In science, what do you do when the data fails to conform to your hypothesis? Correct, you rethink your hypothesis.
What do you do when you’re a member of the Cult of Climastrology? You change the data
Scientists Say We Underestimated How Much Sea Levels Have Risen
Scientists say in a new study that previous measurements of rising sea levels in the Northern Hemisphere in the 20th century were wrong—it’s actually worse than we thought. They say we have been underestimating rising sea levels by 5 to 28 percent depending on the location in the world.
Crucial to the work was use of “ice melt fingerprints,” a tool originally used in 2001 to help scientists determine why melting ice in say, Antarctica, is different from melting ice in Alaska. Using the fingerprints, scientists from NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory and the University of Hawai’i at MÄnoa closely analyzed various ice centers of the planet for a look at how they’ve been melting. Greenland was estimated to have been wrong by 28 percent off, while the melting Alps were off by 5 percent. The variations in individual ice centers give scientists reason to ratchet up the amount sea levels on the whole actually rose in the 20th century.
“The investigation concludes that it is highly unlikely that global average sea level rose less than” 5.5 inches, the previously widely accepted number, says the discovery’s lead author Phillip Thompson of the University of Hawai’i in a statement. The most likely amount was closer to 6.7 inches, they say.
So, even if they are correct, and it is 6.7 inches (there are already numerous studies that show the 20th Century sea rise was 7 inches), that provides absolutely no need for panic, as the average sea rise over the last 7,000 years, a time picked due to it being after the great sea rise from the end of the glacial age, is 6-8 inches per century. During a Holocene warm period, one would expect much higher sea rise, as they have been shorter than the cool periods, which would have much lower to even negative sea rise. This is how averages are calculated.
“This is the frontier in sea level science right now,” Thompson said. “We care about human timescale planning, decisions we’re going to make in the next 10 to 20 or 30 years.”
In that time frame, there will be little sea rise. Nothing to be concerned about, and certainly not anthropogenic. The point here, though, is to position things as Much Worse than previously thought, so, Government must be involved in central planning.

Estimates? We don’t need estimates. The world has had coastal cities FOREVER. There is physical evidence about how high the seas have “risen”. Hint: There is no sea level rise.