If All You See…

…are horrible farm animals causing giant hurricanes, you might just be a Warmist

The blog of the day is This ain’t Hell…, with a post on SJWs opposing camouflage.

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2 Responses to “If All You See…”

  1. JGlanton says:

    That’s a bizarre composition! Must be a reflection of Swiss sensibilities.

    Here, her colleague has a burro or something:

  2. Liam Thomas says:

    I can’t even watch this stuff anymore. I’ve never been so embarrassed to be a conservative in my entire life…..

    Donald Trump has take the Conservative movement which is indicted by association with Trumps lunacy and set it back 50 years.

    We are all now every phobic phrase in the books because of FANBOI far right whack jobs defending this stuff……

    Why because Hillary is worse…..but that only goes to show how far the right has fallen if Hillary is this bad and we are still gonna lose the house, senate and the WH against the most corrupt politician perhaps ever to run for office.

    When Trump is only up by 1 point in UTAH….you know its bad.

Pirate's Cove