The Washington Post Editorial Board is rather upset about the notion that Republicans have promised to investigate the hell out of one of the shadiest, most dishonest, most crooked politicians in the history of this nation, should Hillary win on Tuesday
Will Republicans respect democracy?
THE BIG question after Tuesday’s election will not be whether Obamacare is repealed, Social Security expanded or the Ryan budget passed. It will be whether the nation’s leaders act to preserve our republic — or hasten a descent toward a banana republic.
Which is a hilarious line, considering that the WP in all facets has mostly been on board with Obama “legislating” by pen and phone within the Executive Office. Furthermore, they haven’t seemed to have that much of a problem with the Clinton Crime Syndicate and all the corruption. Nor did they seem to have an issue when rogue, politicized prosecutors went after Republicans with charges to mess with their candidacy or time in office. Rick Perry and Tom Delay come to mind.
And, if you’re mentioning “republic”, then you should be for reducing the size, scope, and power of the federal government and returning it back to the States and the People where it belongs.
Their first priority must be preserving and restoring the country’s democratic institutions and culture. The new president must advance an agenda and tone consistent with the goal of cultivating national unity. But it is just as important that Congress be open to — and seek — the same. That means looking for compromises where they are still possible, staffing the government in an orderly way and slowly rebuilding trust between the country’s disparate factions.
In other words, increase the size of the federal government. And Congress is supposed to just ignore all the corruption, criminality, violations of national security, etc and so on, you know the hit parade, of Hillary, who, let’s face it, will do about as much to seek national unity as Barack did.
Unfortunately, many congressional Republicans appear set on making an already corrosive atmosphere in Washington even more toxic. Rep. Jason Chaffetz (Utah), chairman of the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee, promised to mire the country in years of investigations if Hillary Clinton wins. Sen. Ted Cruz (Tex.) raised the possibility that Republicans would block any Clinton Supreme Court nominee. Now Republicans are brazenly and irresponsibly discussing the true nuclear option: impeachment.
Remember when the WPEB ran something similar in November 2004, saying that Democrats should cut out their impeachment talk and pledge to work with George Bush if re-elected? No? They didn’t? Well, certainly they ran editorials about all the assassination talk from Liberals? No? Huh. Should Congress ignore criminal violations? That’s what the WPEB wants. For a Democrat.
Barring some truly new and explosive revelation, an impeachment drive would ultimately fail. A two-thirds majority of the Senate would not convict, and that outcome would reflect more than just partisanship. This sentence should not need writing: There is no substantiated charge against Ms. Clinton that would warrant impeachment, or even talk of impeachment.
As to the first, they’re probably correct. Democrats would certainly vote against impeachment even with specific evidence of criminal wrongdoing. As to the last, need it be written again that others not named Clinton have been prosecuted and jailed for doing much less than Hillary?
But, hey, the WPEB wants to save democracy! If that’s the case, then why has their own coverage been so biased? Why are they not the gatekeepers? The Press was given a specific mention in the 1st Amendment to make sure they could do their job in investigating government. Instead, they’ve become advocates for one political party. We all know how outlets like the WP would respond if all the allegations towards Hillary, Bill and their so-called charity were Republicans. Constant investigations and unhinged coverage. Just consider how they covered Abu Ghraib, and tried to pin it directly on Bush. Think how they covered Bush firing all those federal prosecutors, who serve at the pleasure of the president, and that there was no outcry when Bill Clinton did the same.
As much as I dislike Trump, it would be fun watching media heads explode if he wins. It would be 4 years of great blogging material from the leftist media.
Crossed at Right Wing News.

Washington Post: Will Republicans Respect Democracy Or Something?
Do we have to multiple vote and use voter fraud like you to “respect democracy”?
BTW, this is a Republic you idiot.
Damn, now I have to go wash my hands again.
The question is equally important in that will the democrats and the MSM and the Socialists and the Communists of America respect our Democratic ideals and the results of the election with the people speaking.
The MSM and the LEFT spent 2002-2007 trying to destroy GWB’s presidency and the left wonders why Obama is getting the same treatment…
the left say bush lied….ahem….and HRC didnt? Obama said transparency would rule, Nancy Pelosi said she would drain the swamp
Well none of that happened….Harry Reid changed the time honored tradition of 60 votes to 51 to pass the ACA…a bill that was not even favored by half the country…..
