I usually ignore the ramblings of left wing news outlets, meaning most of them, who will obviously back virtually all, if not all, of the Democrats running for office. Since the WP began endorsing for President back in 1976, they have never endorsed a Republican. And almost never endorsed any Republican. And, of course, they failed to break with tradition in endorsing Hillary. Now the Editorial Board tells us humorously
Hillary Clinton is amply qualified to be president
We have written a lot in recent months about why Mr. Trump is manifestly unqualified — by experience, temperament and outlook — for the Oval Office. We agree that attention paid to his unfitness is to Ms. Clinton’s benefit. But we also believe that fair examination of Ms. Clinton in her own right provides convincing evidence that she is well prepared and fully capable to succeed as president of the United States.
So, what’s that evidence?
Not only has Ms. Clinton sketched out a thoughtful and ambitious policy agenda but she has run an impressive campaign, including her choice of running mate and her nimble mastery of three debates.
So, she ran a good campaign? That’s evidence?
We are not alone in our recommendation. Most newspapers — including conservative newspapers that never before supported a Democrat for president — have endorsed Ms. Clinton, as have publications that broke decades-long traditions of not choosing sides. She has been backed by an impressive number of officials, former officials and experts from both sides of the aisle, including cabinet secretaries, retired military and Nobel Prize winners. Tellingly, people who worked most closely with her are most enthusiastic. “Prepared, detail-oriented, thoughtful, inquisitive and willing to change her mind if presented with a compelling argument,†was the testimonial offered by Michael J. Morell, 33-year veteran of the Central Intelligence Agency, who has served presidents of both parties and never publicly backed a presidential candidate before. “I never saw her bring politics into the Situation Room.â€
So, some people back her? That’s evidence?
It is hard to imagine that any other politician subjected to decades of unrelenting conspiracy-mongering, unprecedented scrutiny and outright misogyny would fare as well as she has. Some of the emails from her staff stolen by Russia and released show thoughtless comments and embarrassing political calculations by her staff, but many others reveal a woman with discipline and resilience who thinks thoughtfully about the important issues of the day and pushes for pragmatic solutions. Those are the qualities we hope will result in her being elected president on Nov. 8.
So, because people were mean to her (imagine people being mean in politics. It’s unheard of!!!!) and she stood there, that’s evidence?
What’s missing is “accomplishments”. What has she done in her 30+ years in politics? Is there any substance? She passed no substantive legislation that originated from herself. Things weren’t going particularly well while she was Secretary of State.
How about when she was in the private sector decades ago. Is there anything there? No.
How does any of this make her “amply qualified?”
So, other than squishy things, what evidence is there? In the WPEB piece endorsing Hillary, they mentioned more missteps than accomplishments. This was the same argument made about Obama. Demeanor and campaigning abilities. That hasn’t turned out too well for the country.
Would Trump be better? Who knows? And therein lies a problem with Trump. But, we know how bad Hillary will be.

Of course hillary is qualified….
She has mastered a culture of corruption and it surrounds here…she is like pig-pen walking into a room.
How many foreign governments have their hooks in her right now? How many more will in the coming 4 years if and most likely she is elected prez?
A culture of corruption that many banana republics would envy.
The choice is between Secretary Clinton and Don Trump, and Trump is unfit to be president. Covians claim to not trust Trump but will vote for him because he will sign modern Republican anti-middle class legislation, pure and simple. President Clinton will not, and that’s one reason why I’ll vote for her.
Covians: Is there any Democratic candidate you would have voted for OVER Trump/Pence?
Sign what legislation Jeffery….Congress does nothing…havent for 6 years.
No your not for the middle class…never have been…the left is communist now…they want to destroy the middle class while pretending to be for it.
Your ideas of running up huge debt, running up huge entitlement programs simply makes the middle class more poor…….
TAXES…..you can raise taxes to 90 percent again and billionaires will simply leave the country after they pay these taxes for a year or two and then your left with the USSR…..
Smoke and mirrors….then the states are forced to raise taxes on everyone and….
congrats….you’ve just created the perfect storm….
Hook line and sinker everyone in the USA on the dole to the government just to eat.
Your not a ceo….your a black muslim who wants to take this country down with your Saul Alinsky tactics for socializing America.
Middle class? You guys hate the middle class….you just have them convinced that Republicans hate them more which is so far from the truth as to be laughable…..
The middle class GET NO SUBSIDIES yet everything YOU WANT TO ACCOMPLISH REQUIRES SUBSIDIES TO SUSTAIN and that requires much higher taxation.
And its for sure the left does not want anything but misery for their populace so they can then offer to succor them with hand outs that evenutally run out…..
There is only so much money in the piggy back…..
The lefts agenda makes me sick…literally sick at how deceptive it really is.
