The lead opinion piece at the Internet version of the NY Times is a doozy (note: the dead tree edition has a different headline)
My Wife’s Killer Was Not an ‘Illegal Immigrant’
On Nov. 1, 2006, I found my wife, Adrienne Shelly, dead in her West Village office. Adrienne, an actor and filmmaker, had been brutally murdered by a 19-year-old undocumented Ecuadorean construction worker; he later said they were having an argument and, fearing she would report him and have him deported, he killed her and staged her death so it would appear to be a suicide. Our daughter was just 2 years old at the time.
So, he was unlawfully present in the United States, meaning he was an illegal immigrant.
Given the anger and grief I still feel, I could easily be seduced by Donald J. Trump’s anti-immigrant rhetoric that is the cornerstone of his presidential run. “They’re bringing drugs. They’re bringing crime. They’re rapists,†he said as he began his campaign in 2015. And in these final weeks before the election, rather than tacking to the middle, he seems to be doubling down. “We’ve got some bad hombres,†he said in last week’s debate, referring to immigrants who commit crimes.
So, in other words, this is mostly a screed against Trump from a Democrat. He admits he’s a Democrat in an early paragraph, moving towards
But Adrienne was not murdered by an illegal immigrant, per se. She fell victim to a depraved killer who simply happened to be an undocumented immigrant. It is an obvious distinction, almost too obvious, but it’s an important one to consider as the country goes further down the dangerous path of demonizing those not born here.
Just happened to be her illegally. So, she was killed by an illegal immigrant. Seriously, the lengths Democrats go to defend illegals is breathtaking. Even though Trump has never specifically mentioned his wife, as he writes in the article. And he continues defending illegals just like you expect, with typical leftist talking points.
While I believe that the country must do more to secure its borders, deport noncitizen criminals and protect Americans from foreign terrorists, I also believe we must find a realistic, humane path to citizenship for the millions of decent, hard-working immigrants who love this country as much as I do, regardless of whether they are documented or not. We need the kind of compassionate reform that Democrats have been advocating for decades in the face of persistent Republican obstructionism.
That is what Adrienne would want.
First, she’d probably not want to be murdered, especially by someone who should not have been in the country in the first place. Second, for all Trump’s bluster, he does want to secure the borders. Hillary does not. He wants illegal criminals out. Hillary does not. Trump does want to protect Americans from foreign terrorists. Hillary? Not so much. Interestingly, if we go by Trump’s comments from 2012, he has the same opinion
In a June 2012 interview with CNBC’s “Squawk Box,” Trump said he didn’t believe in deporting immigrants who “had done a great job,†according to CNN’s KFile.
Trump said he was “probably down the middle†when asked about his views on immigrant labor.
“Because I also understand how, as an example, you have people in this country for 20 years, they’ve done a great job, they’ve done wonderfully, they’ve gone to school, they’ve gotten good marks, they’re productive — now we’re supposed to send them out of the country, I don’t believe in that, Michelle, and you understand that,†he told the host. “I don’t believe in a lot things that are being said.”
Just remember, in Liberal World, linking immigration status with crime is a no no. Even though Mr. Ostroy somewhat contradicts himself with that bit about “noncitizen criminals.”
Crossed at Right Wing News.

That’s right, attack the husband of a murdered woman over his politics.
According to evidence, undocumented immigrants are LESS violent than citizens.
Of course our host is “attack(ing)” the pusillanimous ‘husband’ of a murdered woman. What kind of idiot tries to differentiate between an “illegal immigrant” and an “undocumented immigrant,” when they mean the same thing!
Had the ‘undocumented immigrant’ not been here, his wife would very probably be alive today. Were he a real man, he’d hate the man who killed his wife, and not try to make excuses for him. Of course, were he a real man, his wife would have shared his last name.
I have exactly zero respect for Andy Ostroy.
