It’s going to be a NY Times heavy blogging day, because, quite frankly, the Fish Wrap is a constant source of amusement for me, what with the far far left opinions, stories, their utter buy in on ‘climate change’ (while refusing to make any changes in the writers lives nor at for the Times’ operations), and their utter partisanship
The 281 People, Places and Things Donald Trump Has Insulted on Twitter: A Complete List
Since declaring his candidacy for president last June, Donald Trump has used Twitter to lob insults at presidential candidates, journalists,news organizations, nations, a Neil Young song and even a lectern in the Oval Office. We know this because we’ve read, tagged and quoted them all. Below, a directory of sorts, with links to the original tweets. Insults within the last 60 days are highlighted. RELATED ARTICLE
Recently insulted: Donna BrazileThe Bill, Hillary and Chelsea Clinton FoundationNorth American Free Trade AgreementObamacareHillary Clinton
Seriously, the two writers, JASMINE C. LEE and KEVIN QUEALY, took the time to do this. Interestingly, they don’t take the time, nor do the other writers, to investigate Hillary or other Democrats in the same manner.
Some are really insults. Some are just standard politics. Some are just silly, such as
- Vandals: animals (they are)
- George Pataki: “so easy to beat” (he was)
- John Oliver: “very boring and low rated show†(well, yes to both)
- Britain: “trying hard to disguise their massive Muslim problem†(they are are)
- Iran:“doing many bad things behind our backsâ€Â (how is this an insult? They are. And why would we care in the least about insulting Iran?)
- New Jersey: deeply trouble (it is)
- Washington D.C. “such a mess†“nothing works†(is he wrong?)
- The Obama administration “incompetence of our current administration is beyond comprehension†(he’s not wrong)
It continues on and on and on. Sure, there are some true insults in there. Some is just commentary that’s right on the mark. Heck, we could go to the opinion pages of most newspapers, including the Times, and find similar insults being lobbed at Trump. Also, in the “news” sections.
But, the Times had little problem with Hillary declaring half of the Trump supporters as “deplorables.” Going by the primaries numbers, that would be 6.65 million Americans insulted.
How about the parents of those killed in Benghazi, who were lied to by Hillary and called liars on multiple occasions by Hillary and her team?
Hillary has obviously insulted Trump, to go hand in hand with the big list from the Times of Trump insulting Hillary. She’s insulted Millenials and environmentalists. She’s insulted the disabled. Black people.
Let’s not forget all the people and places Obama has insulted. I have a big list which I stopped bothering updating a few years ago, because Obama keeps insulting the same people again and again. Friendly countries, their leaders, and, of course, Americans. Sometimes Americans as a whole.
Where’s the outrage from the NY Times on this? For the most part, I’m not defending Trump, though, some of those insults are really more of “insults”, big nothing burgers. Just noting that difference in treatment. And that the NY Times is also over-doing it with their highlighting of “insults.”

Only 281? Heck, I can give him another hundred or so to work with……
On a side note….did anyone see Megan Kelly’s exchange with Newt Gingrich last night were Kelly basically accuses trump of being a sexual predator and Newt fires back that a proven sexual predator is going to the White house again in the form of the Ex president Clinton….
He then asked Megan Kelly to say it….say it…call Bill Clinton a Sexual predator like you just implied that Trump was a sexual predator…..
She kept deflecting and would not say it….
Now we all know that Megan has issues with the Donald but did you know she is actually a Democrat…IRL? Yeah so I have no problem with that but if you watch her show carefully her left leaning oozes…Not as badly as Shepard Smith and the one person on the entire lineup that I actually trust for a fair and balanced approach….GRETA….left.
Even the Donald is shaking FOX NEWS to its core.