WHO is ADVOCATING a 90% top mARGInal raTE?
OUR MIDDle CLAsses don”T NeED HANDOUTs they need JOBS that supPoRT their FAMilies! They NEED tax RElief and RELeif from onerous EDUcation and HEALTHCare costs!
WE get it. THE new REpublicanism prefers THat the WEALthy pay no taxes.
Liam how about returning to the tax rates of back when “America was great”?
When the profits on taxes are high most businesses will choose to reinvest in their assets (including human resources) to reduce their tax liability.
Did a 90% maximum rate make JP Morgan leave or Vanderbuilt ?
Liam this year both the New Black Panthers and the Louis Farakhan Nation of Islam are supporting Trump
Try to stay update on these fringe groups, not they either have any real importance.
Did a 90% maximum rate make JP Morgan leave or Vanderbuilt ?
Apples to oranges……
Returning tax ratess to 90 percent would accomplish what exactly??
How to create a social state by Saul Alinsky:
There are 8 levels of control that must be obtained before you are able to create a social state.
The first is the most important.
1) Healthcare — Control healthcare and you control the people
2) Poverty — Increase the Poverty level as high as possible, poor people are easier to control and will not fight back if you are providing everything for them to live.
3) Debt — Increase the debt to an unsustainable level. That way you are able to increase taxes, and this will produce more poverty.
4) Gun Control — Remove the ability to defend themselves from the Government. That way you are able to create a police state.
5) Welfare — Take control of every aspect of their lives (Food, Housing, and Income).
6) Education — Take control of what people read and listen to — take control of what children learn in school.
7) Religion — Remove the belief in the God from the Government and schools.
8) Class Warfare — Divide the people into the wealthy and the poor. This will cause more discontent and it will be easier to take (Tax) the wealthy with the support of the poor.
Snopes lays out a case that says this is false…yet nothing he says makes a lick of truth……If you actually read his books you will find all of these clearly outlined as a method to gain control of local government…..used nationally??? Yep you got it…
Additionally another group……Cloward and Piven developed a strategy to overwhelm the system causing it to collapse….their first experiment was NY City….NY city was within hours of filing bankruptcy after Cloward and Piven acolytes moved on NYC.
Cloward and Piven have long since moved to France where France and Europe are on the verge of collapse as millions of immigrants sweep the EU useing vast resources the EU does not have to maintain these people.
WE know what your doing JOHN….your constant deflection of the truth does not alter the truth…..
The left quite simply wants to turn the USA into another EU welfare state…..so that it collapses in on itself…..
You are a communist……The Democratic party has become communist….you want a free lunch at the expense of the middle class…..Everything you propose destroys the middle class not enables it….raising taxes does not force the rich to reinvest….it forces them to pay more taxes……
Your huge benefit is that todays voters are more interested in their Iphones and selfies then they are in the future of their country……as a result there is no doubt that as you continue to unload airplane after airplane of democratic voters into states like Ohio, and Florida that within 12 years…..it will not be possible for the right to win a national election.
Great job America…..let the retarded talking points of the left confuse you about the real issues.
Exactly who is this middle class to which you refer? The annual income is between what and what? Their total assets between what and what? Since you plan on stealing more of the income of the top earners through oppressive taxes, what do you plan to do about their accumulated wealth?
Teach how many newspapers that have never endorsed a Democrat for POTUS endorsed Clinton.
That is how bad Trump is viewed.
Also until fairly recently that County was strongly GOP not Dem it is now a tossup/battle ground It voted 66% legalizing gay marriage
WE get it. THE new REpublicanism prefers THat the WEALthy pay no taxes.
Total bullshit Jeffery….we want them to simply pay their fair share….60-90 percent is hardly fair…but was what used to be the norm…at one time it was 93 percent. Obama raised it to what 39 percent and your still wanting more blood from these turnips.
Communism at its finest.
The WaPoo and Hillary are controlled by these people…
Killary IS amply qualified to be president….of Venezuela where criminals, corruption and failed socialist policies rule.
Jeffrey asked:
I’m already voting for Gary Johnson over Donald Trump, so half of your question has been answered.
However, James Webb sounded at least reasonable, though there’s plenty of chance he’d have gone wacko had he won the nomination.
If you can’t trust a man with a twitter account how can you trust him with the nuclear codes?
It’s easy to cast a protest vote for someone with no chance to win.
You’re dishonest.
Alinsky didn’t write the bullshit you typed, nor is it even in keeping with his philosophy.
Please apologize for trying to mislead everyone.
Says the little guy who lied about serving in the Army.
So you agree that Hillary and Obama who never controlled their Twitter accounts should be trusted?
Yes, I agree that both Secretary Clinton and President Obama should be trusted with the nuclear codes.
I already stated earlier that snopes saying it aint so doesnt make it aint so.