Harry Reid famously said….we will vote one more time on the Immigration bill and then we need to get back to passing resolutuions on Iraq.
In other words…the Senate under Reid passed resolution after resoluion after resolution trying to defund the wars which forced Bush to veto them daily.
NIXON WAS IMPEACHED…or rather forced to step down….the democrats tried to FRY REAGAN over Iran/Contra…..Bush Junior was destroyed by the MSM reporting 24x7x365 on the Billions and billions of people the USA was killing daily in Iraq…car bombs, all day every day……
Protestors marched in the streets shouting Bush is Hitler….every post on every blog across the nation had Bush making Hitler look like a saint……
and the left did all this because BUSH LIED………
So stand by left…..what goes around comes around…..thats just the way it is.
As the WaPo gets sucked into the right wing echo chamber they still occasionally type something true:
There is no substantiated charge against Ms. Clinton that would warrant impeachment, or even talk of impeachment.
Teach typed:
Right wingers keep typing that but have no evidence to back up their specious claim.
Most of what conservatives believe to be true is actually false.
“Right wingers keep typing that but have no evidence to back up their specious claim.”
There’s plenty of evidence, if you’re not blind – here’s three.
Haven’t you learned by now that covering your ears and shouting “Lalala!” doesn’t make reality go away?
I guess not. Most children haven’t.
Bitch is gonna get us all killed.
Jeffery, here are some black people who think you’re a racist for thinking they’re stupid. BTW, so do I.
Please compare and contrast these cases with what you imagine the Secretary has done and prove your claim.
Rev Racist,
Those pesky facts always get in the way of your stupid anecdotes. In fact, some 18% of seniors and an astounding 25% of minorities and a sizable fraction of young adults function without a State-sanctioned photo ID.
Requiring photo IDs for voting has been shown time and time again to suppress voting. So why do the Repubs want to suppress minority voting? Duh! Why do you? Duh!
Repubs pimp the fantasy that legions of Black people and illegal Mexicans are voting illegally, although there is scant evidence of this (other than the occasional anecdote), so they can enact laws to suppress likely Dem voters to sustain the ongoing slow-motion conservative coup.
From today’s New York Post. Good ole Killary.
We want to stop vote fraud and multiple voting by people like YOU! You’re a liar and a vote cheat by our won admission:
You’re a liar, a fraud, a racist and a bigot. You personify the systemic corruption that IS the democrat party.
Now I have to go to that horrible Evangelical Lutheran church that scares the crap out of you so much. We have to plan how we’re gonna feed 188 poor families in our area for Thanksgiving. You probably don’t understand that since as a corrupt democrat you don’t understand personal charity. We horrible, scary Evangelicals out there feeding the poor again while you preach anti-white racism and hoard your millions.
I’ll pray for ya, ya heathen dog.
Uh, no it hasn’t.
But expecting truth from a little guy who lied about serving in the Army would be unusual.
Soldier on, little guy.
Hillarybots, like the little fake soldier boy, keeping it classy…
Right wingers keep typing that but have no evidence to back up their specious claim.
Most of what conservatives believe to be true is actually false.
So once again I will post a transcript.
Gowdy: Good morning, Director Comey. Secretary Clinton said she never sent or received any classified information over her private e-mail, was that true?
Comey: Our investigation found that there was classified information sent.
Gowdy: It was not true?
Comey: That’s what I said.
Gowdy: OK. Well, I’m looking for a shorter answer so you and I are not here quite as long. Secretary Clinton said there was nothing marked classified on her e-mails sent or received. Was that true?
Comey: That’s not true. There were a small number of portion markings on I think three of the documents.
Gowdy: Secretary Clinton said “I did not e-mail any classified information to anyone on my e-mail there was no classified material.” That is true?
Comey: There was classified information emailed.
Gowdy: Secretary Clinton used one device, was that true?
Comey: She used multiple devices during the four years of her term as Secretary of State.
Gowdy: Secretary Clinton said all work related emails were returned to the State Department. Was that true?
Comey: No. We found work related email, thousands, that were not returned.
Gowdy: Secretary Clinton said neither she or anyone else deleted work related emails from her personal account.
