds? We know the Democratic Party primary was pretty much rigged for Hillary to a degree. We know that the general election is pretty much rigged from the 90% Democrat supporting media’s point of view, which happens every election cycle.
Other than that, though, how is this rigged? And why is it required for high end Republicans to squash Trump and the surrogates who yammer on about it being rigged, as further described in the article? We’re told that this is like “standing back while an arsonist pours gasoline all over your house, then expressing confidence that the fire department will get there in time.”
Say, where was the NY Times when Democrats were going ape over the supposed theft of the 2000 election? Liberals still say Bush stole the election. They, somewhat quieter, say Bush stole the 2004 election by rigging Ohio. Where was the NY Times EB when Democrats, including elected ones, were saying that Bush would cancel the 2004 and 2008 elections over some sort of manufactured incident. Where was the NY Times pre-elections when Democrats were complaining about the elections being rigged via Diebold voting machines and other things?
Fortunately, the NY Times EB is there to TELL us what is patriotic (you know, like condemning a war and smearing the US military personnel in the middle of a war zone)
So what should patriotic Republicans be telling the nation?
First, they must reject bogus claims of voter fraud, which has been shown time and again to be virtually nonexistent. That will take work, since the specter of fraud, inevitably tinged with racist overtones, has long been a rallying cry among Republicans. But never before has a major party’s presidential candidate openly encouraged this attack on the legitimacy of the electoral process. Mr. Trump does it almost daily. On Monday morning, he tweeted, “Of course there is large scale voter fraud happening on and before Election Day.†His claims are never backed up by any evidence, but they’re still working: Only about one-third of Trump supporters believe their vote will be counted accurately, in contrast with two-thirds of Hillary Clinton’s supporters, according to a Pew Research poll.
Interesting. On one hand, we’re told we need massive gun control in order to save one life. On the other, it’s fine if there is just a little bit of voter fraud. And if you don’t decry Trump’s rigging comments, you’re unpatriotic.
Second, top Republicans must reject the ridiculous notion that a national election can be “rigged.â€
If that’s the case, then why have Democrats called for federal and United Nations observers during our elections? The NYTEB never had a problem with this.
Since part of what Trump means is that the media is rigging the election by taking a full stand for his opponent, why is the NY Times only condemning Trump and Republicans? They barely touch Hillary. If she had an R by her name, all the things she’s done would get her the Trump treatment.
Still, Trump needs to stop the rigging talk. It’s not helping him win. But, then, I’m not sure he wants to win. He was in Wisconsin Monday night. Why? He’s not going to win the state. It’s a waste of time. Except, he used the time to attack Paul Ryan. He’s essentially trying to burn the GOP down. And he’s attacking Republicans who do not support his rigging claims. He seems to spend more time attacking Republicans than attacking Hillary and Democrats.
Crossed at Right Wing News.

Mr. Trump is not some ignorant right-wing commenter on a conserva-blog, he is the nominee of the US Republican Party vying for the office of President, arguably the most powerful political position on Earth.
For him to claim that US national elections are illegitimate and “rigged” is reckless and damaging to the nation, and untrue. But lying is the sine qua non of Trumpism.
Mr. Trump is not losing this election because of cheating Negroes in Philadelphia or illegal Mexican voters in California. He is losing because he is unfit to be our President.
Teach the last REPUTABLE study on voter fraud showed 31 instances out of 1 billion votes cast.
YOU yourself were “yammering about 31000 possible instances in your own state. Well that issue seems to be just a big ZERO
And Teach “one life” about 30000 people die from guns each year in the USA. Am I correct in thinking that yu are OK with that number ? I think it should be reduced through legislation.
Teach when did YOU stop believing that voter fraud rigged elections?
Where should he be campaigning NC? He only has a 28% chance of winning there
Arizona is 60% for Clinton, maybe he should be there?
When Teach was running for the nomination 2/3 of the GOP were against building The Wall, people like you Teach helped legitimize Donald Trump
by “massive gun control” do you mean closing the loopholes that allow guns to be bought and sold without any background checks?
Another lie from john. Once again, “reputable” to him means “I agree with it.”
But john does present an interesting point: what level of fraud is acceptable?
Finally, over 80% of voters are for voter ID’s at poll (according to Gallup.) Why are you for against the will of the people?
Of course, that number includes people who kill themselves. Those deaths won;t decrease, just the method will change.
John wants to strip people of their right to defend themselves.
The only “loophole” that you think you know is the one where a private citizen can sell to another individual without a background check.
Yet it is already illegal to privately sell a gun to a person you suspect may not be legally able to own a gun. In other words, the law is in place.
You can’t seem to wrap your head around the idea that criminals by their very nature don’t follow the law. You would rather deny law abiding people the right to defend themselves because you think that people have the right to kill others.
Sure john
The most interesting dead man in the world, john
Here’s a democrat telling about vote fraud, john. You have become a denier, even when faced with overwhelming evidence and corroboration by the people who have actually created the fraud you still deny.
Kinda like lying about serving in the Army.
Huh, little jeffy?
No voter fraud in New York? Rrrrright…
unfortunately The Supreme Court has said that voter id laws are unconstitutional
When is the will of the people not to be respected? When it violates the Constitution of the United States of America
I respect the Constitution more than polls. Do you ?
I will be happy to wait for a new SCOTUS on gun control
Most people make at least 3 attempts to kill themselves with means others than guns. Not so with guns.
In fact there are 11 failed attempts for each successful suicide
“First, they must reject bogus claims of voter fraud, which has been shown time and again to be virtually nonexistent.”
If you are prevented from confirming the identity of a voter, proving fraud is impossible to prove….
And actually SCOTUS has upheld Voter ID, right now it’s circuit courts that are bending into pretzels to overturn Voter ID laws.
Actual SCOTUS decision….
Crawford v. Marion County Election Board, look it up
No, they did not john. They said the particular voter ID laws as submitted were not Consritutional not that allvoter ID laws are.
YOU respect the Constitution? hahahahahahahahahahah. You respect the bastardization of same by the Supreme Court. That’s why you say you’ll “wait for SCOTUS on gun control”. You want this:
Ummmm….no. Just no.
I agree with you john. The problem is that you don’t understand what you are saying.
The Constitution allows people to vote. People like you don’t care about the voter fraud in this country.
You like to say “there is no fraud,” but the fact of the matter is the 2000 election mess in Florida was caused by voter fraud. A judge found that there were people voting in Miami-Dade elections that were dead or didn’t exist. The judge ordered the rolls to be cleaned up which lead to the “our rights were denied” claim by the left.
Yet your whole proposition on health care and gun control is based on what polls want.
You don’t respect the Constitution as you are for the banning of guns. You are for silencing free speech when it comes to AGW. You are against a free press.
You really have issues with logic and critical thinking john.