Lord….this is the problem with google….you can cherry pick anything you want and cite it as your source for anything.
The owner of snopes.com claims he invented the Iphone….and your supposed to take seriously anything he wrote..
Secondly if you read Saul Alinsky rules for radicals what was quantified by these 8 talking points is clearly laid out for the readers….it is simply not put in these forms…..it is discussed and someone took the time to lay out this methodology by Alinsky in the form you would do if you were writing a book report in college.
Please apologize for your lack of intellectual integrity please.
Just about everything you type is a lie. Please show evidence that Alinsky wrote what you claim. It’s not the responsibility of hapless readers to disprove your rants. You need to support your bizarre claims with evidence.
LEt me ask you Jeffery have you actually read rules for radicals? I have…..
In fact 6-8 months ago when I started talking about it you didnt even know what it was supposedly.
and last but not least….do you think Saul Alinsky’s Rules for radicals book with Hillary Clinton did her 1969 poly sci college thesis on was simply a list to 13 rules and thats it…thats the entire contents of the book?
The article you quoted SNOPES simply lists the 13 rules for radicals and then tries to debunk the fact that this list is really a communist manifesto that people might have associated with Alinsky….However the fact is that if you read the book you will find that his writing seems to be greatly associated with this list….and broken down in the context of the book….these themes emerge.
One lie at a time, please.
Can you support your claim that David and/or Barbara Mikkelson claimed to have invented the iphone?
LOLOL….Jeffery your just plain an idiot.
At the bottom of the link you provided for me:
David Mikkelson
David Mikkelson
founded snopes.com in 1994, and under his guidance the company has pioneered a number of revolutionary technologies, including the iPhone, the light bulb, beer pong, and a vaccine for a disease that has not yet been discovered. He is currently seeking political asylum in the Duchy of Grand Fenwick.
You’re just a lie machine… Is there any internet/ email rumor you WON’T believe or re-post?
Do you understand humor or satire? Do you really think Mikkelson is actually claiming he invented the iPhone, light bulbs, beer pong and a vaccine for a disease not yet discovered. Do you even know what the Duchy of Grand Fenwick refers to?
You’re a dumbass. And a dishonest dumbass at that.
You can’t be this stupid.
Do you understand humor or satire? Do you really think Mikkelson is actually claiming he invented the iPhone, light bulbs, beer pong and a vaccine for a disease not yet discovered. Do you even know what the Duchy of Grand Fenwick refers to?
You’re a dumbass. And a dishonest dumbass at that.
Well thank you….coming from a black muslim communist janitor who only pays 5 figures in income tax and claims to have been in the military, I will take that as a compliment.
And we’ll take your consistent inability to support your outlandish claims with actual evidence as proof you’re a charlatan.
Saul Alinsky DID NOT write what you claimed he wrote.
David Mikkelson DID NOT seriously claim to have invented the iPhone.
What else are you lying about?
Ahh so if he is not serious about that….what else is he not serious about?
And how do you know Alinsky does not support this if you never read the book….
I bet you would argue with If I said Shakespeare did not write tragedies if I somehow was to posit that the left is much like Hamlet.
Now quick go google Hamlet so you can respond as if Y O U are intellectually brillant and an honest person because Im willing to bet you never read Hamlet.
And most shocking is how reliant our conservative brothers are on flawed or downright false information. Their ideology Trumps their reason.
And most shocking is how reliant our conservative brothers are on flawed or downright false information. Their ideology Trumps their reason.
Why is this shocking….the left uses their own flawed or downright false information to further their agenda.
Please show us in Alinsky’s writings where he wrote what you claimed he wrote. It’s a simple and direct request.
Or are you inferring Alinsky’s beliefs from other writings? If so, just say so. But to display a bulleted list as Alinsky’s own writings is dishonest.
Why is this shocking….the left uses their own flawed or downright false information to further their agenda.
LOLOLOLOL…..wow Jeffery the lengths you lefties go to on almost a daily basis Its no wonder yoga is your favorite contact sport…..you need it to jump thru your own self created talking points.
Or are you inferring Alinsky’s beliefs from other writings? If so, just say so. But to display a bulleted list as Alinsky’s own writings is dishonest.
If I write what I believe Alinsky said you will call me a lair…If I quote something from the internet on the subject then that internet writing is subjective. Dont you even understand the basics of debate. In order to substantiate a source the source itself must be beyond reproach…snopes certainly does not fit that definition as the very author himself makes fun of himself.
Your opening premise is that I am a lair….why would I engage in trying to convince you otherwise in a subjective view of something you know nothing about?
An example of this would be for me to have a discussion of protein structures with you as if Im qualified to even broach the subject….yet by the same definition it would be the same for you to have a discussion with me about the many and diverse geological formations that make up Yellowstone….