Naomi Klein is back. She despises capitalism, and has advocated for a totally new economic system for the entire world. Of course, this system is for Other People, as she travels around the world on fossil fueled vehicles, and hangs out on expensive sailboats (as the photo at the article shows). She’s also dragging her son into her cultish world
Climate change is intergenerational theft. That’s why my son is part of this story
The short film I’ve made with the Guardian stars my son, Toma, aged four years and five months. That’s a little scary for me to write, since, up until this moment, my husband, Avi, and I have been pretty careful about protecting him from public exposure. No matter how damn cute we think he’s being, absolutely no tweeting is allowed.
But, now they’re willing to use him as a prop for the Cult of Climastrology.
All that information is important, of course. But I have started to worry that, by being so calm and clinical, we may be tacitly sending the message that this isn’t really an existential emergency after all. If it were, wouldn’t the people raising the alarm sound more … alarmed? Wouldn’t we share more of our own emotions?
Nah, what sends that message is Warmists refusing to practice what they preach. What’s the carbon footprint of a fossil fueled trip to Australia? She was already planning a trip when the UK Guardian asked her to document it. She initially refused, then reconsidered.
A few days later, the Guardian asked again. And I started thinking: maybe this was a chance to get at aspects of climate disruption that scientific reports and political arguments just can’t convey. Perhaps it could communicate, in a visceral way, the intergenerational theft at the heart of this crisis.
There is no question that the strongest emotions I have about the climate crisis have to do with Toma and his peers. I have flashes of sheer panic about the extreme weather we have already locked in for them. But even more intense than this fear is the sadness about what they won’t ever know. These kids are growing up in a mass extinction, robbed of the cacophonous company of being surrounded by so many fast-disappearing life forms.
In the eyes of Warmists like Klein, wouldn’t it be intergenerational theft to use lots of fossil fuels which, in their minds, are the main cause of this Holocene warm period? Oh, right, no, Other People should be forced to engage in the beliefs of the CoC. And, yes, she did write at the beginning of the year that everyone should make this the year that we all go fossil fuels free.
For that kind of rapid change to happen, however, we are all going to have to stop being so impeccably calm and reasonable. We’re going to have to find that part of ourselves that feels this threat in our hearts, as well as our heads.
Right. Because the CoC has been so calm and reasonable. Kinda like the way Klein advocates for killing off capitalism and replacing it with a government controlled economic system. And she’ll use her son and other kids as props along the way.

Intergenerational theft? I wonder if she looks at deficit spending that way.
2 out of 3 Americans want our government to regulate CO2.
Your uber extreme non mainstream thinking is not even representative of the Republican party
I suppose Naiomi Klein is one of of those rich limo liberals Jews you despise.
2 out of 3 Americans want our government to regulate CO2.
That’s 67% right>
Four out of five Americans want photo ids presented to vote.
Why are you so against the vast majority of mainstream American with your uber-extreme views?
Ahhh yes BUT
you see Americans do not always get what they think they want GC
Remember that pesky Constitution? Legislatures can not pass laws that conflict with our beloved Constitution. No mobe rule here in the good ol USofA. The final say on who can or cannot vote, that is also determined by the US Constitution. Americans DO have rights to vote that are difficult to restrict especially racially.
Now if those Americans who want phoy ID can pass a Constitutional Amendment…………..
But until then the SCOTUS will make the decision according to how they see the US Constitution. Did our founding fathers demand photo IDs?
Ahhh yes and I think we will be having a more liberal court in the future because most Americans want Clinton to be POTUS
I remember it. You don’t.
Furthermore, you don’t understand what it says.
You are the one that has said that the government has the right to regulate gun purchases and in some ways you are correct. The government can restrict or limit rights when there is a legitimate government interest.
Are you saying that insuring that all legal votes are counted is not a legitimate government purpose? Are you saying that eliminating voter fraud is not a legitimate government interest? The Supreme Court has already ruled that insuring the accuracy and integrity of elections is one the most sacred duties of the government. Doesn’t that sacred duty mean eliminating fraud?
Well, since there were not photos back then your question is silly at best. But, the voting precincts back in the day did require that the person be qualified to vote and the had to prove it. That’s the equivalent of a photo id.
But since you claim to know the Constitution, it should be easy for you to point out the section that says the government can regulate CO2. Make sure that CO2 is in that section, john or else you’ll just have provided another example of your lack of thinking and logic.
I await your response.
Mr Carver wrote:
What our founding fathers did require was that a voter be a white male property owner, and I defer to their wisdom.
Idiot, I mean John-Voter ID has been already approved by SCOTUS. But I’d be amused to see in the constitution where you think it wouldn’t be allowed.
Idiot-I mean John. Crawford vs Marion Country Election Board. 2008. A 6-3 decision declaring that an Indiana law requiring voter ID is not unconstitutional. Made took all of 30 seconds to look up.
Not only that but 31 states….I believe it is have voter id laws in place…..Its not unconstitutional….the Democrats just fight it in certain states tooth and nail because it could possibly take away a couple states that they are starting to own that gives them that blue firewall.
If HRC wins…its not because she is the best choice….she wins because the dems have built an almost impervious firewall of electoral votes….the latest being turning colorado from red to blue…..
Incidently one of the top destinations of illegals crossing the border is Colorado……gee imagine that.
At very least, those volunteers and all registered voters in Colorado should know that voters do not need to show photo identification in order to cast their ballots in this state. Polling place staff can accept photo IDs but they must also, for example, accept as legitimate identification current utility bills, bank statements and paychecks.
Dana typed: