If only someone had told us that this would happen due to the way the law was written and implemented. Seriously, this is coming out of the blue
(AP) Premiums will go up sharply next year under President Barack Obama’s health care law, and many consumers will be down to just one insurer, the administration confirmed Monday. That’s sure to stoke another “Obamacare” controversy days before a presidential election.
Before taxpayer-provided subsidies, premiums for a midlevel benchmark plan will increase an average of 25 percent across the 39 states served by the federally run online market, according to a report from the Department of Health and Human Services. Some states will see much bigger jumps, others less.
Moreover, about 1 in 5 consumers will only have plans from a single insurer to pick from, after major national carriers such as UnitedHealth Group, Humana and Aetna scaled back their roles.
“Consumers will be faced this year with not only big premium increases but also with a declining number of insurers participating, and that will lead to a tumultuous open enrollment period,” said Larry Levitt, who tracks the health care law for the nonpartisan Kaiser Family Foundation.
Obviously, many Republicans jumped on this news, proclaiming the law a failure, pretty much as they said it would be. Senator Orrin Hatch stated that the law “does little to dispel the notion we are seeing the law implode at the expense of middle-class families.”
And, of course
Democratic candidate Hillary Clinton has proposed an array of fixes, including sweetening the law’s subsidies and allowing more people to qualify for financial assistance.
So, rather than replacing the law with something that works, she’d prefer to double down and throw more money at the problem, proving that Obama was lying about the costs of Ocare.
This will surely mean more calls from Democrats for a “public option”. Health and Human Services Secretary Sylvia Burwell was out on the trail recently, surely having already known the horrendous Ocare numbers, pimping for a “government option.” Everything is going exactly like predicted. Opponents of Ocare said that prices would go way up while killing off insurers, and that Dems would call for even more government control, up to a public option followed by pushing for single payer. And that’s what is happening.
Democrats own this turd of a law. It’s all on them.
Crossed at Right Wing News.

wow !! 25% !!!! that is sooo much
But Teach why not include telling us how much that is you know in dollars and cents?
Well AFTER this tremendous increase 77% will be able to find the mid level silver plan for less than 100 dollars per month http://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2016-10-24/obamacare-benchmark-premiums-to-rise-25-in-sharpest-jump-yet
Of course under POTUS Clinton we may get what the Swiss and Hermans have, universal Federal healthcare
You can have whatever you like as long as I can opt-out. BTW, providing “universal federal healthcare” is a lie! You want “universal federal health insurance”. Germany has a population of 80 million and Switzerland a meager 8 million. They are up till now homogeneous, same race, same ethnics, same ailments same life experiences and life expectancies. We have a nation of 330 million non-homogeneous multi-racial individuals all predisposed to different life experiences and diseases. Only a complete phuking moron or a democrat, but I repeat, would try and force 330 million people into one single insurance policy. That is a prescription for fraud, malfeasance and death. I hope you get it, you deserve it. Me I’m well off, I’ll hire my own doctors as I do now.
Another glaring example of the government stepping in to make something “better”, yet in reality, they make the problem bigger…
I just went to an Obama portal and put in a the numbers for a 38/34 year old husband and wife both with preexisting conditions…….
Good news we have plans starting at 389.00 per month for JU.
Secondly IF>>>IF>>>>IF>>>>IF preexisting conditions do not apply then why are they even asking the question if WE HAVE PREXISTING CONDITIONS……
the reason is simple…..this plan was written to fail….no ones signing up and those that do…..For example my Nephew who was mugged….did not have Insurance even though he is 30 years old….he signed up for a health care plan…..A gold plan that was 860.00 per month…to pay for his 115,000.00 in medical bills…after 3 months and he was fairly well back to normal….he canceled….
The insurance company collected 2500.00 dollars and had to pay out 75 percent of 115,000.00…..
So I would surmise that here is the problem with universal health care in the USA…..
Every business will be hit up to pay for it….the government will run it….And I have been waiting for 3 years now on my shoulder while the insurance keeps me in therapy rather then the operation Ineed….why>? Because Medicaire is just around the corner for me.
I surmise everyone on the left believes that Universal health care will cost them 100.00 per month like Medicare does….what they dont realize is that even now all Seniors need to buy supplemental insurance plans that pay the other 20 percent….these cost on average between 150….and 400 per month depending on the plan and if its single or hubby/spouse.
Well I live in Jenkintown, PA a suburb of Philly and this is the news here:
Earlier I typed I’d hire my own doctors, that’s supposed to be “insurers” but now it looks kinda iffy anyway.
But john forgot to include the fact that that is AFTER subsidies.
Once again, john, where do you think the money to pay for those subsidies is coming from?
It is as if you don’t have an understanding of even the most basic of economic principles.
77% of who will pay less than $100 a month? That’s a lie. But the point is the big liar in the White House said: For Americans who get their insurance through the workplace — how many people are gettin’ insurance through their jobs right now? Raise your hands. All right, well, a lot of those folks — your employer, it’s estimated, would see premiums fall by as much as 3000% which means they could give you a raise!”
Another democrat lie! (don’t democrats ever tell the truth?). Our group plan has increased by 40%. And we had to change plans because our original plan was not in the Obamacare system. Lies, all lies!