…is NASA having it’s budget for climate change research cut by deniers, you might just be a Warmist
The blog of the day is Raised On Hoecakes, with a post on Hillary’s tax returns.

…is NASA having it’s budget for climate change research cut by deniers, you might just be a Warmist
The blog of the day is Raised On Hoecakes, with a post on Hillary’s tax returns.
With the slow drip of death from Wiki Leaks…
By election day Trump will be up by 10 points….this is egregious….Last night Jesse Waters was interviewing teens who all knew what was going on….WHY because they have I phones and Droids and get this stuff from the web…..
THE MSM cant protect HRC anymore….Trump just needs to keep pounding is message 15 hours a day while HRC HIDES thinking shes won.
Im sure Obama has already told her he will pardon her before he leaves office….the problem now is that she might not make it to that office from what Im starting to see in polling which is drastically swinging back toward trump.
Turn out the lights….the party is finally over for you Hillary….but no worries….you managed to collect 156 million while secretary of state in your pay for play schemes….Im sure youll try to convince us all how BROKE YOU WERE in a last gasp effort to save your lust for power…..any other REAL AMERICAN would have quit by now and turned the reins over to Bernie Sanders.
Thanks for the linkage Teach!