Trump yesterday in Naples said that he wouldn’t deport “productive” undocumented immigrants. I would guess that would include that murderer
Teach do you still think that all 11 million should be deported?
Kinda like little fake g.i. “vet” jeffy is really not a little fake g.i. “”vet” or something.
And had he not been living under the constant threat of deportation… his wife would very probably be alive today. In that case conservatives are responsible for her death.
Obviously it includes the murderer which is why I want them all deported, “productive” or not. Aside from the fact if they’re “productive” they’re in a job which should belong to an American not a foreigner. BTW, the murderer gets to stay now, in prison, for the rest of his life. Since illegal aliens are 100% more likely to commit crimes than native Americans they really need to go.
I don’t know about Teach but as the husband of a naturalized South Korean who used the current “path to citizenship” which works well to keep out undesirables, I want all illegals deported. Give me one good reason why they shouldn’t be. Should a thief be allowed to keep his ill gotten gains? Should a killer see no jail? Should a car thief get to keep the car? Then why should a thief of American sovereignty be allowed to stay?
Jeffrey laughably wrote:
[Guffaws!] Only a leftist could somehow consider breaking the law and trying to enforce the law as equivalent. Most people with common sense — a characterization which excludes liberals — would understand this.
Jeffrey wrote:
It sounds to me like Jeffrey is saying that conservatives believe in enforcing the law, and liberals do not.
Rev Hoagie would you be willing to foster care the children of the undocumented that were born here in the USA?
Are you fostering any now?
Are you, retard?
Oh, that’s right, they don’t let retards foster children.
What has foster care have to do with illegal acts? Why would the children of undocumented need foster care? Can’t they take care of their own children and if not why did they have them?
No. Are you? I know some folks who have adopted and/or did foster care. They loved it. Me, I have zero time for children or pets.
So Teach now you have a more extreme position on deportation than Trump?
Why do you consider throwing people out who shouldn’t be here to begin with extreme?
Would throwing a burglar our of your house be extreme? Same thing, bigger house. You seem to think everybody in the world has a right to come to America. Coming here is a privilege, not a right and it should only be granted to those we deem will be a net positive to our culture, our economy and our society. People who refuse to or are incapable of assimilating to America have no business in America. We have 94 million Americans off the work rolls why on earth would we bring in any more people until those are employed and self functioning? Why is it too much to ask we absorb those we already have before we invite any more in?
J-“Undocumented immigrants (in the real world, illegal immigrants) are less violent than citizens.” In the real world, illegal immigrants have a 100% crime rate, because, well, they’re here illegally.
Do you consider being here illegally a violent act?
The idea that people who start out their journey to America by breaking our immigration law s is a pretty good indicator of what type of citizen they will be. They’ll obey the laws they like and ignore those they don’t. Very Klintonesque. The government has a hard time collecting data on crimes by illegals simply because being illegal they disappear so the numbers are based on what hey know not what the atual numbers are which are much higher.
According to the GAO between 2008 and 2014, 40% of all murder convictions in Florida were criminal aliens. In New York it was 34% and Arizona 17.8%.
During those years criminal illegal aliens accounted for 38% of all murder convictions in five states of California, Texas, Arizona, Florida and New York. while illegal aliens constitute only 5.6% of the total population in those states.
That 38% represents 7,085 murders out of the total of 18,642.
These numbers were compiled by the Dept. of Justice and published in August of 2015.
The numbers of illegals committing crimes is swept under the rug by news media (even the Wall Street Journal) and buried in reports so as not to be prominently available. The reason is both political and an effort to make illegal immigration crime seem an unimportant aspect of the illegal problem.
I consider the physical act of breaking into someone’s home or a place of business or other private property uninvited a violent action so does the law that’s why it’s called “Home Invasion”. I see no difference. I also don’t understand why the democrats who want to control everything from light bulbs to health care can’t seem to control an invasion at our border. Are they stupid , lazy or incompetent?
