Yeah, this is a thing
I’m Not a Social Justice Warrior, I’m a Social Justice Warrior Princess:
— Reductress (@Reductress) November 3, 2016
A lot of people are quick to accuse me of being a “Social Justice Warrior.†I just wanted to be very clear and say that when you casually throw around phrases like that, you are actually diminishing the complexity of who I really am. My preferred term is “Social Justice Warrior Princess.â€
Yeah, it doesn’t get any more sane after that. I’d like to believe this is a joke, but, looking at the rest of the site, I don’t think so.
A lot of people are quick to accuse me of being a “Social Justice Warrior.†I just wanted to be very clear and say that when you casually throw around phrases like that, you are actually diminishing the complexity of who I really am. My preferred term is “Social Justice Warrior Princess.â€
No offense (well, offense, of course!), it doesn’t look like she’s seen the inside of a gym any time in memory. Like a lot of Millenials, she seems rather doughy with little muscle tone. Obviously, that’s sexxxxxist.
Any these people are nuts.

Judging by that skin tone, she hasn’t spent a lot of time outside, either; her warrior credits might just come via Playstation.
Plenty of eye makeup, though.
Actually, labeling herself a “Princess” means that she thinks that she’s some sort of nobility, perhaps even royalty. That means she’s just plain better than the rest of us.
Odd, though, since I thought the Social Justice Warriors believed in equality.
Well, you know that hypocrisy is all part and parcel of Leftism.
C A R E F U L L guys your falling into the mysogynist trap….she wants you to tell her to put her clothes back on and move along….nothing to see here….
But were not gonna say that….were gonna be nice and respectful and only belly laugh in our closets after we see her majestically standing there with a knife threatening people for not believing what she believes….
In fact perhaps she should be reported to the FBI….
Oh wait never maid the justice department lets treasonous lefties run for president but incarcerates republicans for 20 years for shutting down a bridge…that wont work either.
Well, she ain’t no Xena.
“Trigglypuff” anyone?
(google her.)
wow what a liberal will do for 10 bucks and a big mac.
Satire site, idiots. Read the words don’t just look at the pictures. Be skeptical, Poe’s law and all.
“after looking at the rest of the site” you didn’t think it was a joke?????
And you believe you’re discerning enough vote?
How about this piece at the site:
The conservative sense of humor revolves around someone getting hit in the groin or someone in a wheelchair falling down steps.
Here’s the moment I realized neocon Bill Kristol wasn’t really one of you deplorables: On a morning show years ago, the oleaginous Sam Donaldson was describing the coarsening of America by relating his anecdote of driving on the DC Beltway at the speed limit and getting the finger from angry drivers passing him.
Bill Kristol: “Maybe they just recognized you.”
Much too clever for a deplorable.
The little guy who lied about serving in the Army likes to spend time perusing Reductress and kiddie porn sites.
Well done, soldier.
Shall we compare her to the people who attend Trump rallies? Or
hey! how about an updated pic of surfer Porter?
Say how come you never show off your own babes, Teach? I bet that climate truthers have crowds of groupies