You can always rely on the NY Times, be it in their news or opinion sections (which often seem to be the same thing), to provide some progressive silliness to just about everything
A Scandal Too Far? Huma Abedin, Hillary Clinton, and a Test of Loyalty
In the summer of 2013, Hillary Clinton had just left the State Department and returned to New York. She planned a quiet year, basking in sky-high approval ratings and enjoying a respite from the media spotlight as she laid the groundwork for a second presidential run.
Then Carlos Danger happened.
Anthony D. Weiner, the husband of Mrs. Clinton’s closest aide, Huma Abedin, was running for mayor of New York when news broke that he had continued to exchange lewd messages with women online after the practice cost him his congressional seat. This time, he used the embarrassing Spanish-inspired moniker.
The tawdry story line and Ms. Abedin’s closeness to Mrs. Clinton made the events explode far beyond New York, dragging Mrs. Clinton’s name into messy headlines about penis pictures, Mr. Weiner’s descriptions of his sexual appetites and his online paramour named Sydney Leathers.
Now, with Mrs. Clinton seemingly on the cusp of winning the White House, Mr. Weiner, who once described himself as “a perpetually horny middle-aged man,†has pulled her into another drama. Federal investigators looking into his sexual messaging with an underage girl stumbled upon thousands of emails potentially pertinent to the F.B.I. inquiry into Mrs. Clinton’s private email server.
See? This is a scandal too far. Apparently, what Weiner did is Bad, and could effect Hillary, potentially forcing her to let Huma go. Too be clear, what Weiner has done is very bad, and potentially criminal. But, it’s apparently not too far when it comes to Hillary not only standing by Bill Clinton when he’s credibly accused of sexual assault and rape, but actively working to destroy the women who made the accusations.
It’s not a scandal too far when there’s a proven pay for play scandal between Hillary, the State Department, and the Clinton Foundation.
It’s not a scandal too far that the Clinton Foundation only spends 6% on actual charity. That they take lots of money from horrible countries that treat women and gays terribly. Selling US uranium rights to Russia after massive donations to the Foundation. And so much more.
It’s not a scandal too far when Hillary implements her own private server outside the government chain, passing national security material through the server which had little security, hiding the server, deleting emails in violation of subpoena, stripping security markings, wiping the server, not turning emails over, and so much more. Hillary, as Sec of State, should have known better. But, she blew off training’s on security.
And so, so much more. Weiner is a scandal too far, though.
Meanwhile, do you know what’s troubling to Hillary?
Treating Mr. Comey as a threat to her candidacy, Mrs. Clinton took aim at the law enforcement officer who had recommended no criminal charges less than four months earlier for her handling of classified information as secretary of state.
“It’s pretty strange to put something like that out with such little information right before an election,†Mrs. Clinton said at a rally in Daytona Beach, Fla. “In fact, it’s not just strange; it’s unprecedented and it is deeply troubling.â€
Strange and deeply troubling. Not like her setting up the email server in the first place. Or her husband sexually assaulting women. Getting oral sex from an intern in the White House. Keeping a woman, Huma Abedin, around who has deep links to the Islamic group the Muslim Brotherhood, which treats women terribly. All the lying from Hillary. Etc and so forth.
Crossed at Right Wing News.

This is what I said, Zachrael:
To which you responded:
“You certainly did more than wonder, saying about Clinton, “a corrupt, lying, traitorous criminal for President,†as well as calling Clinton supporters neo-Nazis who hate their country (which is self-contradictory).”
I see nothing inconsistent but if you do that’s okay too. So what did I do more than “wonder”? There is nothing self-contradicting about a neo-Nazi living in a Constitutional Republic and hating it. Neo-nazis historically tend to support fascist dictatorships. And if the Lizard Queen is not a corrupt, lying, traitorous criminal why has she been under investigation for, how long is it now?
This just in Klepto supporters.
You claimed, with your loaded question, that Clinton is “a corrupt, lying, traitorous criminal”. Then you said “I merely wondered how people with no perceivable skills can make so many hundreds of millions of dollars so quickly doing very little.” This latter statement is simply false.
You are conflating government with country. A Nazi can very well hate their government, but Nazism is a form of is a form of radical authoritarian nationalism.
Because they work the line. Perhaps they stepped over the line, but the evidence has clearly been lacking thus far. As with many on the political right, you conflate the confluence of money and politics with illegality, at least when found among your political adversaries.
I wonder: has any Democratic politician, anywhere, broken with Hillary Clinton over her obvious fundamental dishonesty?
There have been plenty of Republicans, including me, and including a few elected Republican officeholders, who have said that they cannot vote for Donald Trump, but if he’s rude and crude, he’s still never been shown to be as dishonest as Mrs Clinton. Surely, SURELY!, somewhere, there has to be a Democratic politician who has simply said that he’s had enough of Mrs Clinton’s dishonesty and cannot support her?