Some enterprising reporter should ask Barack if he plans on signing up for Ocare once he leaves the White House, or if he’ll sign up for a plan elsewhere
WEEKLY ADDRESS: The Progress We’ve Made Because of the Affordable Care Act
Hi, everybody. Americans have been fighting for the idea that health care is a right and not a privilege since the second-to-last time the Cubs won the World Series. I’m not talking about the 2016 Cubs – I’m talking about the 1908 Cubs.
Good grief. He actually worked the Cubs in to the address. Just. Stop.
That’s a really long time. And thanks to the efforts of so many of you, we did it. Today, 20 million more American adults know the financial security of health insurance. On top of that, another three million more kids have coverage than when I took office. In fact, never in American history has the uninsured rate been lower than it is right now – and health care prices have been rising slower than they have in 50 years.
Of course, the idea was to insure the 40-45 million Americans without health insurance, so, 20 million or so will get hit by the IRS for failing to have insurance. Because the law mandates that people purchase health insurance. And, also don’t forget, that financial security doesn’t include not being able to use the insurance because the deductibles are so expensive.
The number isn’t really 20 million, either.
If you haven’t gotten covered yet, now’s the time to do it.
Because the Government will come calling and penalize you for being an American.
Now, most of us don’t get our health care through the Marketplace. We get it through our job, or through Medicare or Medicaid. And what you should know is that, thanks to the Affordable Care Act, your coverage is better today than it was before.
Most of us have seen our costs go up thanks to Ocare.
You now have free preventive care. There are no more annual or lifetime limits on essential health care. Women can get free checkups, and you can’t get charged more just for being a woman. Young people can stay on a parent’s plan until they turn 26. Seniors get discounts on their prescriptions. And no one can be denied coverage just because of a preexisting condition.
They could have done those things without all the Progressive (nice Fascist) things included in Ocare, without screwing up health insurance, without screwing with the definition of “full time worker,” and so much more.
Insurance is based on the idea that we’re all in it together. That’s what makes it work. And it’s the same idea that’s always made America great. Thanks everybody, and have a good weekend.
So, why not go with the Republican idea of allowing insurance and insurance polls across state lines? If we’re all in it together, why did the Democrat Congress opt themselves out? What he really means is that it would be a good idea to move towards a Public Option ending with Single Payer.

“They” could have, but didn’t. President Bush could have pushed those things but didn’t. Republicans could have done those things but didn’t.
Health care inflation in the US has slowed since 2010, at least in part because of the ACA. This means the total amount we spend per person on healthcare is leveling off – the total includes all premiums, taxes, deductibles, Medicaid, Medicare, ACA, employer-based, out of pocket, drugs – everything. And 20 million more Americans have coverage!
Although our costs are still too high compared to every other modern nation on Earth – we pay about $1 trillion “extra” a year – it’s a great sign that the increase has slowed.
Conservatives most fear that more of the costs for societal healthcare will be shifted to the wealthy. Liberals fear that they won’t.
Cowardly Republicans and their corporate overlords are working overtime to increase the out of pocket expenses for the working classes for two reasons: more profits, and importantly, to weaken support for the system.
Jeffrey wrote:
Why should they be? Why shouldn’t everyone be responsible for his own health care?
Fortunately, I don’t get my health insurance through Obysmalcare, but I am paying for it nevertheless. I work 55 to 60 hours a week — actually, I’m at work right now — and my federal income taxes are in the five digit range: some of the taxes I pay are being used to subsidize the health care costs of people less productive, less hard working than me. Why should I have to work to support them?
See my post on Saul Alinsky’s model for Socializing America and you will understand Jeffery and the lefts playbook for America.
Bullsh!t. First of all there is no such thing as “health care inflation”. Secondly, if the costs of health care have slowed it’s because inflation in general has slowed. Health care does not exist in a separate economy.
The total amount we spend per person is NOT leveling off, it is increasing! Premiums are going up it’s just the insured isn’t paying them, his neighbor is. Deductibles are soaring!! The amount we’re spending on Medicaid, Medicare ACA etc., are also soaring. Ad I doubt 20 million more Americans have insurance.
Why are you so interested in making “the wealthy” pay for someone else’s insurance? What gives you the right to steal a person’s money to pay another? Who are these “wealthy” you think should pay these bills? You are a millionaire, why don’t you pay them?
“Cowardly Republicans”? Typical communist propaganda. You do realize the rich democrats today outnumber the rich Republicans. Lie this shot of 5 democrat billionaires :
Here is one that no one has even been talking about.
All in a day’s work according to Obama who took advice and training from Saul Alinsky.
How to create a social state by Saul Alinsky
There are 8 levels of control that must be obtained before you are able to create a social state. The first is the most important.
1) Healthcare
Control healthcare and you control the people
2) Poverty
Increase the Poverty level as high as possible, poor people are easier to control and will not fight back if you are providing everything for them to live.
3) Debt
Increase the debt to an unsustainable level. That way you are able to increase taxes, and this will produce more poverty.
