…is a cigarette, and you know that fossil fuels companies are EXACTLY like tobacco companies and should have their 1st Amendment rights stripped, you might just be a Warmist
The blog of the day is Jo Nova, with a post on Trump draining the climate swamp.

Teach never got over the fact that Joe Camel was banned from TV
Kids loved him!! He was so cool, with his sunglasses and often at the beach having fun
I have three predictions to make then Im done for the day….Have work I must attend to.
1. Trump wins…..270-268…
2. HRC wins…….323-215.
3. Bold prediction……….305-233.
1. Trump eeks out a win by winning NC, FL, Ohio, NH and Arizona but loses Colorad along with one vote in maine.
2. HRC wins by taking the rustbelt, NC and FL along with Nevada and Colorado.
3. My bold prediction is trump takes FL, Ohio, NC, NH, Nevada, Colorado and Minnesota and Michigan….Why Minnesota? This is the same state that elected jesse Ventura as governor…anything is possible in this state.
My feelings are mixed….I just cant make head nor tails of that persistent 3-5 percent of voters who refuse to answer but say they are going to vote….I surmise they will vote for Trump grudgingly which gives him either a win or my bold prediction.
Will the LaTimes/USC be right as its been the last two cycles or will the other polls be right…either way…HRC is leading nationally but state by state…trumps got a real shot at this IF that 3-5 percent that are not saying who they are gonna vote for swing for trump…
If they do…its a long night for HRC….and her legal battles really will begin….
I say the GOP has 51 senators after the night is over…and retains the house.
There you have it…..good day.
OK, is this pic a nod to Shillary and Bubba?
Book title – “Help Your Husband Get Head”. Well come on, that what she did didn’t she?
Yuck. Camels are plain nasty. Always smoked Marlboros.