You were suckered by Tom Tancredo and Breitbart. The data you cite as being from the DOJ via the GAO is flawed. Tancredo lifted and embellished from a presentation by James Simpson of the Center for Security Policy.
It appears that Tancredo was off by about a factor of 5. 38 divided by 5 is close to 7.5%
Too many for sure, but not 38%.
So, Jeffrey’s argument is that the ‘undocumented immigrants’ don’t commit as many crimes as some say? Trouble is, they would be committing zero crimes if they weren’t here in the first place!
Actually, my argument is to argue the facts, not BS made up by Tom Tancredo.
Do you agree with Trump 1.0 that we need to institute a massive new immigration force to round up 10 million or more residents and deport them?
Or do you agree with Trump 2.0 who prefers the Obama policy?
Which still avoids the point: if the illegal immigrants weren’t here, they would be committing exactly zero crimes in the United States. Do you have a problem with them committing zero crimes?
My stated policy is that when we catch an illegal immigrant who is actually working for a living, we keep him, and deport an American citizen who won’t work in his place.
Alas! We can’t deport American citizens, so the best policy would be to simply end all welfare, coupled with strong immigration enforcement aimed at employers; if you don’t work, you don’t eat. Then American citizens who can’t find jobs would suddenly find that, yes, they can find jobs, displacing the illegal immigrants, who would then have to head back south of the border, because they’d have no food and no jobs. Employers who retained illegal immigrants would have to be more than fined; they should be jailed.
That would solve every problem we have! Families would have to stay together, because they’d have too difficult a time economically if they didn’t. Actually working would create a work ethic.
and if white men weren’t here we’d cut our murder rate in half… do you have a better point?
Some say Tancredo data was flawed however with 3.5% of the population committing 7.8% of the murders the original statement “According to evidence, undocumented immigrants are LESS violent than citizens” is a lie. If one American dies at the hand of an illegal who would not be here except for corrupt democrat policies it’s too many. Democrats need to be held responsible for the murder, carnage and property destruction their actions cause and the pain and loss left in the wake of their voter recruitment methods.
The problem the partisan hacks have with trying to deny Tancredo’s numbers is that about one third of federal prisoners are illegals so unless a lot of innocent illegals are being locked up they sure do commit a lot of crime.
Next, the partisan hacks will claim the murder rate in democrat run inner cities is the same or less than that of the Hamptons.
and if white men weren’t here we’d cut our murder rate in half… do you have a better point?
And if you werent here we would not have to listen to racist nonsense. Every nation has crime….Look at the EU….majority Caucasian…..they have crime…..
Look at South america…..majority Latino…..They have crime…..Crime is a universal problem….but when you bring in additional people those people commit crimes…..the fact they are here illegally is what has those on the right upset…..
THERE IS ZERO DOUBT that you would be screaming to high heaven if the GOP was allowing millions of republican voters to stream across the border illegally. Open borders will not work….Europe is a shambles because of it….the UK dropped out of the EU because of open borders…..
The world is not ready for Star Trek yet….I doubt it ever will be because people hate people….always have…always will….if your different then well just look at John and Jeffery…especially Jeffery who hates the WHITE MAN with a passion…..nothing will ever change that will make open borders viable in any country.
Another lie and a racist lie at that. Whites commit 37% of the murders, not half. And whit women, not men commit about 15% of those.
How’s this for a better point: about 87% of people in federal prison are democrats. Almost 100% of the inner city black murderers are democrats. The majority of illegal immigrant murderers are undocumented democrats. Question: Why are democrats so much more likely to be murderers than Republicans? Answer: Since they begin murdering babies in the womb they are proficient at murder by the time they become adults.
More illegal undocumented democrats influencing an American election to help foreigners and more democrat lies:
Murder? Well, Jeffrey supports gun
confiscationcommon sense gun control, but it seems that when the Democrats are in charge, when the police actually catch people illegally possessing firearms, they let them go anyway.