4) Gun Control
Remove the ability to defend themselves from the Government. That way you are able to create a police state.
5) Welfare
Take control of every aspect of their lives (Food, Housing, and Income)
6) Education
Take control of what people read and listen to � take control of what children learn in school.
7) Religion
Remove the belief in the God from the Government and schools
8) Class Warfare
Divide the people into the wealthy and the poor. This will cause more discontent and it will be easier to take (Tax) the wealthy with the support of the poor.
Does any of this sound like what is happening to the United States ?
This was actually written and preached by Saul Alinsky.
““They†could have, but didn’t. President Obama could have pushed those things but didn’t. Democrats could have done those things but didn’t.”
What’s wrong, Jeffty? This was even dumber than your usual posts.
Your implied argument is that, since Republicans didn’t do these things, Democrats were somehow forced to enact the epitome of idiocy, Obamacare.
That, sir, is even more mindless than your usual uninformed blathering on climate change.
No one should take anything seriously that’s written by that corrupt little guy who lied about serving in the Army.
Because it won’t make any difference.
They didn’t. Why do you claim they did?
So you’re a mindreader too? What you’re really defending is the “right” of insurance companies to profit off of the suffering of Americans. Australia, Austria, Belgium, Canada, Denmark, England, Finland etc all do a much better job of delivering affordable healthcare to all their citizens, and at about half the cost.
Here is what the ACA is in Florida. Yeah john, the costs are coming down. Right!
an Update on my daughters brain mass………The Neurosurgeon says they are going to wait 6 months and do another mri…..
in the meantime we hope you die… what they are saying to her…..or it becomes inoperable….or it metastsizes…..he said to her we will watch it grow until it becomes so big that we are forced to make the insurance pay to remove it.
ME:Question….is it going to grow
Answer:……Oh yeah……
ME: why not take it now?
Answer: Insurance wont pay.
Me: How much would this operation cost ME if I paid for it myself?
Answer:Huh! Im not sure you can do that.
Me:why not?
Answer: No one does that, I doubt the hospital would trust you to pay.
Me:If I paid in advance?
Answer:Well my fee is around 35,000.00….My two assisting would be about 10k and 15k each and the Anestesiologist would be 12.5k minimum. The operating room would cost around 16k to provide and then the hospital itself would cost around 125k minimum….this is with no set backs….so you are looking at 250k to 1-2 million dollars with complications.
Me: So if I gave the Hospital a 2 million dollar fee up front you would do the operation?
Answer: Let me check with my lawyers on that and Ill get back to you in the meantime think about it….because these operations can become very, very expensive.
Death panels…….there are no death panels in America……save for insurance companies that now wont pay for anything other then aspirins and wellness check ups.
and my federal income taxes are in the five digit range:
LOLOL your a poorly paid CEO….
My Taxes are in the 6 digit range and Im not in charge of much of anything….I dont profess to be saving the world.
I simply gather facts and figures, put them into a report and submit them to the powers that be to do with them as they see fit….We give presentations of our facts and figures and geological analysis of any project being proposed…..
In other words will said project be geologically stable and if not what is required to make it stable in its natural environment…..
Thats not sexy….But Im well paid for my expertise…..My son in law is in the military and HE pays 5 digit income taxes….
You need to get a second opinion immediately – it sounds as if your daughter’s life may be at stake. In addition, the costs you cite are out of line with national averages.
Does the neurosurgeon think an immediate operation is needed? If so, he has a moral obligation to lobby on your daughter’s behalf.
Finally, if your doctors recommend surgery and the insurance company is balking it’s time to go public and also retain a badass attorney.
77% of Americans who choose a “Silver” level plan pay less than $100 out of pocket. http://www.
Those “skyrocketing” costs are about as spectacular as a bottle rocket
Yes they are going up an horific TWENTY FIVE PERCENT
all the way to something less than 100 dollars per month.
Teach do YOU provide healthcare for your own workers in yur multiple stores?
If not at least tell us what your own healthcare costs have been over the last 5 years and how much they have gone up
Okay, one more time since I can’t figure out if you’re a moron or a retard. THEY are paying less than $100 but the rest of us are paying $500 of THEIR premium. So the ACTUAL COST IS $600(as an example).
If you don’t think a 25% rise in the price of a product is “skyrocketing” then how much does one item need to go up in 8 months to qualify? 50%, double, triple?
I don’t think so since Teach isn’t a healthcare provider. He may provide the opportunity for them to buy health insurance though. Do you know the difference?
Again, why are you interested in what he pays for care? That’s very personal. Everybody’s healthcare costs have gone up for the last five years it’s just some of us don’t pay for it while the rest of us do.
John here’s a hard one for ya. Each week we eat lunch at a diner and you order the $8 tuna sandwich. Today we go and the price of a tuna on the menu is now $9 but I treat you to lunch. Now, did the price of the tuna sandwich go up even though I paid and you didn’t? If you can answer that you understand the scam called Obamacare.