Surprise? Now they tell us. And, who’s this we? How about if Warmists pay for their own Beliefs?
If We Want To Stop Climate Change, We’re Going To Have To Pay For It
It’ll be an expensive fight, and time is running out.
Did I mention that it would be expensive?
Hundreds of financial leaders gathered here last week to discuss one of the biggest challenges in the fight against climate change: How do we pay for it?
That answer, it would seem, isn’t terribly complex, at least in theory: invest less money in fossil fuels and more in green technology, before it’s too late.
Say the people who just took long, fossil fueled trips.
But the fight will be long, and it will be expensive.
Addressing climate change is expected to cost the world tens of billions of dollars annually through 2020, in the form of efforts to curb emissions and adaptations to changes that are already underway. A recent report from the Global Commission on the Economy and Climate estimates that local and national governments and large banks will need to invest up to $90 trillion by 2050 to keep the planet from warming more than 2 degrees Celsius, the level at which scientists say the worst effects of climate change take hold.
Of course, this will require soaking lots of people, especially through carbon taxes and such, and all those investments in this and that and the other Warmists want? Those mean more taxes.

Teach renewable e electricity is now cheaper than coal that is the ONLY reason that it is being installed in the mideast and Africa
For some reason Tech you equate putting solar on rooftops with BIG GOVERNMENT when in fact doing that would reduce governmental regulated power generation
Teach how much has your Duke pPower gone up since year 2000. Electric costs are in fact lagging inflation rates. People spend less of their income now by 25% then in 1985 AND we have see our carbon footprint stop increasing.
Do you think solar tech will not get even more cost efficient in the future?
For some reason john, you keep trying to make the same argument that was discredited long ago. Maybe you think that repeating a lie will make it true.
You really have no clue as to how energy prices are determined, do you?
You do realize that solar companies are dropping like flies across the world, don’t you? Why do you think that is?
While you advocate solar power on rooftops, you have yet to show us a picture of your cave with solar on it. Just another case of “do as I say and not as I do?”
Would you be in favor of putting solar panels to cover Central Park john? Isn’t that what you are calling for?
As usual, your ignorance only exposes your hypocrisy.
John have you installed any solar panels?
Do you know how much it costs to install a solar panel and get it working?
Additionally do you know how many solar panels you need to make the average home energy independent?
The answer is basically 18-44 panels depending on your home and the cost of this is quite staggering….I can speak from experience that my system in Costa Rica cost me 84,000.00 and it took almost 7 months to finish the project…..
On top of that you do realize that IF you get a large hail storm that your gonna have to have the panels removed in order to redo your roof….this in effect will cost you another 20,000.00 dollars of which the insurance is not going to pay….
there are lots of loop holes in solar….Im all for it….Solar, wind, geo thermal, Hydro electric, Coal, Natural gas, go for it…..But reducing your co2 footprint is inconsequential given the amount of rain forest being removed yearly…..
By 2050 the co2 on this planet will most likely spike to 700 even if we stop all fossil fuels use today…thats because there is nothing to sink the co2 after the rainforest is gone…..
Bend over and kiss it John….your barking up the wrong tree and your doing a giant disservice to the health of the planet by demanding fossil fuel companies be run out of business….because that takes the eyes off the real ball……which is nitrogen based fertilizers and the clear cutting of co2 sinks.
But good job anyway….at least you can be proud that you stood up against those evil corporations in America while the rest of the planet dies.
We will pay for fossil-fuel generated climate change one way or another. It’s obvious to any reasonable person that a tax on carbon pollution is a market-based solution.
For once, Jeffrey has told the truth:
And what does a “market-based solution” mean? It means that people will have to pay more money for what they already have, resulting in having less money remaining for other things. To a millionaire like Jeffrey, higher sparktricity bills are easily affordable; to Americans just barely making ends meet in this slow-growth economy, higher electricity bills and gasoline prices will mean going without other things.
The left claim to care about working people, but they really don’t.