…is a wonderful greenspace which should be replaced by solar panels, you might just be a Warmist
The blog of the day is A View From The Beach, with a post on yet another unhinged SJW who has a problem with……canoes!

…is a wonderful greenspace which should be replaced by solar panels, you might just be a Warmist
The blog of the day is A View From The Beach, with a post on yet another unhinged SJW who has a problem with……canoes!
yup that is what we want more solar less stinkin coal power plants
Is she an Icelandic legislator?
You do realize John that if you would be willing to subsidize it that Coal fired power plants could be converted to sink all their co2 and reduce harmful emissions to zero……
So if thats the case….whats so bad with coal….It provides 10’s of thousands of jobs vs…2 engineers keeping a solar field running.
Clinton Campaign denies any ties to the guys causing trouble at Trump rallies….
They flat out lie to your face….
then this…..
Clinton campaign boss, email claims
Cody Derespina
By Cody Derespina Published October 31, 2016 FoxNews.com
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A Democratic operative who bragged about getting orders from Hillary Clinton to execute a bizarre stunt aimed at Donald Trump and was linked to a covert operation to incite the Republican presidential nominee’s supporters……
“Just wanted to pass along this note I sent to Bob Creamer, who as you may know is consulting for the DNC and is close to Robby Mook,†Lux wrote in a note about outreach to grassroots progressives.
Nothing but LIES coming out of the Clinton org. A culture of liars, led by a pathalogical liar.