Comey: That’s a harder one to answer. We found traces of work related emails in — on devices or in space. Whether they were deleted or when a server was changed out something happened to them, there’s no doubt that the work related emails that were removed electronically from the email system.
Gowdy: Secretary Clinton said her lawyers read every one of the emails and were overly inclusive. Did her lawyers read the email content individually?
Comey: No.
Gowdy: Well, in the interest of time and because I have a plane to catch tomorrow afternoon, I’m not going to go through any more of the false statements but I am going to ask you to put on your old hat. Faults exculpatory statements are used for what?
Comey: Well, either for a substantive prosecution or evidence of intent in a criminal prosecution.
Gowdy: Exactly. Intent and consciousness of guilt, right?
Comey: That is right?
Comey laid out a case for indictment of HRC….the DOJ is obstructing justice….pure and simple….
Here is your evidence jeffery….public….not he said/she said.
However with all that being said I still think the entrenched establishment of the GOP is still working against Trump….refusing to even run ads in battle ground states with Trump having a really good chance of winning on tuesday…..their ground game will be anemic except in states where they are trying to save the senate…..
In short why does the entrenched GOP want to help trump who is going to expose this pathetic group of right wingers as nothing more then money hungry, power grabbing self righteous lawyers with an axe to grind against anyone that would dare upset their GRAVY TRAIN.
you really want change in DC….vote trump….NOT ONE PAC can come calling to the Donald demanding pay for play as ZACH so boisterously proclaims is the way of DC….
time for that to stop….time for America to be represented by Americans with an agenda….
that agenda is D O THE RIGHT THING! We are all Americans. Its time to fix the inner cities….bring blacks out of poverty and give them school districts that work….Its time to assimilate all Americans back into the fold of America first…..
Its time…HRC represents….DC….Trump represents ALL AMERICANS.
Except, Black voter turnout increased in several states that instituted voter ID.
Furthermore, many states run by the Democratic party require voter ID. Does that make Democrats raaaaacists?
Double furthermore, why do liberals think that voter ID only affects Blacks? They never complain about Whites having a problem obtaining a proper ID. Now THAT is racism. Not raaaaacism. Racism. And Democrats are full of it. They think Blacks are too stupid, too poor, too incompetent, etc, to be able to obtain a proper ID.
I do remember that as soon as Pelosi became Speaker of the House she immediately said that”impeachment was off the table”
Perhaps you still remember what a horrible clusterfuck the Iraq War was/is? Teach one sign of a lack of empathy is relating things only to how something, like a Trump victory, would affect solely yourself. Trump and Rush are the leaders of YOUR party. Say, how’s that working out for you?
Democrats do well in national elections because they nominate centrists that appeal to independents
Breaking News:
FBI Director Comey says agency won’t recommend charges over Clinton email
Awesome…..However the real problem for her has always been the foundation..
But if she wins the presidency that will get swept under the table too then she can peddle influence as prez and charge 10x’s as much.
Gotta love the direction this country is going……drain the swamp? Hell the left is filling it up.
Breaking news. The criminal president Obummer tells a Hispanic that illegals can vote.
Now we know where fraudsters like Jeffery gets his ideas. His whole party is corrupt.
The problem is the Comey ignored the law just as Clinton does.
From the New York Post, the FBI knows that Hillary committed a crime in the handling of classified material and yet won’t be prosecuted for it.
There is not a member of the military, intelligence agency or contractor who would get away with this, but it’s Hillary.
Laws mean nothing.
LOL. The right-wing NY Post (Rupert Murdoch!) knows more about criminal law than the US FBI! LOL.
Do you think the “crimes” you imagine Secretary Clinton committed are worse than the actual war crimes committed by the last Republican president, who authorized torture? As a professional courtesy President Obama refused to pursue any investigations into the crimes committed by his predecessor.
We invaded Iraq based on lies promulgated at the highest levels of the American government. We tortured captives.
And you are suddenly worried about an email server? What were the negative consequences of using the private server? In fact, the email issue is a political gift to the GOP but is unimportant in the real world.
Would any right-wing denizen here at the Pirate’s Cesspool care to make an affirmative case for Trump as our next president?
when it comes to investigations….. he who laughs last laughs best and longest